属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英联合政府"没有永远的敌人 只有永远的利益
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国医疗行业 对医疗费用动动刀
1 | 伪造检疫证明的,并处一万元以上三万元以下的罚款,违法所得超过三万元的,并处违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Anyone who forges the quarantine certificate shall be fined not less than RMB 10,000 yuan and not more than RMB 30,000 yuan; if the illegal gains exceed RMB 30,000 yuan, the offender shall be concurrently fined not less than the amount of the illegal gains and not more than three times of that amount. If a crime has been constituted, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. | |
2 | 现代锻铁炉用机械动力风箱或旋转式鼓风机。 | Modern forges have mechanically powered bellows or rotary blowers | |
3 | 有下列情形之一,伪造、变造金融票证的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Whoever forges or alters financial bills in any of the following ways shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention. | |
4 | 这个铁匠打马掌的手艺很高。 | The smith forges horseshoes with great skill | |
5 | 这个铁匠锻制马掌的手艺很高。 | The smith [blacksmith] forges horseshoes with great skill | |
6 | 正当中国铁路在努力实现25千伏50赫兹的电气化和改造干线铁路的时候,中国铁路电气机车的数量在增加,以适应铁路电气化所带来的调整发展。 | As Chinese Railways forges ahead with 25KV 50 Hz electrification and upgrading of trunk routes, CR’s electric motive power fleet is expanding to match the rapid progress being made with wiring up. | |
7 | 转让、涂改、伪造检疫证明的,由动物防疫监督机构没收违法所得,收缴检疫证明; | If anyone transfers, alters or forges the quarantine certificate, the supervising agency for animal epidemic prevention shall confiscate the illegal gains and withdraw the quarantine certificate. | |
8 | ||1:但由于会谈仅限于少数关系错综的高层官员,党首与其党派间开始产生巨大隔阂。||2:政府高层的协商往往十分激烈,这也增加了共识达成后修改的难度。||3:保守党的议员已怀疑其高层被克莱格的大都会自由思想所同化,认为自己被排除在决策层之外。||4:其中,某位后座议员(译者注:不担任任何国家或党内职务的议员)批评称,政府决策都是由“四名或六名”掌权人“上意下达”。||5:几位平民出身的保守党议员对于联合政府提倡的妥协让步也尤为不满。||6:而在自由民主党内也有所躁动,只是顺序与保守党有所不同。||7:克莱格由于偏向保守党而在党内人气大跌、光芒不再。本次大选前,克莱格的党首宝座被党内左派分子取而代之的可能性越来越大。 | ||1:But as a small, intricate network of senior figures forges consensus, a serious rift is growing between leaders and their parties.||2:Intense dealmaking at the top of government makes it harder to modify measures once agreement has been reached.||3:Tory MPs, many of whom are already suspicious of leaders who share the Cleggites’ metropolitan, liberal outlook, feel shut out of the policy-making process.||4:One backbencher criticises decisions “handed down from on high” by the “four or six” people who hold the reins of power.||5:Grassroots party members are intensely grumpy at the concessions that coalition demands.||6:There are rumblings among the Lib Dems, too, though of a different order.||7:Mr Clegg, who is deeply unpopular and tarnished by his proximity to the Tories, looks increasingly vulnerable to a leadership challenge from the left of his party before the next general election. | |
9 | 医保改革就在眼前,改革者们将会失望的发现医疗行业减少开支的目标很难实现。 | As health-care reform forges ahead, reformers are desperate to find cost savings and the hospital industry is a juicy target. | |
10 | 由此形成了多年的终年冰。 | That forges what is known as multi-year perennial ice. | |
11 | 20#锻件冲击值偏低原因综合分析及改进建议 | Analysis and Improvement Suggestion on the Reason for the 20# Forges Impact Value Lower | |
12 | 埃里森·德·弗基斯,一位种族灭绝见证者,于二月十二日逝世,享年66岁 | Alison Des Forges , a witness to genocide, died on February 12th, aged 66 | |
13 | 艾莉森甚至无法说服五角大楼干扰嗜血者协调屠杀计划的无线广播。 | Mrs Des Forges could not even persuade the Pentagon to jam the radio broadcasts that co-ordinated the slaughter. | |
14 | 德·弗基斯夫人的正直使她并不受到仍然统治卢旺达的卢旺达爱国阵线政权的欢迎。 | Mrs Des Forges ’s integrity made her unpopular with the RPF regime that still rules Rwanda. | |
15 | 德·弗基斯夫人却说:别这么快下结论,虽然只有一方对种族灭绝负有责任,但两方都犯有战争罪。 | Not so fast, said Mrs Des Forges : only one side was guilty of genocide, but both committed war crimes. | |
16 | 开展“三零”管理工程锻造西曲焦煤品牌 | By Developing "Three Zero" Management Project Forges Brand of Xiqu Coking Coal | |
17 | 沥青路面的砧锻效应 | Effect of Anvil Forges on Surface of Bituminous Pavement | |
18 | 迈向特色创新阶段的我国符号学研究 | Chinese Semiotic Research Forges Ahead Toward the Goal of Originality and Distinctive Features | |
19 | 它们会在我脑中搭成新的思路,反过来会和以前的想法碰撞出新的创意的灿烂的火花。 | It forges new pathways in my brain, which in turn spark new, innovative, and brilliant thoughts. | |
20 | 一个作家,在生活的旅途中经历了不能错过的美丽、存在于自己无法摆脱的社会,这是他与他人融为一体。 | the artist forges himself to the others. Midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from | |
21 | 银行再造:商业银行应对入世挑战的战略选择 | Bank Re-forges : A Strategic Choice of Commercial Banks Meeting the Challenge of Entering WTO | |
22 | 在交换关系中,其全部是你从中获得什么,像那种和睦的联盟——客人或是酒吧招待。 | An exchange relationship is all about what you get out of it, the kind of amicable alliance one forges with a client or bartender. | |
23 | 在接下来的四年里,德·弗基斯夫人带领一支研究一组,挖掘其中的事实。 | For the next four years Mrs Des Forges led a team of researchers to dig up the facts. | |
24 | 直到她死于2月份的一次飞机失事,AlisondesForges可能是卢旺达问题上最棒的外国专家。 | Alison des Forges was probably the greatest foreign expert on Rwanda until her death in a plane crash in February. | |
25 | 铸就从社区到社会的无缝连接。 | Forges seamless connections from community to community. |