1 | drag暗指具较大摩擦力 | Drag suggests greater friction | |
2 | GB13813-1992煤矿用金属材料摩擦火花安全性试验方法和判定规则 | Testing method and judging rule of safety to friction spark of metallic material for coal mine | |
3 | 不断的摩擦磨损了我的鞋跟。 | Constant friction wore out the heels of my shoes. | |
4 | 潮夕摩擦理论是海洋动力学的课题。 | The theory of tidal friction is the concern of dynamic oceanography | |
5 | 翅片管式换热器换热与压降特性的实验研究进展 | Development of Study on Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger | |
6 | 打字机上的一根金属棒,它上面带着摩擦滚轮,用来在打字位置上方把纸压紧在压纸卷筒上。 | On a typewriter, a metal rod with a friction roller designed to hold the paper firmly against the platen above the typing position | |
7 | 打字机上的一根金属棒,它上面带着摩擦滚轮,用来在打字位置上方把纸压紧在压纸卷筒上。参阅platen。 | On a typewriter,a metal rod with a friction roller designed to hold the paper firmly against the platen above the typing position. | |
8 | 但是,宏观经济的讨论可能因美国和欧盟之间贸易摩擦的升高而相形见绌。 | However, the discussion on macroeconomics may be eclipsed by the escalating trade friction between the United States and the European Union | |
9 | 但是,随着自转角速度的增加,克服风阻和轴承摩擦的功率急剧地提高。 | However, as spin speed is increased, the power required to overcome windage and bearing friction rises sharply | |
10 | 当刀具进行切削时,刀具刃口处的压力和摩擦导致了高热。 | As a tool cuts, high heat is developed as a result of compression and friction at the cutting edge of the tool. | |
11 | 当你本身是带电体时,电荷可能来自风与你的衣服的摩擦,也可能缘于你在大面积地毯上行走产生的摩擦,电荷的传递会产生令人不愉快的电击。 | When yours is the charged body, either from wind friction creating charges on your clothes or from walking across a large area of carpet, the transfer of electrons can result in an unpleasant shock. | |
12 | 当有润滑剂存在的情况下,导纱杆材料对摩擦的影响则为润滑剂所掩盖。 | In the presence of lubricants the effect of the guide material on friction is overshadowed by the lubricants. | |
13 | 当有润滑剂存在的情况下,导纱杆材料对摩擦的影响则为润滑剂所掩益。 | In the presence of lubricants the effect of the guide material on friction is overshadowed by the lubricants | |
14 | 导纱器和纤维表面粗糙度的变动,对摩擦力都有显著影响。 | Variations in surface roughness of both guide and fiber surfaces have a marked effect on friction | |
15 | 管道的等量长度中的摩擦损失即构成弯管中的压力损失。 | Friction losses in the equivalent lengths of ducts constitute the pressure loss in the elbow | |
16 | 滑动接触时,动摩擦系数Uk的定义是摩擦力与法向力的比率。 | For sliding contact, the coefficient of kinetic friction Uk is defined as the ratio of the frictional force to the normal force | |
17 | 火的最早来源是闪电,人类的祖先最早有控制地使用火可上溯到1,420,000年前。直到公元前7000年,新石器时代的人才学会了用钻、锯和其它摩擦生火的器械,或者用火石敲击黄铁矿等安全点火的技术。 | For eons, lightning was the only source of fire. The earliest controlled use of fire seems to date to c. 1,420,000 years ago, but not until c. 7000 BC did Neolithic humans acquire reliable firemaking techniques, including friction from hardwood drills and sparks struck from flint against pyrites. | |
18 | 机械制动器最普遍,它们通过机械方式使旋转金属鼓(或盘)与固定摩擦件接触,产生机械性摩擦,以热的形式消耗动能。 | Mechanical brakes are the most common; they dissipate the kinetic energy as heat generated by mechanical friction between a rotating drum or disk and a stationary friction element. | |
19 | 即使我们能摆脱摩擦,我们也不想完全摆脱摩擦。 | We would not want to get rid of friction entirely even if we could get rid of it. | |
20 | 夹紧处扭杆的微小滑移会产生干扰力矩,它的作用和轴颈的摩擦力矩一样。 | Torsional microslip at the clamps results in spurious torques which act like pivot friction torques | |
21 | 建材影响接头的几个方面。较硬的材料,如不锈钢没有其它金属光滑,这导致了螺纹咬合的更大的摩擦。 | Materials of construction influence several aspects of the connection. Harder materials, such as stainless steel, have less lubricity than other metals, which causes higher friction in the thread engagement. | |
22 | 脚制动和手制动是和车轮连接起来的。当你踩下脚制动时,摩擦片就会紧紧地压在车轮制动鼓上,使车轮停止转动。手制动和后轮的闸瓦连接。 | The foot brake pedal and the hand brake are connected to the wheels too. When you press on the foot brake, friction bands push hard against the wheel drums and stop the wheels from turning. The hand brake is connected to the brake shoes on the rear wheels. | |
23 | 她父母的婚姻之爱是她理想的爱情境界。她希望有一天会跟一个如意郎君过同样甜蜜的日子,用不着经历震荡或磨擦。 | The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love-affinity, and she looked forward some day to emerging, without shock or friction , into that same quiet sweetness of existence with a loved one | |
24 | 聚四氟乙烯一种热塑性树脂,(C2F4)n,抗热抗化学物质,具有极低的摩擦系数,被用作炊具、垫圈、气塞和袜子的覆面 | A thermoplastic resin(C2F4)n,that is resistant to heat and chemicals,has an extremely low coefficient of friction ,and is used as a coating on cookware,gaskets,seals,and hoses. | |
25 | 可以通过减少连杆轴承处和联接点处的摩擦来降低经纱张力的波动。 | These fluctuations can be minimized by reducing friction at the bearings of the levers and at their points of contact. | |
26 | 劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾. | There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force. | |
27 | 离合器(摩擦离合器、齿形离合器或爪形离合器、离心式离合器、液压离合器、压缩空气离合器等;非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器的零件除外) | clutch (friction ,dog (or claw),centrifugal,hydraulic,compressed air,etc;excl,motor vehicle and aircraft parts not internal parts of engines) | |
28 | 两个棍棒相互摩擦能起火. | Friction between two sticks can create a fire. | |
29 | 两国间政治上的不和 | Political friction between two countries | |
30 | 流星快速掠过空气时,由于磨擦而变得非常热,通常被完全气化了。 | The meteor,rushing through the air,becomes intensely heated by friction and is usually completely vaporized. |