1 | 《法兰克福汇报》 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | |
2 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter .To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
3 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。Asperse是散布对某人不利的攻击或散布影射某人的话 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter .To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
4 | 香肠从古代起就有人制作。在其发源的城市中出现过好几种做法:美因河畔法兰克福的法兰克福香肠、波隆那大腊肠和罗马的香肠。 | Sausage has been known since ancient times. Some varieties came to be known by their city of origin: the frankfurter from Frankfurt am Main, bologna from Bologna, the wiener from Vienna (Wien). | |
5 | 风格偏于保守的德国《法兰克福汇报》的一篇社论表示:“如果特朗普不为欧洲提供核安全保障,德国是时候考虑一下如何拥有自己的核威慑能力”。 | The publisher of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a conservative newspaper, opined in an editorial that it was time to contemplate “the altogether unthinkable for a German brain, the question of a nuclear deterrence capability, which could make up for doubts about American guarantees”. | |
6 | 2009年3月,他的小店FrankfurterWurschtboerse——意为“法兰克福香肠交易所”正式开张。 | In March 2009, he opened the Frankfurter Wurschtboerse, or Frankfurt Sausage Exchange. | |
7 | 巴伐利亚州地方银行和法兰克福储蓄银行经营的网上银行正在一步步吞噬整个德国的顾客。 | Internet banks operated by the Bayerische Landesbank and the Frankfurter Sparkasse are hoovering up customers all over Germany. | |
8 | 法兰克福特把道格拉斯、布莱克和另一名叫法兰克•墨菲的法官成为“邪恶轴心”。 | Frankfurter took to calling Douglas, Black and another justice, Frank Murphy, "the Axis" . | |
9 | 或许舒默先生应该禁止法兰克福香肠的需求。 | Perhaps Mr Schumer should demand the interdiction of Frankfurter sausages. | |
10 | 即使令人生厌的美国文化象征在全球蔓延,但汉堡包和法兰克福香肠证明,德意志早先的影响力仍在。 | Even those loathed symbols of American cultural expansion, the hamburger and the frankfurter , testify to earlier German influence. |