属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太空之旅 送我入太空
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
1 | 用天然饵料培育鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼苗的研究 | A Research on Rearing of Common Carp, Bighead Carp and Grass Carp Fry by Natural Food | |
2 | 油煎放在油煎锅或长柄平底锅中用少许油煎 | To fry in a frying pan or skillet with a small amount of fat. | |
3 | 油炸马铃薯细条 | French fry (=French fried potato) | |
4 |
又把阿绿干掉﹖ 贾巴,下次你要找我就亲自出马,别派那些瘪三来 汉克,我不能开例 你知道我不能开例的 |
And why did you have to fry poor Greedo like that,after all we’’re been through together?Look Jabba, next time you want to talk to me, come and see me yourself.Don’’t send one of these twerps | |
5 | 于是中国在1961年开始大量生产这三种鱼的人工诱导鱼苗,1962年全国总共生产12亿尾。 | Mass production of artificially produced fry of these species began in 1961, and in 1962 1,200 million fry were produced in China. | |
6 | 鱼缸放养密度对鲤Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus(1758)鱼苗成长、存活、生产量及体型差异之影响 | Effects of Stocking Density on Growth,Survival,Production,and Size Variation of the Common Carp Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus(1758)Fry Within Aquariums | |
7 | 鱼类苗种培育 | rearing offish fry and fingerling | |
8 | 鱼苗池浮游动物生物量和生产量的初步研究 | A Preliminary Study on Biomass and Production of Zooplankton in Fry Ponds | |
9 | 鱼未捉到不要忙着煎鱼;不要操之过急。 | Never fry a fish till it’s caught. | |
10 | 鱼未捉到手,不要忙着煎 | Never fry a fish till it is caught | |
11 | 鱼未捉到手,不要忙着煎。 | Never fry a fish till it is caught. | |
12 | 远海梭子蟹人工育苗试验 | Experiment of Artificially Raising the fry of Portunu Pelagicus | |
13 | 在高温煎锅内每一边煎二十五秒钟。 | Fry for twenty-five seconds each side in a very hot skillet. | |
14 | 在酷热的阳光下我们会灼伤的。 | We shall fry in this hot sun. | |
15 | 在水生动物苗种重点产区引水用水时,应当采取措施,保护苗种。 | Measures shall be adopted to protect fry of aquatic animals when channeling or using water from water areas that specialize in producing such fry. | |
16 | 在这样炎热的阳光下呆久了,我们会晒焦的。 | We’ll fry if we stay long in this hot sun. | |
17 | 詹姆斯今天不去能去钓鱼,他另有重要事情要做 | James cannot go fishing today; he has other fish to fry . | |
18 | 湛江棕囊藻对南美白对虾虾苗和多种鱼苗的毒性研究 | Toxicity of Red Tide Alga Phaeoecystis globosa Scherifel from Zhanjiang against Young Penaeus vannamei Boone and Fish Fry | |
19 | 沼泽红假单胞菌在暗纹东方鲀育苗上的应用 | The Utilization of Rhodopseudomonas palustris on the Culrivating of Takifugu fasciatus Fry | |
20 | 这些被宠坏了的公立学校的男孩子们…已经触犯了很少用于青年人的长期徒刑(诺埃尔·安南) | These pampered public school boys.had managed to evade the long prison sentences that lesser fry were serving(Noel Annan) | |
21 | 这些小鱼很快就能炸好的。 | These small fish will soon fry . | |
22 | 这鱼我们是蒸还是炸 | Shall we steam or fry the fish? | |
23 | ||1:这些被捕的还只是小人物。||2:政府最担心的是所谓的大V,大V是指新浪微博和腾讯微博上通过实名认证(名字后面有个V)并且广受欢迎的用户。||3:许多大V有数百万粉丝,并且对敏感的社会政治问题发表激烈言论。||4:8月23日,北京警方拘留了名人薛蛮子,随后指控其聚众淫乱。||5:薛蛮子是美籍华人,一个拥有1200万粉丝的富商。 | ||1:Yet those arrested are small fry .||2:Of greater concern to authorities are the so-called “Big Vs”, popular microbloggers on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo, the two leading microblogs, who have been verified not to be writing under a pseudonym (and so have a V beside their name).||3:Many Big Vs have millions of followers and some write provocatively about sensitive social and political issues.||4:On August 23rd Beijing police detained one Big V, Charles Xue, and later accused him of holding group sex parties with prostitutes.||5:Mr Xue, who is a naturalised American, is a wealthy businessman with 12m followers. | |
24 | 本周,芬兰埃博学术大学的道格拉斯·弗莱和帕特里克·索德伯格在《科学》杂志上发表了论文,提出了疑问。 | But a paper in this week’s Science, by Douglas Fry and Patrik Soderberg of Abo Akademi University, in Finland, questions all this. | |
25 | ||长距离的旅行将很危险。危险之一来自不可预定和可能的致命的太阳耀斑,恒星能量的巨大释放将用射线炸毁飞船并且烧焦乘客。为了保护乘客,该公司计划建立内部"风暴掩体"用飞船的供水系统来吸收射线。|| | ||A journey that long would be risky. One danger is from unpredictable and potentially deadly solar flares, giant releases of stellar energy that would bombard the craft with radiation and fry its occupants.|| To protect its passengers, the company plans to build an internal "storm shelter" that uses the spacecraft’s water supplies to absorb radiation. | |
26 | 如果反对合并进程的药品游说诉讼能够成功的话,小公司也能从中获益。 | The small fry may also benefit if the pharmacy lobby’s lawsuit against the merger moves forward. | |
27 | 他们负责对被称为现代狩猎采集者的研究做出评论。 | Dr Fry and Mr Soderberg have reviewed what is known about modern hunter-gatherers. | |
28 | “美味,异国口味,快捷而不复杂”基本炒菜 | ’Tasty, exotic, quick and uncomplicated’The ultimate stir-fry | |
29 | 3、腌好的鸡翅入热油锅略炸,至外皮金黄即可起锅。 | 3, preserve~ in salt a good wing to fry slightly into the hot oil pan, go to the cortex gold to rise a pot then. | |
30 | 3、在一个不粘锅或煎饼用的浅锅里用油低温煎炸馅饼,直到它们双面都呈现黄褐色。 | 3. Lightly oil a nonstick skillet or griddle, and fry the patties until they are browned on both sides. |