1 | 乡村和寺院同是蒙昧无知的,它们的共同基础是早已存在的,因此乡民一下就可以和寺僧平起平坐,罩衫放宽一点,便成了僧衣。 | The fund of ignorance common to the village and the cloister is a preparation ready at hand, and places the boor at once on the same footing as the monk: a little more amplitude in the smock, and it becomes a frock | |
2 | 这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。 | This monk wears a gray frock . | |
3 | 这以后立刻进来了一个身穿黑色僧袍表情严厉的男人。 | Immediately afterwards there enter a stern-look man array in a black frock . | |
4 | 中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。 | The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. The formal noon processional is the main event, with the men in top hats and frock coats, the women in gowns. | |
5 | 但是,当他在20世纪60年代中期受邀于《安娜·玛格达丽娜·巴赫记事》一片中扮演那位他最喜爱的作曲家时,当他在片中顶着飘扬的假发,穿着礼服优雅地模仿弹奏第五勃兰登堡协奏曲时,许多听众可能会感觉到,没有人能比他更神似巴赫了。 | ||Nonetheless, when he was asked in the mid-1960s to play the part of his favourite composer in “The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach”, and was filmed in a long periwig and a frock -coat forging elegantly through the fifth Brandenberg Concerto, many listeners may well have felt that this was as near the mind of Bach as any man could reasonably get.|| | |
6 | ‘我们见面那天,我只是穿了见夏天的小外套,胳膊都露在外面。’ | I was wearing a little summer frock the day we met, with my arms exposed. | |
7 | 本发明属于机械加工领域,涉及一种骑缝孔的加工方法及工装夹具。 | The invention belongs to the field of mechanical machining and relates to a method for machining a roulette and a frock clamp thereof. | |
8 | 本实用新型涉及一种搬运工装,尤其是涉及一种汽车空调面板摆放器具。 | The utility model relates to a transportation frock , in particular to an automobile air-conditioner panel setting apparatus. | |
9 | 不常出席正式场合,花巨多的钱在这种服装上就会是浪费。 | Since formal occasions don’t come that often, it can be a waste to spend a ton of money on one frock . | |
10 | 长袍男式大衣双排扣长礼服礼袍 | dinner jacket full dress uniform frock coat gown, robe tunic | |
11 | 从来没见买过新衣服,也从来没有修葺过房子,更不用说在村里小酒馆里喝酒了。 | The ugly girl never bought a new frock , never made repairs to the house, and never drank in the village tavern. | |
12 | 大型电机定子本体翻转工装的设计与应用 | Design and application of stator noumenon upset frock of large-scale motor | |
13 | 当人们看到施托克豪森穿着一身陈旧的贝多芬礼服大衣或形状怪异的橙色开襟羊毛衫时,他们是无法轻易地发觉他有多么特别古怪。 | Just how special was not readily apparent to those who saw him, in his old Beethoven frock -coat or his shapeless orange cardigan. | |
14 | 多萝西(绿野仙踪的主角)穿上了他的褪色的连衣裙以及那双从邪恶的巫婆那得来的银色鞋子,踏上了她的伟大旅程。 | Worn in a faded frock and shod with a pair of silver shoes from the wicked witch, Dorothy went on her great journey. | |
15 | 基于MFC和UG的汽轮机叶片工装参数化设计系统的研究 | Study on Parametric Design System of Steam Turbine’s Blade Frock Based on MFC and UG | |
16 | 即将到来的暴风雨的火焰似乎在她心里燃烧起来,要把穿着雪白上衣的她烧得透焦。 | The flames of the coming storm seemed to have caught fire within her, to be scorching her in her white frock . | |
17 | 计算机在活塞环工艺工装工作中的应用 | Application of the Computer in Technique and Frock of the Piston Rings | |
18 | 加工骑缝孔的加工步骤是,第一步:将被加工零件装夹在工装夹具上; | The method for machining the roulette comprises the following steps: step one, a machined part is clamped on a frock clamp; | |
19 | 她穿的裙子是11条由资深设计师加里·哈维设计的女装上回收的部分制作的。 | She is wearing a frock made from 11 recycled dresses by ethical designer Gary Harvey. | |
20 | 她还买了一件新衣服,在头上别着一支花。 | She bought a new frock and wore flowers in her hair. | |
21 | 她同意了,就获释了,紧接着扔掉了连衣裙,重回叛军队伍;很快,她就获得了提升。 | She agreed and was freed, then quickly cast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted. | |
22 | 她总是能让所有人全都喜欢她:她的头发、她轻盈的春装、搭配的鞋子,甚至是袜子! | Rihanna: We’re loving it all, the new hair, springy frock and even the socks with her shoes. . . it IS Rihanna. | |
23 | 每个人都穿着朴素的黄褐色僧衣,一修士头巾遮住头,只有手露在外面,交叉着祈祷。 | Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock , a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer. | |
24 | 魅力指数?我们现在都知道了凯拉适合有时代感的女装,甚至不是贵族的而是工人阶级的。 | Glamour rating? We know by now that Keira wears a period frock well, even if it’s more working class than fanciful. | |
25 | 塞满填充物,裁剪合乎身材的外罩逐渐被宽松但正好的夹克所取代。 | The frock coat full of wadding, cut close to pull the figure into shape, gradually gave way to a looser but still precise jacket. | |
26 | 他们也不会想到,我穿的这件袍子的颜色还是他挑选的呢——不——他们哪里会知道呢? | And they didn’t think that he chose the colour o’ my pretty frock - no - how could they? | |
27 | 他们指出一些人来,比如好争辩的无神论者理查德•道金斯,他说教皇是一个“披着教士服不怀好意的老恶棍”。 | They pointed to figures such as Richard Dawkins, a polemical atheist, who called the pope a "leering old villain in a frock " . | |
28 | 苔丝脸上的红晕越来越红,她用悄悄的但是大胆的动作解开上衣的扣子,开始喂孩子吃奶。 | Tess, with a curiously stealthy yet courageous movement, and with a still rising colour, unfastened her frock and began suckling the child. | |
29 | 我不但被迫穿高跟鞋和优雅的连衣裙,还被要求用一堆刀具吃林鸽沙拉。 | Not only am I obliged to wear heels and a posh frock , I am expected to tackle a wood-pigeon salad with an unnecessary amount of cutlery. | |
30 | 我可以设想她当年还是个孩子时的模样:一个晒得黑黝黝的八岁小姑娘,身穿棉布连衣裙,裸着两条细腿。 | I could picture her as a child in years, in her cotton frock and thin bare legs, a sun-burnt little girl of eight. |