属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Gallagher之魂 源于神话的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-男士美容 美女和野兽
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乌克兰东部 战争持续伤亡增多
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乌克兰危机 不是同一场电影
1 | 我绝不相信他的诺言。 | I’ll believe his promises when hell freezes over | |
2 | 我们在滴水成冰的南极建立了考察站。 | We set up an observation station in the South Pole where water freezes as soon as it is poured out. | |
3 | 雨滴可能先穿过暖空气层往下落,然后又接触到一团冷空气,于是每个雨滴都冻结成冰珠。 | The rain drops may start downward through a layer of warm air and then strike a mass of cold air, where each raindrop freezes | |
4 | 在俄国海水到冬天有时结成冰。 | In Russia, the sea sometimes freezes in winter. | |
5 | 这条河每年冬季结冰时许多人在上面滑冰。 | Lots of people skate on the river when it freezes every winter. | |
6 | 制冷设备(包括家用冰箱和深冻箱)冷凝器 | condenser for refrigerating equipment (incl. Household-type refrigerators and deep-freezes ) | |
7 | 制冷设备(包括家用箱和深冻箱)用蒸发器 | evaporator for refrigerating equipment (incl household-type refrigerators and deep-freezes ) | |
8 | ||1:2006年的“Bird in Hand”,一幅所有权归泰特美术馆的杰作,同样利用这些勾魂摄魄的元素刻画出传奇的海洋生物、出人意料的人物形象,一个站在海底的独腿海盗。||2:他的头发,以一团精细的巴洛克式纸片海藻的姿态漂浮在水面。这全是Gallagher煞费苦心的手工拼贴。||3:他的假肢也萌生出一撮撮水藻。||4:白色面具紧紧咬合他黑色的面孔。||5:即使寒从心起这也是一幅令人沉溺于精美纹路的作品。 | ||1:“Bird in Hand”, the great 2006 work on paper that is owned by the Tate, also draws on these preoccupations, generating out of myth and marine biology the startling figure of a one-legged pirate standing at the bottom of the ocean.||2:His hair floats upwards in the water in a baroque confection of seaweed made from card and paper, all painstakingly cut by hand.||3:His stump has sprouted seaweed.||4:His black face is occluded by a white mask.||5:This is a work that indulges in patterned beauty even as it freezes the spirit. | |
9 | ||1:通常,只需注射一针肉毒杆菌毒素即可。这种毒素可以麻痹肌肉,作用于额头深层的皱纹。尤其是男士年过四十,整天对着电脑屏幕最容易生皱纹。||2:有些人则青睐激光治疗来改善肤色,以及在鼻与口之间的皱纹里填充整容化学材料。||3:罗曼医生说,英国的男士很舍得花钱。||4:情况确实如此:治疗起价为300英镑(477美元),而要进行一些更为细节的治疗则要花双倍的钱。||5:法国的男士通常由妻子们带着来整容,而英国男士则喜欢一个人悄悄来接受治疗。 | ||1: Typically, a swift shot of Botox, a toxin which freezes muscles, targets the deep forehead cleft which can descend on men over 40, especially if they spend all day frowning at a screen. ||2: Other favoured treatments are lasers, which perk up skin-tone, and cosmetic fillers for those deep grooves between the nose and the mouth. ||3: Englishmen, says Dr Roman, are big spenders. ||4: This is just as well: Botox treatment starts at £300 ($477). Fiddlierprocedures can cost twice as much. ||5: The French tag along with their wives; Britons sidle in alone. | |
10 | ||1:新制裁的主要目标是两个主要的银行(Vneshekonombank和 Gazprombank)和两个能源公司(Novatek和Rosneft)。||2:但制裁并没有切断这些公司与国际商务的关系,也没有冻结它们的资产。||3:相反,它们只是限制进入美国债券和股票市场,禁止借贷超过90天的贷款。||4:八家防务公司,少数个体公司和一家克里米亚半岛的船运公司面临着更加传统的资产冻结问题。||5:欧盟承诺也会跟着美国做,取名为“实体与个人”并且会很快产生影响。 | ||1:The main targets of the new sanctions are two prominent banks (Vneshekonombank and Gazprombank ) and two energy firms (Novatek and Rosneft).||2:The sanctions do not yet cut the companies off from international business or block their assets.||3:Instead, they restrict access to American debt and equity markets, barring loans of more than 90 days’ maturity.||4:Eight defence firms, a few individuals and a Crimean shipping firm face more traditional asset freezes .||5:The European Union has promised to follow suit, with the names of “entities and persons” affected to be released shortly. | |
11 | 欧洲国家应该让亚努科维奇和他的追随者清楚的意识到事件的不断扩大,他们将会受到旅游禁令,冻结资产和银行账户的相应惩罚。 | And the Europeans should make clear to Mr Yanukovych and his henchmen that, in the event of an escalation, they will be punished where it hurts—through travel bans, and asset and bank-account freezes . | |
12 | 资产冻结极为有效,因为随着对伊朗的相关制裁措施效果显现,国际资金担心会被美国的监管机制逮个正着。 | Asset freezes can be powerful, because, as the Iransanctions showed, international finance dreads being caught up in America’s regulatory machinery. | |
13 | “在事态混乱、融资冻结时发生的状况,是所有体制的弱点所在,”祖金表示。 | "The weak part of any system is what happens when things go haywire and financing freezes , " says Mr Zukin. | |
14 | UBS的王涛指出,经过经济危机时期的工资停滞不涨之后,现在工资上涨了。 | The pay hikes follow a period of wage freezes during the financial crisis, points out Tao Wang of UBS. | |
15 | 摆脱他的最好办法是说我先失陪过会再过来,当然,等到地狱的冰化了再说吧。 | The only way to get rid of him short of a shotgun is to agree to meet up soon. Preferably, when hell freezes over. | |
16 | 包括阿维斯,星巴克,雅虎在内的公司已宣布将在2009冻薪。 | Companies including Avis, Starbucks and Yahoo! have announced pay freezes for 2009. | |
17 | 财政部也冻结了这家银行在美国被发现的所有资产。 | It also freezes any of the bank’s financial assets that are found in the United States. | |
18 | 长期的招工计划似乎冻结,部分商家也不得不裁员。 | Long hiring freezes seem likely and some businesses will be forced into lay-offs. | |
19 | 但工资的冻结与削减很快会改变人们的想法。 | But pay freezes and wage cuts may soon change people’s minds. | |
20 | 但是他并没有提到冻结支出,更不要说削减了;呼吁节俭的声音也仍然受到打压。 | But there is no mention of pay freezes , let alone cuts; and talk of rigueur (austerity) remains taboo. | |
21 | 当水在上层大气中凝固,会形成细微的,扁平的,六面体形状的冰晶。 | As water freezes in the upper atmosphere, small, flat, six-sided, ice crystals might be formed. | |
22 | 和美国很多其他学校一样,学校已经开始资金缺乏,已经采用解雇和冻结雇佣的方式了。 | Their schools, like so many others in America, are low on cash and have already resorted to layoffs and hiring freezes . | |
23 | 红色代表变暖的趋势:融冰期提早,封冻期后延,融冰季节变得更长。 | Red indicates trends consistent with warming: earlier melt onset, later freezes , and longer total melt season. | |
24 | 她指的是那些早先全面停止招聘,而现在则对一些“战略性职位”敞开大门的公司。 | She points to companies that previously introduced blanket hiring freezes now keeping the door open to filling some "strategic positions" . | |
25 | 决定增加了七个了禁止前往欧洲、并被冻结财产的个人(4)和实体(3)。 | The decision also expanded the list of people and entities subject to EU travel bans and asset freezes by seven, including four individuals. | |
26 | 零下20度,鼻孔里的潮气会冻结起来,寒冷的空气迫使你不得不咳嗽。 | At minus 20C, the moisture in your nostrils freezes , and the cold air starts making it difficult not to cough. | |
27 | 路的表面上,雾结成极为光滑的白霜,需要穿上鞋底带钉的鞋才可以在上面行走。 | On road surfaces, this fog freezes to an unspeakably slick rime that you need crampons to walk on. | |
28 | 每次我干点什么事情的时候同时用到CD-Rom,这电脑就死机。真是个麻烦的东西! | Every time I run my CD-Rom while doing something else, the computer freezes . It’s such a pain in the neck! | |
29 | 每回我试着激活程序时,计算机就当机了。 | Every time I try to start this program, the computer freezes . | |
30 | 面包放在冷藏室中很快就会干掉,但如果先用塑料、再用金属箔包好,就能完好的保存长达六个月。 | Bread will dry out quickly in the refrigerator, but it freezes well for up to six months if wrapped in plastic, then foil. |