属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦车房 车库音乐
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-油价 Oil prices: Keeping it t
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 骑士归来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲天然气 管道压力
1 | 船在港口附近触礁沉没. | The boat foundered on rocks near the harbour. | |
2 | 该项目因缺乏资金而告吹. | The project foundered as a result of lack of finance. | |
3 | 她用桦树皮做了许多小船,在上面装好蜗牛壳,让它们飘向大海,其数量之多,胜过新英格兰任何一个商人的船队;可惜大部分都在离岸不远的地方沉没了。 | She made little boats out of birch-bark, and freighted them with snail-shells, and sent out more ventures on the mighty deep than any merchant in New England; but the larger part of them foundered near the shore. | |
4 | 克林顿的计划由于遇到必须在国会里排除许多程序上的障碍而失败了。 | The Clinton plan had foundered on the many procedural hurdles it had to clear in Congress | |
5 | 没有他们的帮助这项安排早就落空了。 | Without their assistance the arrangement would have foundered pretty quickly. | |
6 | 那母马因负载过重而倒在路上. | The mare foundered under the heavy load and collapsed in the road. | |
7 | 那艘班轮遇到巨大海浪而沉没. | The liner foundered in heavy seas. | |
8 | 他被海浪冲卷到一个荒无人烟的小岛上,身上只带着一把小刀、一个烟斗和一些烟草。幸运的是他们的船并未真地沉没,而是撞毁在几块礁石上。 | He is washed ashore on a deserted island with only his knife, a pipe, and some tobacco. Fortunately the ship has not actually sunk, but has foundered on some rocks. | |
9 | 突然,我们船上的人惊呼起来。原来停在我们前面约一海里远的一艘船已沉没了。另外两艘船被狂风吹得脱了锚,只得冒险离开锚地驶向大海,连船上的桅杆也一根不剩了。 | And our men cry’d out, that a ship which rid about a mile ahead of us was foundered . Two more ships being driven from their anchors, were run out of the roads to sea at all adventures, and that was not a mast standing. | |
10 | 我这次归来后才听说他的船沉没了,除了一位船舱招待员脱险以外,船上人员无一幸免。 | I heard since my return that his ship foundered and none escaped, but one cabin-boy. | |
11 | 一场很快破裂的婚姻 | a marriage that soon foundered . | |
12 | 以往努力要建立一个联合行动框架流于失败是因为持续的不信任以及像巴尔干危机这样的问题上双方所存在真正分歧。 | Previous efforts at establishing a framework for joint action foundered on the rocks of lingering suspicion and genuine differences over issues like the crisis in the Balkans. | |
13 | 这船在茫茫大海中沉没了。 | The ship foundered in the heavy seas. | |
14 | ||1:但是改造车库是一件麻烦事,伦敦大学学院的Bill Hodgson这样说道。||2:很少有足够热情的委员会会真正实施这个想法。||3:最近一项要求将北伦敦的一些车库改造成流浪者的避难所的申请被拒绝了;议员害怕当地居民不同同意此项议案。||4:获取计划的许可是件十分复杂的事,并且要在地方政府土地上发展项目通常是充满问题的。||5:如同被空置的车库自身一样,这些计划也许也会流产。 | ||1:But converting garages can be tricky, says Bill Hodgson of University College London.||2:Few councils are enthusiastic enough to truly champion the idea.||3:A recent proposal to turn some garages in north London into shelters for the homeless foundered ; councillors feared that local residents would not approve.||4:Getting planning permission can be complex, and developing on local authority land is often fraught.||5:Like the garages themselves, these plans may moulder. | |
15 | ||1:当纽特·金里奇在去年夏天的总统竞选活动中败阵,导致他的竞选团队人员大量辞职,同时被媒体爆出因竞选他已负债超过100万美元时,他的问题并非比起竞选活动中的各种繁琐事务,他更喜欢和他的妻子(图右说话的女士)一起来个希腊或土耳其豪华游艇巡游。||2:正如他津津乐道的那样,他的问题在于他说的“我是像里根和撒切尔夫人这样卓尔不凡的政治人物,因此你们要为我设计独一无二的竞选活动,要适合我所做的以及我想要做的”。 | ||1: WHEN Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign foundered last summer, leading to the mass resignation of his staff and reports that his campaign debt exceeded $1m, the problem was not that he seemed to prefer luxury cruises through Greece and Turkey with Mrs Gingrich (speaking, right) to the messy business of a political campaign. ||2: The problem, as he was only too happy to explain, was that “much like Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, I’m such an unconventional political figure that you really need to design a unique campaign that fits the way I operate and what I’m trying to do.” | |
16 | ||1:天然气为该地区提供了35%的发电量,但是由于其市场价值与石油相比十分的低,因此当地人都不愿去大力开发和利用它(尽管沙特阿拉伯地区是世界第五大天然气储备区)。||2:由于天然气低廉的市场价值和当地政府苛刻的一些条件使得一些吸引西方石油公司和竞标商的努力一再受挫。||3:并不伴随原油析出的“非伴生气”提炼很困难,需要将其市场价格提高4-5倍才能彰显其价值。||4:根据英国石油公司的统计预测称,如今石油占据了该地区能源供应的百分之74,而到了2030年,该数值将会下降到百分之67. | ||1: Gas does now contribute 35% to power generation, but rock-bottom prices and a sniffiness about gas as oil’s poor relation mean that exploiting its bounty (Saudi Arabia apparently has the world’s fifth-largest gas reserves) has proven hard. ||2: Initiatives to attract Western oil companies to get at the gas foundered as low prices and stingy terms failed to attract bidders. ||3: Much of the “unassociated” gas that doesn’t spew out alongside oil is tough to extract, and would require prices four or five times higher than now to make it worthwhile. ||4: According to BP, oil makes up 74% of the region’s energy production. By 2030 it will have dropped only to 67%. | |
17 | ||1:在意大利近几年的历史上,很少有事件的轰动性能超过2012年1月意属豪华邮轮Costa Concordia 在吉廖岛附近触礁沉没的事故。||2:这艘满载财富的邮轮同时也带走了32个意大利人的生命,由于多年来一直遭受经济停滞的影响,意大利在欧元区危机爆发之前就似乎已经开始拖欠巨额的债务。||3:不过前总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼的事件显然是个例外,当时他已经辞去了总理一职,全世界都在嘲笑他荒诞的性爱聚会以及他和摩洛哥雏妓卡莉玛·艾尔·马罗格。||4:可以确认的是,在邮轮完成疏散之前,船长已经提前逃离了邮轮,这一行为引起了人们对于人性的深刻反省。 | ||1:FEW events in Italy’s recent history have had a more crushing effect on morale than the wrecking of the Costa Concordia, an Italian-owned and skippered liner that capsized off the island of Giglio in January 2012.||2:The giant vessel foundered with the loss of 32 lives as Italy, battered by years of economic stagnation even before the euro-zone crisis, seemed bound for default on its vast public debts.||3:Silvio Berlusconi had just resigned as prime minister, internationally derided for his “Bunga Bunga” sex parties and relationship with a young Moroccan, Karima El-Mahroug.||4:Confirmation that the Costa Concordia’s captain, Francesco Schettino, had left the ship before completing its evacuation prompted a bout of mortified soul-searching. | |
18 | 但是签署新天然气合约的谈判失败了。 | Yet negotiations over new gas contracts have foundered . | |
19 | 1912年4月15日,泰坦尼克号的船头首先沉没。 | The RMS Titantic foundered , bow first, on April 15, 1912. | |
20 | 2008年,可以不经过审判对疑似恐怖分子实行最长42天的扣留的提议在上议院中未获通过。 | Proposals to detain without charge people suspected of terrorism for up to 42 days foundered in the House of Lords in 2008. | |
21 | 2008年在巴西淡水河谷提出的900亿美元并购磋商中因标价过高而宣告失败。 | In 2008 discussions about a $90 billion merger proposed by Brazil’s Vale foundered over price. | |
22 | 埃尔哈特夫妇的婚姻走到了尽头。阿米莉亚的肺病复发,于是,她卖掉了飞机。 | The Earharts’ marriage finally foundered , Amelia’s lung trouble recurred, and she sold her plane. | |
23 | 暗能量的真实本性仍然是个未解之谜,从理论上解释观测到的性状已经失败了。 | Dark energy’s true nature remains a mystery. Theoretical attempts to account for its observed properties have foundered . | |
24 | 朝方以六天谈判达成的协定为资,要求更多的援助支持。 | The six-day round of talks that produced the agreement almost foundered over North Korean demands for bigger pledges of aid. | |
25 | 陈先生同样希望建立这样的航班机制,不过商谈因为中国厌恶他的独立倾向而搁浅。 | Mr. Chen had also hoped to establish such flights, but talks foundered because of China’s objections to his pro-independence moves. | |
26 | 此前,中日双方也曾试图安排两国海军进行交流,但由于两国对历史问题的分歧不断加剧,导致相关努力付之东流。 | Previous attempts to arrange naval exchanges have foundered because of simmering Sino- Japanese disputes over historical issues. | |
27 | 大部分试图解决这些问题的尝试都未能如愿,因为这些数据信息很难找到。 | Most attempts at addressing these questions have foundered because such information is not available. | |
28 | 但在顽固的政治阻挠之下,过去十年间的几项税制改革最后还是流产了。 | But several attempts at tax reform over the past decade have foundered in the face of entrenched political resistance. | |
29 | 当他公司在1990年代早期成立时,他被任命为企业重建的领导。 | When his company foundered in the early 1990s, he was appointed head of restructuring. | |
30 | 过去,对警察的控诉经常因为缺乏证据而搁浅。 | In the past, complaints against the police have often foundered because of a lack of evidence. |