1 | 我把手枪和所有的炮全都装好弹药;所谓炮,就是那些架在外墙上的短枪,样子像炮,我就这么叫叫罢了。 | I loaded all my cannon, as I call’d them; that is to say, my muskets, which were mounted upon my new fortification , and all my pistols | |
2 | 我像一个方寸已乱、神经失常的人似的胡思乱想了一阵,就回到我的防御工事里去。 | After innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came home to my fortification . | |
3 | 狭窄入口要塞的外围工事的狭窄入口 | A narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification . | |
4 | 研究人员得出结论,认为增添不能带来这种增高。 | The researchers concluded that the fortification did not produce the increase | |
5 | 油脂的营养与强化 | Nutrition and Fortification of Edible Oils | |
6 | 越来越多的国家把在食品特别是在主要谷物中增加铁的含量,作为补充铁的最通用的措施,对孕妇更是如此。 | Iron fortification of foods, particularly of staple cereals, is practised in a growing number of countries. Iron supplementation is the most common approach, particularly for pregnant women | |
7 | 在山顶修筑了防御工事 | emplace a fortification on the hilltop. | |
8 | 在文艺复兴时期,欧洲的城市地区曾有意识地进行规画,以满足交通需求,为了抵抗入侵还修筑防御设施。 | During the Renaissance, European city areas were consciously planned to achieve circulation of the populace and provide fortification against invasion. | |
9 | 在我国开展面粉营养强化应注意的几个问题 | Nutritional Fortification of Flour in China and Several Problems to be Solved | |
10 | 在一些特殊的情况下,例如对果汁的辐照,这种维生素C的损失可通过添加维生素C来弥补。 | In some special instances where the vitamin C is lost (e.g. the irradiation of fruit juices)the loss may be allowed for by fortification with the vitamin. | |
11 | 在医药上用来治疗缺乏维生素D所引起的钙、磷代谢异常,如佝偻病、小儿麻痹症、骨瘤等,也用作家禽和其它动物的饲料。 | It was once used to treat and prevent rickets, but the widespread fortification of milk with vitamin D. It is still used as a remedy for joint pain caused by arthritis and as a preventive of cardiovascular disease. It is also used in feeds for poultry and other animals. | |
12 | 中国的二里岗(约公元前1600年)就是夯土防御工事的一个典范,占地3.2平方公里,动员100,000人耗时十二年多方才建成。 | China’s Erligang (c. 1600 BC)is an example of a rammed-earth fortification ; it covers an area of 1.2 sq mi (3.2 sq km)and may have taken 10,000 people more than 12 years to build. | |
13 | 重大建设工程和可能发生严重次生灾害的建设工程,必须进行地震安全性评价;并根据地震安全性评价的结果,确定抗震设防要求,进行抗震设防。 | Seismic safety shall be evaluated for major construction projects and the construction projects which may induce serious secondary disasters. The requirements for fortification against earthquakes, which shall be drawn up on the basis of the results of seismic safety evaluation, shall be fulfilled. | |
14 | ||1:很难让一本正经的家长相信不实用玩偶的创意价值,而成年的中国收藏者更喜欢矮胖的莫莉,这是一个受欢迎的本地宠物。||2:中国建筑玩具市场的规模是玩偶市场的六倍。||3:用朱先生的话来说,“芭比没有艺术可言”。||4:数据提供商欧睿信息咨询的数据显示,美泰在中国最成功的品牌是教育类婴儿玩具制造商Fisher-Price,市场份额为1.1%。||5:芭比娃娃只有0.3%,排在第31位。||6:相比之下,乐高4.5%的市场份额使其稳居首位:这一防御措施将很好地服务于乐高,因为未来几年,中国价值450亿美元的玩具和视频游戏市场将超过美国。 | ||1:It is hard to convince prudish parents of the creative merits of frivolous dolls, and grown-up Chinese collectors prefer short and chubby Molly, a popular local poppet.||2:The Chinese market for construction toys is six times bigger than for dolls.||3:In Mr Zhu’s words, “there is no art to a Barbie”.||4:Tellingly, Mattel’s most successful brand in China is a maker of educational baby toys, Fisher-Price, with a market share of 1.1%, according to Euromonitor, a data provider.||5:Barbie, with 0.3%, comes a lowly 31st.||6:By contrast, Lego’s 4.5% share puts it firmly in first place: a fortification that will serve it well, as China’s market for toys and video games, worth $45bn, overtakes America’s in the next few years. | |
15 | 1775年北美的法国殖民者在尚普兰湖西岸修建了一个军事要塞,卡里永堡。 | In 1755, French settlers in North America began building a military fortification , Fort Carillon, on the western shore of Lake Champlain. | |
16 | 按照防御的原则,堡垒的建造地点比较隐蔽。 | According to rules of fortification arts, bastions were erected in corners. | |
17 | 澳大利亚食品强化管理法规标准分析 | Analysis of Australian Food Fortification Regulations | |
18 | 北京地铁工程抗震设防水准的研究 | Research of Beijing Subway’s Earthquake Fortification Level | |
19 | 避免人员伤亡和减轻经济损失是抗震设防的目标; | The goal of seismic fortification is to avoid casualty and alleviate economy loss. | |
20 | 场地卓越周期与设计特征周期的关系研究 | An Investigation on the Application of Site Dominant Period in Earthquake Fortification | |
21 | 村镇房屋抗震设防存在的问题和几点建议 | Existing Problems in the Earthquake Fortification of Town and Village Building and Some Suggestions | |
22 | 大跨度砌体结构的抗震处理 | Seismic fortification measures for the long span of masonry structure | |
23 | 对集镇建设中抗震设防的思考 | Consideration on the Earthquake Fortification in the Construction of Market Towns | |
24 | 发展食品营养强化促进社会经济发展 | Developing Food Fortification , Promoting the Development of Society and Economy | |
25 | 防御者一方面无法设防,另一方面也没有必要。 | For one, fortification of the citadel is impossible; for the other, it is unnecessary. | |
26 | 钙强化剂和钙强化食品的研究进展 | Research progresses in calcium fortification agents and calcium fortified foods | |
27 | 高层框架-核心筒结构抗震防线问题研究 | The research on the problem of earthquake fortification line in high-rise frame-core wall structures | |
28 | 工程抗灾设防标准的优化 | Optimum Fortification Level for Disaster Resistant Engineering | |
29 | 工程抗震设防中的烈度与加速度 | Intensity and acceleration applied in engineering fortification against earthquake | |
30 | 关于多层砖房的抗震鉴定及设防效果分析 | Seismic Evaluation and Fortification Effect Analysis for Multistory Masonry Buildings |