属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-瑞典政府 生命短暂
1 | 那部小说以一对情侣黯然互道再会结束。 | The novel concludes with the lovers forlornly bidding each other sayonara. | |
2 | 正当菲律宾从事生死存亡之战时,美国轰炸机竟不断地飞往英国。 | While the Philippines were forlornly battling for their existence United States bombers were flying in endless streams to Great Britain | |
3 | ||1:勒文对此作出回击,称瑞典民主党的行为是“完全不负责任的”行为。||2:他决意表示,如果他还有机会组建新政府,会继续无视他们。||3:他声称,“中右翼”联盟会听取他们的意见。||4:在财政预算案投票之前,勒文无力地呼吁各联盟党派避免分歧,放弃支持瑞典民主党提交的财政预算案。||5:但12月02号深夜召开的会议之后,同盟党派拒绝商议新的财政预算案。 | ||1:Mr. Lofven fired back, calling the Sweden Democrats’ actions “utterly irresponsible”.||2:And he promised that, should he be asked to form a new government, he will continue to freeze them out.||3:The centre-right alliance, he claimed, would let them have a voice.||4:Before the budget vote, Mr Lofven forlornly appealed to the alliance parties to avoid a crisis and reject support for their budget plans from the Sweden Democrats.||5:But after a late-night meeting on December 2nd, they refused to negotiate over a new budget. | |
4 | 它们希望以此来取代在互联网上提供免费内容、同时可怜巴巴地指望广告(或别的东西)来拯救自己的方式。 | They hope for an alternative to giving away content on the internet, hoping forlornly for advertisements (or something) to save them. | |
5 | 我清楚地记得,孩提时代的我把鼻子贴在起居室的窗户上,孤独地看着他站在路边。 | I distinctly remember as a child pressing my nose against the sitting-room window and forlornly watching him standing by the roadside. | |
6 | 现在这座博物馆凄凉地躺在开发区,只是一个建筑成就和雄心壮志的象征。 | The museum now sits forlornly in an empty development, a symbol of architectural achievement as well as the folly of ambition. | |
7 | 在这些树丛中孤伶伶地站着的有二十多个动物,它们都在耐心地等着喝水呢。 | Standing forlornly among the trees were scores of animals, patiently waiting to drink. |