属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-安拉与女人 God-daughters
1 | 它是“大国中最小的一个”,在其邻国心目中,它令人失望地使人捉摸不透,并且寡廉鲜耻。 | It was "the least of the Great Powers," frustratingly unpredictable and unscrupulous in the eyes of its neighbors | |
2 | ||1:虽然这本传记也在避免心理呓语,但还是吸引人地总结了左右两人选择的每个个人因素。||2:支撑希尔西·阿里童年的是其父,这是一位在绝大多数时间里都令人沮丧地不在其身边的反对派领导人。||3:当希尔西·阿里开始自己的战斗时,她立即膜拜并效仿父亲。||4:而西迪基家中最有力的榜样是母亲,后者强烈拥护极端保守的伊斯兰教,与巴基斯坦最强硬的神职人员关系紧密。||5:两人的生活都受到了冷战最后阶段的影响。||6:西迪基是被齐亚 哈克释放出的一波伊斯兰教狂热的一部分,而齐亚 哈克则是受到美国支持并被视为美国在阿富汗反苏盟友的巴基斯坦将军。||7:而做为索马里亲苏政府的反对者,希尔西·阿里的家庭起初受亲西方的沙特欢迎,不过后来索马里变换了阵营,希尔西·阿里一家不得不远走肯尼亚,在那里做为被流放者艰难度日。||8:传统生活中的糟粕,尤其是家庭暴力,比索马里文化中的其它东西更容易滋生。 | ||1:Although the book avoids psychobabble, it is tempting to conclude that very personal factors influenced the women’s choices.||2:In Ms Hirsi Ali’s childhood the dominant figure was her father, a rebel leader who was frustratingly absent most of the time.||3:In her own battles, she at once defied and emulated him.||4:In the Siddiqui household, the strongest role model was her mother, a passionate advocate of ultra-conservative Islam and close associate of Pakistan’s most hard-line clerics.||5:Both lives were also affected by the final phase of the cold war.||6:The Siddiquis were part of a wave of Islamist zeal unleashed by Zia ul Haq, a Pakistani general who enjoyed American support as an ally in the anti-Soviet fight in Afghanistan.||7:As opponents of Somalia’s pro-Soviet regime, Ms Hirsi Ali’s family were initially welcomed by pro-Western Saudi Arabia; but when Somalia switched sides, the family had to move to Kenya, where life as an exile remained difficult.||8:The worst features of traditional life, especially domestic violence, were easier to reproduce than any other aspect of Somali culture. | |
3 | 他也不完全是传统意义上的右翼。其观点甚至还源于波兰战前的社会主义政党。他对大财团相当怀疑(由于他关注劳工权利,更是如此)。自由市场论者还发现他对扩大自由化与减少官僚主义的要求无动于衷,令人沮丧。 | Nor was he simply right-wing in the traditional sense. If anything, his views were those of Poland’s pre-war Socialist party. He was rather sceptical of big business (not least because of his concern for workers’ rights).|| Free-marketeers found him frustratingly unsympathetic to demands for more liberalisation and less bureaucracy.|| | |
4 | 6月7日,美联储主席本•伯纳克在其发言中坦言,经济增长一直“不稳定”且“增速之慢令人沮丧”。 | In a speech on June 7th Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Fed, acknowledged growth had been "uneven. . . and frustratingly slow. " | |
5 | 不过,依然存在诸多挑战,进步是不平均的,而且经常令人沮丧地缓慢。 | Immense challenges remain and progress is uneven and often frustratingly slow. | |
6 | 但Google的ChromeWebStore里这一选项很不稳定,令人十分沮丧;许多这一类的所谓应用程序只不过是另一种形式的书签。 | But the selection in Google’s Chrome Web Store is frustratingly erratic; many of these so-called apps are just bookmarks by another name. | |
7 | 但令人沮丧的是,书中其他的一些例子没能像魔兽世界那样作出发人深省或是有强有力的论证。 | Frustratingly , few of the book’s other examples are as thought-provoking or as convincingly argued as World of Warcraft. | |
8 | 但他们也警告称,从朝鲜流出的信息模糊且不确定,使人沮丧。 | But they warn that the information coming out of North Korea is frustratingly vague and inconclusive. | |
9 | 对于大多数人来说,递增变化的缺陷在于,它慢的让人抓狂。 | The problem for most people with incremental change is that it’s frustratingly slow. | |
10 | 更令人沮丧的是,专家们说大部分的研究经费没有用在前景最被看好的遗传学这个新领域。 | More frustratingly , say experts, the majority of research money is not being spent on the most promising new areas of genetics. | |
11 | 更糟糕的是,我们得到的这些关于家用能源的信息全都是不完整的。 | What’s more, the information we receive on home energy use is frustratingly incomplete. | |
12 | 很令人失望,布拉德肖没有向我们谈到兰斯堡犀牛种群的历史,也很少讲到他们的命运。 | Frustratingly , Bradshaw tells us nothing of the histories of Pilanesberg’s rhino population, and too little of their fate. | |
13 | 美国官员报告说,即使达成一致,要将说的转化成行动也慢得让人灰心。 | Even when they agree, American officials report that turning talk into action is frustratingly slow. | |
14 | 米利班德先生的影子大臣格雷格·克拉克形容,大量生产“智能电表”的计划“相当缓慢,令人沮丧”。 | Greg Clark, Mr Miliband’s shadow, described the plans to roll out the smart meters as "frustratingly slow" . | |
15 | 让人失望的是,这个问题很难回答。 | Frustratingly , it is very hard to tell. | |
16 | 虽然被锁定并且很沮丧的被放在内部,是简单的缩影。 | The iPhone, although locked and frustratingly placed into a walled garden, is the epitome of simplicity. | |
17 | 虽然他没有明说,这里面当然也包括刚刚费劲九牛二虎之力才得以通过的医改计划,令人沮丧的是它在成本控制方面毫无作为。 | That includes, it was implied, the recent hard-won health-reform package, which contained frustratingly little in terms of cost control. | |
18 | 虽然这些术语非常空泛,让人感到不着边际,但是他们仍难免让我们联想到自己的弟弟。 | While all ofthese terms are frustratingly vague, we can’t help but feel that they aredescribing our little brother. | |
19 | 一旦出现重大债务负担,它们将令人沮丧的难以分派。 | Once big debt burdens appear they are frustratingly hard to dispatch. | |
20 | 因为分解过程缓慢得令人沮丧,去年十二月,他重新评估了所使用的方法,这次评估刚刚过去一个月,他终于发现了一种方法。 | In January, only a month after reevaluating his methodology in the face of a frustratingly slow process, he finally found a way. | |
21 | 这使这本书从某种程度上充满了挫败感和未完成感。 | This makes for a book that in some ways is frustratingly open ended and sometimes feels unfinished. | |
22 | 这位中央银行主席承认经济复苏“令人沮丧的慢”。 | The central bank’s chairman acknowledged that the recovery was "frustratingly slow" . | |
23 | 这些过程通常是令人痛苦的,也是值得的,要视“本地条件”(比如硬件的具体情况)而定。 | These are often both frustratingly and rewardingly contingent on "local conditions" such as hardware specifics. | |
24 | 这些专家们的工作到底值多少钱,不是三言两语能说得清的。 | It is frustratingly hard to say how much value for money these professionals provide. |