1 | “噢,先生,”波维里先生叹道,“您的担心是有根据的,您看,您的面前就是一个绝望的人。 | "Oh, sir," exclaimed M. de Boville, "your fears are unfortunately but too well founded , and you see before you a man in despair | |
2 | “他干劲十足,神气活现,”凯利赫回忆道,当时他为佩克创建的“前线新闻”公司工作。 | "He had lots of drive and panache ", recalls Kelliher, who worked for Frontline News, a company founded by Peck | |
3 | “我相信,妈,这只是一个头衔,伯爵在托斯卡纳多岛海里买下了一个岛子,正如他今天所告诉您的,就把那个岛作为他的封地。 | I believe, mother, it is merely a title. The count purchased an island in the Tuscan archipelago, and, as he told you to-day, has founded a commandery | |
4 | 1881年约瑟夫·沃顿在美国的宾夕法尼亚大学建立了第一所商学院。 | Joseph Wharton founded the first collegiate business school in 1881 at the University of Pennsyivania in the United States | |
5 | 1949年新中国成立。 | New China was founded in l949. | |
6 | 阿陀斯山位于希腊东北部的一座山峰,海拔约2,034米(6,670英尺),它是实际上独立的阿陀斯山修道院社区所在地,该修道院最初建于10世纪 | A peak,about2,034m(6,670ft)high,of northeast Greece.It is the site of the virtually independent monastic community of Mount Athos,originally founded in the tenth century. | |
7 | 爱尔福特德国中部城市,位于莱比锡西南部。作为主教教廷的所在地,该城于公元8世纪由圣博尼费斯建立,后来成为自由的国王属城并为中世纪自由日耳曼城市商人联盟的成员。人口214, | A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig.Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century,it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League.Population,214,231. | |
8 | 爱因斯坦创立了相对论。 | Einstein founded the theory of relativity. | |
9 | 奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284, | A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay.Founded in1610,it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress.Population,284,607. | |
10 | 巴列霍,马里奥诺·瓜达卢佩1808-1890墨西哥裔的美国开辟者和战士,他帮助稳固了加利福尼亚加入美国 | A city of western California on San Pablo Bay north of Oakland.It is a trade and processing center and has a large naval shipyard,founded by Adm.David Farragut in1854.Population,109,199. | |
11 | 巴斯德,路易斯1822-1895法国化学家,创立了现代微生物学,发明了巴氏杀菌法,并且改进了炭疽、狂犬病和禽霍乱的疫苗 | French chemist who founded modern microbiology,invented the process of pasteurization,and developed vaccines for anthrax,rabies,and chicken cholera. | |
12 | 贝鲁特黎巴嫩首都和最大城市,位于地中海岸该国西部。由腓尼基人建立,曾是希腊与罗马重要的贸易中心。该城长期以来一直是民族争端的地域。人口509, | The capital and largest city of Lebanon,in the western part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea.Founded by the Phoenicians,it was an important Greek and Roman trade center.The city has long been the scene of bitter factional fighting.Population,509,000. | |
13 | 本笃会修士,本笃会修女属于努尔西亚的圣·本笃创建的修道会的修士或修女 | A monk or nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. | |
14 | 本公司创立于5年前,是联合贸易公司的关系企业。 | Our company was founded five years ago as an affiliate of United Trading Company. | |
15 | 比亚埃尔莫萨墨西哥东南的一城市,位于特万特佩克地峡东部。是在16世纪奥尔梅克聚居地附近建成的。人口158, | A city of southeast Mexico east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.It was founded in the16th century near the site of an Olmec settlement.Population,158,216. | |
16 | 毕达哥拉斯古希腊哲学家和数学家,在意大利南部创立学派,强调对音乐和谐及几何的研究:他证明了毕达哥拉斯定理的广泛有效,性并且被认为是世界是第一位真正的数学家 | Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry.He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician. | |
17 | 波多黎各共产党于1934年9月建立。 | The Communist Party of Puerto Rico was founded in September 1934. | |
18 | 波恩西德的前首都,在该国西部的莱茵河畔。公元1世纪作为罗马的卫城被建立,自1990年起成为重新统一后的德国政府所在地。人口291, | The former capital of West Germany,in the western part of the country on the Rhine River.It was founded as a Roman garrison in the first century a.d.and since1990has been the seat of the reunified German government.Population,291,291. | |
19 | 波洛尼亚意大利中北部城市,在亚平宁山麓,位于佛罗伦萨东北偏北。最早为埃特鲁斯坎的城市,在公元前2世纪成为罗马的殖民地。著名的波洛尼亚大学在公元425年作为一个法学院建立。人口455, | A city of north-central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north-northeast of Florence.It was originally an Etruscan town and became a Roman colony in the second century b.c.Its famed university was founded as a law school in a.d.425.Population,455,853. | |
20 | 博格斯法国中部一城市,位于奥尔良东南偏南。是奥古斯都时期的罗马首府。路易九世于1463年在此地创办了一所著名的大学,但该校在法国大革命中被取消。人口76, | A city of central France south-southeast of Orl?ns.It was a Roman provincial capital under Augustus and the site of a notable university that was founded by Louis XI in1463but abolished during the French Revolution.Population,76,432. | |
21 | 布里格汉城美国犹他州北部一城市,位于奥格登以北。1851年始建时称为巴克斯·爱尔德,1856年为纪念布里格汉·扬格而更为现名。人口15, | A city of northern Utah north of Ogden.It was founded as Box Elder in1851and renamed in1856to honor Brigham Young.Population,15,644. | |
22 | 布鲁金斯,罗伯特·萨默斯1850-1932美国商人和慈善家。1927年建立布鲁金斯学会,是为商业和政府部门进行社会科学研究项目的机构 | American businessman and philanthropist who founded (1927)the Brookings Institution,an organization that conducts social science research projects for businesses and the government. | |
23 | 查韦斯,塞萨尔·埃斯特拉达生于1927美国劳工组织者,曾(于1962年)创建全国农场工人协会 | American labor organizer who founded the National Farm Workers Association(1962. | |
24 | 达尔文澳大利亚北部一城市,位于达尔文港沿岸,帝汶海的一入口处,1869年建成时为帕默斯顿,于1911年重新命名。人口65, | A city of northern Australia on Port Darwin,an inlet of the Timor Sea.It was founded as Palmerston in1869and renamed in1911.Population,65,200. | |
25 | 达基列夫,谢尔盖·巴甫罗维奇1872-1929俄罗斯芭蕾舞团经理,其芭蕾舞团于1909年在巴黎成立,有许多特别的天才是其特色,其中有舞蹈家尼金斯基和帕瓦洛娃、舞蹈动作指导富基尼和马歇尼、作曲家拉威尔和斯塔维斯基以及美术家莱热和毕加索 | Russian ballet impresario whose Ballets Russes company,founded in Paris in1909,featured the extraordinary talents of,among others,the dancers Nijinsky and Pavlova,the choreographers Fokine and Massine,the composers Ravel and Stravinsky,and the artists L?er and Picasso. | |
26 | 但是在国际事务中,也有着一些令人宽慰的现实,如欧洲共同体的意志日益统一,还有作为西方安全和繁荣基础的北大西洋联盟的基本力量等。 | But there axe also some comforting realities in international affairs such as the growing unity of purpose of the European Community and the fundamental strength of the North Atlantic Alliance on which Western security and prosperity are founded | |
27 | 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的东南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命名 | The capital and largest city of Chad,in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River.Founded by the French in 1900,it was renamed in 1973. | |
28 | 弗雷德里克顿加拿大新不伦瑞克省的省会,位于该省中南部、圣约翰的西北部。1783年被联合帝国的拥护者建立,1785年成为省会。人口43, | The capital of New Brunswick,Canada,in the south-central part of the province northwest of St.John.It was founded by United Empire Loyalists in1783and became provincial capital in1785.Population,43,723. | |
29 | 弗尼瓦尔,弗雷德里克·詹姆斯1825-1910英国语言学家,建立了许多文学社团,是语言学会的一员。于1857年提议编纂了牛津英语词典 | British philologist who founded numerous literary societies and as a member of the Philological Society proposed the Oxford English Dictionary in1857. | |
30 | 该博物馆建于1960年。 | The museum was founded in 1960. |