属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能手机的地图应用 敢问路在何方?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-比尔·克林顿的忠告 Advice from Bill
1 | 谁在那里--是自己人还是敌人? | Who goes there friend or foe ? | |
2 | 水因地而制流,兵应敌而制胜。 | Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. | |
3 | 税制改革的反对者 | A foe of tax reform. | |
4 | 虽然她年轻,她懂得怎样区分敌友 | Young as she is, she know how to distinguish between friend and foe . | |
5 | 所有希腊人都迫不及待地要去杀敌。 | All the Greeks are burning to smite the foe | |
6 | 他得天独厚,威严、敏捷、久战不倦、孔武有力、魁梧壮伟。至今,他还是智慧的大敌,人类的祸灾。 | Well-favored, stately, swift, unwearied, puissant, gigantic, he is still the foe of wisdom, the scourge of mortals | |
7 | 他喝了许多甘露,以获得与这样一个强大的敌人战斗的力量。 | He consumed great amounts of soma to give him the strength needed to fight such a foe | |
8 | 他可能知道,历史是不会永久不变的,但是,没有一个领袖听天由命。 | He may know that history is the foe of permanence, but no leader is entitled to resignation | |
9 | 他明白卡尔可能会成为他的死敌。 | He knew that Karl could be an implacable foe . | |
10 | 他是我们的死敌。 | He is a deadly foe to us. | |
11 | 他无意中爱上了他的仇人。 | He had unknowingly engaged his heart to his foe . | |
12 | 围师遗阙,穷寇勿迫,此用兵之法也。 | When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. Such is the art of warfare. | |
13 | 我会要求国会准许我使用应付危机的唯一剩余的手段--向非常状况开战的广泛行政权力,就象在实际遭受外部敌人入侵时所应授予我的大权。 | I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis--broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe | |
14 | 我将请国会赋予面对时艰的仅存利器--也就是向危机作战的行政大权,一如敌军压境时赋予总统的大权。 | I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis-broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe | |
15 | 我们必须同武装到牙齿的敌人斗争。 | We had to contend with a foe armed to the teeth | |
16 | 宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王 | With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe , and not ape Hsiang Yu the conqueror seeking idle fame. | |
17 | 宜将剩勇追穷寇。 | With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe | |
18 | 用讥讽的玫瑰镇服你的对手,较之用嘲弄的板斧将他剁砍或用谩骂的大头棒将他捶打,更为温文尔雅。 | How much more elegant is it to slay your foe , with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabor him with the bludgeon of invective | |
19 | 友和敌. | friend and foe (enemy) | |
20 | 在这一切的后面,显然有着一个不可知的冤家,一个不可见的敌人。” | Some unknown enemy--an invisible foe --has done this." | |
21 | 卒善而养之,是谓胜敌而益强。 | The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept. This is called, using the conquered foe to augment one’s own strength. | |
22 | 做了敌人的牺牲品. | fall a sacrifice to a foe | |
23 | ||1:1989年,他总算迎来了属于他的荣耀,当时原本被视为文艺的中欧(愤世嫉俗者对其嗤之以鼻,这个词几乎已成为了一个气象数语)突然就有了实际的政治意义。||2:一生仇视东欧的共产主义篡夺者,他在布达佩斯与革命派政治家秘密谋划,于1989年夏上演了具有象征性的范欧野餐计划,彻底粉碎了铁幕。||3:一旦浸染了血泪,欧洲分裂主义就被茶和柠檬汽水冲走了。||4:奥托的一些崇拜者希望能由他成为匈牙利自由后的第一位总统,就好像回到了70年前,一切灾难还未开始时。||5:只是,他的谦逊占了上峰,转而投身于游说让欧盟快速而优雅地向东延伸,最近已拓展到了克罗地亚。 | ||1:His glory days came late, in 1989, when what had seemed a sentimental preoccupation with Mitteleuropa—merely a meteorological term, cynics sniffed—was suddenly practical politics.||2:A lifetime foe of the communist usurpers in eastern Europe, he plotted with reformist politicians in Budapest to stage a symbolic cross-border Austro-Hungarian picnic in the summer of 1989, breaching the Iron Curtain for ever.||3:Once drenched with blood and tears, the division of Europe was washed away with tea and lemonade.||4:Some of his fans wished he had run as the first president of a free Hungary, providing a way back from the disastrous turning taken 70 years before.||5:Sadly, his modesty prevailed.He concentrated instead on lobbying for speedy and generous expansion of the EU to the east, most recently Croatia. | |
24 | ||1:苹果的移动设备地图应用曾经由谷歌提供(谷歌这位昔日的合作伙伴如今变成了苹果主要的竞争对手)。||2:但今年,苹果不愿再受制于人,决定在 iOS 6里安装自主研发的地图应用。||3:9月21日上市的 iPhone 5内嵌了新的地图应用;如果用户把老机型升级到 iOS 6系统,也可以使用它。||4:但这种地图应用缺少详细信息而且漏洞百出,用户的抱怨声已经充斥整个网络。||5:此外,和谷歌地图应用不同的是,苹果的地图应用并没有提供公共交通信息。 | ||1:Apple’s mobile maps used to be supplied by its friend-turned-archrival, Google.||2:But this year Apple decided to put maps of its own into iOS 6, rather than be beholden to its foe .||3:The new maps are built into the iPhone 5, which went on sale on September 21st, and appear when older devices are upgraded to iOS 6.||4:The internet has been teeming with complaints about a lack of detail and a surfeit of errors.||5:And unlike Google’s maps, Apple’s lack public-transport information. | |
25 | ||1:其次,克林顿以其出了名的孜孜不倦的努力搜寻着美国和世界(尤其是新加坡和德国),以找到使得人们重返工作岗位的务实方法。||2:其中的许多方法需要“聪明的政府”,这通常意味着与私人企业以及非盈利组织合作。||3:某些点子甚至从共和党人那里借鉴而来,其中至少有一条来自他的老对手纽特·金里奇 (Newt Gingrich)。||4:克林顿尤其热衷于促进美国基础设施现代化及创造环保“绿色工作”的思想,但是他也看到了加强贸易自由化、增加移民以及通过水力压裂法抽取美国巨大的廉价天然气储备的优点。 | ||1:Second, Mr Clinton is at his famously wonkish best in scouring America and the world (Singapore and Germany, in particular) to find practical ideas for getting people back to work.||2:Many of these require “smart government”, which more often than not means partnering with private businesses and non-profit organisations.||3:Some ideas are even borrowed from the Republicans, including at least one from his old foe , Newt Gingrich.||4:Mr Clinton is especially keen on the idea of modernising America’s infrastructure and creating environmentally friendly “green jobs”, but he also sees merit in more trade liberalisation, immigration and getting at the country’s huge reserves of cheap natural gas through fracking. | |
26 | 但只有仅仅三分之一的观众选择3D版。 | But barely a third of the audience opted to watch the boy wizard battle his snake-faced foe in three dimensions. | |
27 | 理查德·霍尔布鲁克,一位美国外交官,朋友和对手都认为他是个恃强凌弱的人,他做事总是我行我素。然而,他的最后一次任务——收拾阿富汗和巴基斯坦的烂摊子——却没能如他所愿。 | Richard Holbrooke, an American diplomat known by friend and foe as a bulldozer, was accustomed to getting his way. His final assignment to fix the mess in Afghanistan and Pakistan, however, proved more than he bargained for. | |
28 | 1946到49年检的左右翼内战中,双方都极度嫌恶对方的外国靠山——苏联和美国。 | During the right-left civil war of 1946-49, each side reserved particular loathing for its foe ’s foreign backers, American or Soviet. | |
29 | Ho补充道,由于基于现有架构,活跃分子(Activists)可以很容易的创建和维护FOE应用。 | Ho adds that FOE should be easy for activists to set up and maintain because it uses existing infrastructure. | |
30 | 阿什加德是旧共和国最出色的超空间推进器工程师之一,也是帕尔帕廷议员的政敌。 | One of the top hyperdrive engineers of the Old Republic, Ashgad was also a political foe of Senator Palpatine. |