属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术 伪造大师的作品竟然被拍卖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天鹅之歌 A swan’s song
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 美酒追捧热潮催生造假者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-网售艺术品 点击亚马逊
1 | 这封信是伪造品。 | This letter is a forgery ! | |
2 | 这张画并非毕加索画的,是伪造品。 | This picture is not really by Picasso. It is a forgery . | |
3 | 这张画是赝品。 | The painting was a forgery . | |
4 | 支票上的签字不是我的而是假的. | The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery . | |
5 | ||1:赫伯恩于1934年出生于伦敦的工人家庭,在皇家艺术学院学习的时候他就曾多次获奖,但是他自己的艺术作品却未带来多大的声誉。因而人们猜测他做赝品是为了报复那些目中无人的艺术精英。||2:赫伯恩认为那些商人不过只关注金钱而并非艺术,曾有人给他750欧元画的作品转手就卖了90,000欧元。||3:在艺术历史学家看来,“他们深入了解伦勃朗只为其所谓侠义之气。”||4:而艺术本身则被忽略了,赫伯恩认为。||5:他反驳那些将自己看做是骗子的言论,而称自己跟那些前人一样,不过是做模仿而已。 | ||1:Born into a working-class London family in 1934, Hebborn won prizes as a student at the Royal Academy, but his own art brought him little acclaim, leading to suggestions that forgery was his means of revenge on a snooty art elite.||2:Hebborn maintained that dealers were interested in money not art, claiming one paid him £750 for a forgery that he sold on for £90,000.||3:As for art historians, “they just want to get a knighthood for knowing a lot about Rembrandt”.||4:Art itself was neglected, he believed.||5:He dismissed claims he was a crook, saying he, like many before him, simply made imitations. | |
6 | ||1:凯里总爱在故事中给角色各种宏大任务和各种精细的手艺。||2: 在《奥斯卡于露辛达》(荣获1988年布克奖)一书中,他描写了一座由玻璃和铁制成的教堂的构想,并且让这个构想随着主人公的旅程顺水而下,直到它的目的地,直到故事的最终;同样的,在小说《奥利维尔与鹦鹉》(“Parrot and Olivier in America ”暂无官方译名)中,他又痴情于仿品工艺,贯穿始终。 ||3:在《泪水制剂》中,钟表发条永远忠实的滴答声与血肉人类最终的忘弃形成了鲜明对比。 | ||1: Mr Carey loves grand projects and intricate crafts. ||2: In “Oscar and Lucinda” (which won the Booker prize in 1988) he follows an extraordinary glass and iron church downriver to its final destination; the art of forgery pervades “Parrot and Olivier in America”. ||3: In “The Chemistry of Tears”, the inner workings of a clock’s reliable tick-tock contrast with the ultimate betrayal of human flesh. | |
7 | 但艺术品伪造已经有几百年历史了,酒类伪造却还只是近几十年的事。 | Yet whereas counterfeit art has been around for centuries, wine forgery is relatively new. | |
8 | 而来自二级市场的山寨货则让他们对虚拟供应商有所忌惮。 | In the secondary market the spectre of forgery makes them wary of dealing with virtual vendors. | |
9 | “整个电邮是假的。它是捏造的。它是编造的。” | "This entire e-mail is false. It is fake. It is a forgery . " | |
10 | 2008年,上海开发商周正毅因贿赂、伪造税收票据和挪用公款被判入狱16年。 | Shanghai developer Zhou Zhengyi was sentenced in 2008 to 16 years for bribery, tax receipt forgery and embezzlement. | |
11 | 8月3日电视上播出的录像并没能改变这个状况:赝品被揭穿的时候,恰有一架相机在他的办公室里。 | A television profile aired on August 3rd hardly helped: by chance, the cameras were in his office the day the forgery was exposed. | |
12 | Firefox3同样让你知道你是否访问了一个合法网站的赝品。 | Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site. | |
13 | 巴基斯坦政府判他因伪造罪入狱8个月,我真诚地希望他在狱中好好研究研究字典。 | The Pakistani national was sentenced to eight months in jail for forgery . I hope he used the time to study the dictionary. | |
14 | 本发明的目的是得到一种具有较高防伪性的安全薄片。 | This object aims to obtain a security sheet with a high countermeasure against forgery . | |
15 | 陈水扁被控洗钱、贪污、伪造等罪名,被判无期徒刑,此后他提出上诉。 | Chen, convicted of laundering money, accepting bribes and committing forgery , is currently appealing a life sentence. | |
16 | 除此之外,达·芬奇还伪造过历史上最伟大的艺术品吗? | But could Leonardo da Vinci also have perpetrated history’s greatest art forgery ? | |
17 | 当奥巴马在夏威夷出生证明书的数字扫描被所有人亲眼目睹,它被指责为是伪造的。 | When Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii was digitally scanned for all to see, it was denounced as a forgery . | |
18 | 对原有方案加以改进,提出了一种新的能够抵抗PKG伪造攻击的签名方案。 | By improving the original scheme, a new scheme is proposed, which can withstand the forgery attack of untrusting PKG. | |
19 | 根据碳同位素测定,该亚麻布产于1260年至1390年之间,不过许多人坚持认为这是伪造的。 | Radio carbon dating puts the origin of the shroud between 1260 C. E. and 1390 C. E. , consistent with the theory that it was a forgery . | |
20 | 光机电自动化在印章雕刻防伪技术中的应用 | Application of Ray-Machine-Electricity automatic in preventing forgery of producing seals | |
21 | 基于编码技术的产品包装防伪系统 | Product Anti-forgery Packaging System Based on Coding Technology | |
22 | 基于防伪信息的税控收款机系统安全性方案设计 | The Security Plan of Tax-supervising Cash Register System Based on Counter-forgery Information | |
23 | 基于图像特征区域的水印防伪系统 | The Watermarking System Preventing Forgery Based on Image’s Characteristic Region | |
24 | 检察官有一张他的身份证似乎可以证明他那时是在索比波尔(辩方称那是伪造的)。 | Prosecutors have an identity card that seems to prove he was at Sobibor (perhaps a forgery , says the defence). | |
25 | 尽管这本书像恶作剧与伪造品那样完全不可信,但它迄今为止仍在出版并在世界广泛流传。 | Though the book has been completely discredited as a hoax and forgery , it is still in print and remains widely circulated around the world. | |
26 | 经济案件中几种常见的文件造假方法及甄别 | Several common character forgery methods in economic cases and its verification | |
27 | 警察进行广泛的调查之后,陈先生被控犯有伪造罪及使用伪造的文书。 | Mr Chan is accused of forgery and using a false instrument, following what the police said was an extensive investigation. | |
28 | 就偷窃和伪造货币而言,自现实世界的硬币和纸币发明以来就一直备受类似问题的困扰。 | In terms of theft and forgery of a currency, similar problems have beset real-world coins and notes since they were invented. | |
29 | 立体显示防伪技术 | An Anti-forgery Technology using Stereoscopic Principle Display | |
30 | 密码技术在税控防伪领域中的应用 | Applications of crypto technology in the field of tax-controlled anti-forgery |