1 | 和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。 | Unlike Tom, who was a foundling , Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy, influential, aristocratic family | |
2 | 那个人把我抱到育婴堂里,在那儿,我被编为五十七号。 | The man carried me to the foundling asylum, where I was registered under the number 37 | |
3 | 他是个弃儿,在为无家可归的男孩而开设的学校里长大。 | He is a foundling ,and has grown up in a school for homeless boy. | |
4 | 他是一个弃儿。” | he was a foundling ." | |
5 | 一般认定的该孤儿的父亲 | a foundling ’s putative father | |
6 | ||1:故事到这里并没有结束,但就戴而言,他的结局之前已经提到了。||2:此时真正浮出水面的却是萨布丽娜和她的身世。||3:本书最精彩的一部分是关于育婴堂的剧情,以及那些伤心的母亲把孩子丢在这儿的描述。||4:摩尔女士翻遍了孤儿院的档案记录,看了每个孤儿的资料以及家人留给他们的纪念物—一个耳环,一块布,一个撕成两半的纸牌。||5:令人悲伤的是,母亲找回失散多年孩子的故事少之又少,而且往往只出现在戏剧和小说里。 | ||1:The story does not end there, but as far as Day is concerned, it has been told before.||2:The real discovery here is Sabrina and her background.||3:Some of the most fascinating parts of the book are about the foundling hospitals and orphanages of the period, and the unhappy mothers who gave up their babies to them.||4:Ms Moore has combed the orphanage’s archives, read the forms for each baby and seen the tokens left with them—a single earring, a piece of fabric, a playing card torn in half—in the hope of a future reunion.||5:Sadly, stories of mothers rediscovering long-lost children were rare, the stuff of plays and novels. | |
7 | 另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。 | Another exhibition, "Handel the Philanthropist" , is already running at London’s Foundling Hospital, one of Handel’s favourite charities. | |
8 | 如果说沃尔科特像乡下不羁的奔驰小马,埃弗顿时的鲁尼简直是英格兰足球的另一个传统模板:城市弃儿。 | Where Walcott is rustic and galloping, the Everton-era Rooney was squarely in English football’s urban foundling tradition. |