1 | 155处国家公园,使美国人有广大的消遣地区,成为重要的分水地带,并且保护了野生动物。 | These 155 protected forests provide Americans with large recreation areas and they also serve as essential watersheds and safe habitats for wildlife | |
2 | 阿里山上原来树木茂密,但在日本侵占时期,侵略者大肆掠夺这里的林木,大量的红桧巨木被砍下运往日本。 | Mount Ali used to be a densely forested mountain. Under the Japanese occupation, the forests were ravaged when large quantities of giant red cedars were felled down and shipped to Japan as timber | |
3 | 保护欧洲森林部长级会议专家级后续会议 | Expert-Level Follow-up Meeting of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe [UNOG] | |
4 | 贝基在一家商店里记账,约翰找到了开卡车的工作,同时为美国国家森林管理局干一份在森林里砍掉易燃矮树丛的工作(让树木变稀疏,也称抚育或间伐)。 | Becky worked in a store doing bookkeeping, while John found work driving a truck and also cutting the flammable undergrowth in the forests ("thinning" them)for the US National Forest Service | |
5 | 本地的裸子植物可进化成能在昆士兰温暖湿润林区的树种。 | Its native gymnosperms could evolve into a few species capable of growing in the warm, moist forests of Queensland | |
6 | 长白山林区,是我国重要林区之一,盛产优质红松、落叶松、鱼鳞松等。 | The forests in the region, with many varieties of trees such as Korean pine, larch and what is known in Chinese as yu’lin’song or fish scale pine, constitute one of the most important forest zones in China | |
7 | 赤栗鼠北美洲西北部常绿森林中的一种小松鼠(道氏红松鼠),形似红松鼠并与之有密切联系 | A small squirrel(Tamiasciurus douglasi)of the evergreen forests of northwest North America,resembling and closely related to the red squirrel. | |
8 | 穿越茂密的松树林和沿海的湖泊和峡湾后,出现在面前的将是雷鸣的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁边的坦途。 | thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gone through dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords | |
9 | 从毁林开荒到退耕还林,从以粮为纲到以粮食换森林,这是中国林业发展史上一个重大转变。 | It represents a great change in China’s forestry history from devastating forests for arable land to returning farmland into forests and from taking grain as the key link to changing grain for forests | |
10 | 大猩猩栖居在赤道非洲的最大的类人猿(大猩猩),体型粗壮,头发很粗,呈深棕色或黑色 | The largest of the anthropoid apes(Gorilla gorilla)native to the forests of equatorial Africa,having a stocky body and coarse,dark brown or black hair. | |
11 | 当考古学家在美索不达米亚发掘出乌尔城-世界上最早的城市之一,他们发现它在公元前2500年左右被一层泥浆掩埋起来,并认为这是在周山上滥伐树木引起的山洪造成的 | When archaeologists excavated ur in Mesopotamia one of the world’s first cities they found it had been buried by a layer of mud in around 2,500 BC, the result, it is thought, of flooding caused by felling forests in the surrounding hills | |
12 | 当你走近芬兰与俄罗斯的交界处,松树林和白桦林更加浓密,你也会频繁地接触到俄罗斯风格的文化和艺术。 | As you get closer to the Russian borderthe forests of pines and birches get thicker and you come across frequent examples of Russian culture and art | |
13 | 陡坡耕地要有计划、有步骤地退耕还林还草。 | Terraced fields on steep slopes should be returned to forests or pastures in a planned and systematic way | |
14 | 风从松林中吹来阵阵沁人的芳香。 | The wind blew delightful odors from the pine forests . | |
15 | 风为我们吹来了松树林的香味。 | The wind blew us delightful odors from the pine forests | |
16 | 管理得当的森林可以防止土壤的冲蚀和水灾,而且可以稳定气候状况。 | Properly managed forests prevent flooding and soil erosion, and stabilize climatic conditions | |
17 | 光是西部,就有360万只牛、马、猪、绵羊和山羊在国家森林放牧;这些国家森林都作牧场出租,借此控制野生植物的生长. | In the West more than 3 600 000 cattle, horses, swine, sheep and goats graze on the open lands of the National Forests , which are rented as pastureland in order to control excessive plant growth | |
18 | 规划在2001-2010年间,完成退耕还林1466万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林1733万公顷。 | It plans to return 14.66 million hectares of farmland to forests and afforest 17.33 million hectares of barren hills and wasteland suited to afforestation during the decade between 2001-10 | |
19 | 国际持续管理热带雨林研究和训练中心 | International Centre for Research and Training for the Sustainable Management of Tropical Rain Forests | |
20 | 果园和森林交叉着延伸近200公里。 | The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200km | |
21 | 过去,毁林开荒对解决粮食问题曾经发挥了重要作用,但同时也成为生态恶化的重要原因。 | In the old time, while the devastation of forests for arable land helped ease grain shortage, it became a main factor causing ecological deterioration | |
22 | 过去由于粮食不够,我们把大量树木砍掉,种上粮食 | In the past, however, as we suffered from the shortage of food, we went so far as to clear forests or woods by cutting down numerous trees to grow grain | |
23 | 计划在2001-2010年间,完成造林1800万公顷,改造低效防护林733万公顷,管护好现有森林3733万公顷。 | It is planned to afforest 18 million hectares of land, improve 7.33 million hectares of low-efficiency shelterbelts and regulate and protect 37.33 million hectares of existing forests during the period between 2001-10 | |
24 | 加大长江上游、黄河中上游天然林保护工程的实施力度。 | We should intensify our efforts to protect the natural forests along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River | |
25 | 她几年前建成的家庭工作间和教堂已经成为吸引大量森林探险者的旅游景点。 | Her house-workshop and the churchwhich was finished a few years agohave become popular tourist attractions for people who venture into the forests | |
26 | 紧接着一大片森林的后面,就是一丛丛乌梅树和棕树。 | copses of dates and dwarf-palms succeeded the dense forests | |
27 | 尽染秋色的层林。 | Woods and forests that glow with autumn tints | |
28 | 据林业部门介绍,由于充分考虑到农民的切身利益,退耕还林政策在各地普遍受到欢迎。 | According to the forestry authorities, farmers universally welcome the policy of returning farmland to forests , as it takes full consideration of their vital interests | |
29 | 据那时仍为大法官的里克斯特的观点,最高法院认为建立国家森林区的唯一目的是保护木材资源和分水线。 | In an opinion by then-Justice Rehnquist, the Supreme Court held that the sole purposes of creating national forests were to preserve timber supply and watersheds | |
30 | 老太爷六十大寿那天,他孝敬父亲一口柳州木寿材。 | He had lovingly presented to his father on the Venerable’s sixtieth birthday the massive coffin made of wood from the forests of Liuchow |