1 | MINI通过了严格的美国和欧洲NCAP碰撞实验,并获得了四星的骄人成绩。 | The MINI fulfils both the stringent US and EU NCAP crash tests with an impressive 4-star rating. | |
2 | 但是,即便是某物符合以上标准,如果它只是自然界的发现,就不是发明,因而不能申请专利。 | But even if something fulfils these criteria, if it is a discovery of nature it is not an invention and, therefore, not patentable | |
3 | 符合性保证(Assurance of conformity)其结果是对产品、过程或服务满足规定要求的置信程度给予说明的活动。 | Assuranceof conformity Activity resulting in a statement giving confidence that a product, process or service fulfils specified requirements. | |
4 | 符合性评价(Evaluation of conformity)系统性检查某个产品、过程或服务满足规定要求的程度。 | Conformity evaluation Systematic examination of the extent to which a product, process or service fulfils specified requirements. (14.1, ISO/IEC Guide 2) | |
5 | 流动图书馆满足了远离城镇的人们的急需。 | The trave11ing library fulfils an important need for people who live far from the town. | |
6 | 每个旅馆都被视察过了,而且如果符合一定标准,会受到推荐。 | Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended. | |
7 | 任何个人、公司或机构只要满足进口成员有关从事受自动许可管理产品的进口经营的法律要求,均有同等资格进行申请,并获得进口许可证 | Any person, firm or institution which fulfils the legal requirements of the importing Member for engaging in import operations involving products subject to automatic licensing is equally eligible to apply for and to obtain import licences | |
8 | 任何满足进口成员的法律和管理要求的个人、公司或机构均有同等资格申请许可证并予以考虑。 | Any person, firm or institution which fulfils the legal and administrative requirements of the importing Member shall be equally eligible to apply and to be considered for a licence. | |
9 | 税收征管法第二十条第二款规定的加收税款滞纳金的起止时间,为法律、行政法规规定或者税务机关依照法律、行政法规的规定确定的税款缴纳期限届满次日起至纳税人、扣缴义务人实际缴纳或者解缴税款之日止。 | The period for commencing and finishing payment of overdue payment fines as provided in paragraph two of Article 20 of the Tax Administration Law shall commence on the day following the end of the tax payment period as prescribed by the law and administrative legislation or as stipulated by taxation authorities pursuant to the law and administrative legislation and shall continue to the day when the taxpayer or tax withholding agent actually settles or fulfils its taxation obligations. | |
10 | 他总能守信用。 | He always fulfils his promises. | |
11 | 烟囱发挥排除黑烟的功能。 | A chimney fulfils the function of taking away smoke. | |
12 | 这种生活方式已不再能使有关的人们满足了。 | This way of life no longer adequately fulfils the individuals concerned. | |
13 | 质量:一组固有特性满足要求的程度。 | Quality:degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements. | |
14 | ||1:书中这些人物性格特别的鲜明,其言语表达也十分尖酸辛辣。||2:马库斯和多萝,一对年老的前嬉皮士人物,来自左翼社区团结工会,他们仍然穿着写有标语的T恤衫,仍然渴望旧日里“没有资产阶级、没有私有制、没有核能、没有一夫一妻制度的社区”。||3:可当下的现实如此难熬,马库斯只得寄情写作,书写左翼运动没有休止的历史,而多萝的寄托则在照顾他们领养的患唐氏综合症的小孩,另外,她还参加保护当地土地的运动,也算圆了自己参与斗争运动的梦想。 | ||1:“Various Pets Alive and Dead” features a group of sharply drawn and sharp-tongued characters.||2:Marcus and Doro, elderly ex-hippies from Solidarity Hall, a left-wing commune, still wear their slogan T-shirts and crave the “non-bourgeois non-private non-nuclear non-monogamous community” of their past.||3:To make the present bearable, Marcus is writing a never-ending history of the left-wing movement, while Doro looks after the Down’s syndrome child they are raising.She fulfils her longing for militant action by campaigning to save local allotments. | |
15 | 要实现它的创立者的梦想,即成为网络世界的社交公共设施。尤其是在google推出一个类似的服务之后,Facebook还有很长的路要走。 | Facebook has far to go before it fulfils its founder’s mission to become the “social utility” of the online world and Google has launched a rival service. | |
16 | 这次收购完成了Pessina带领博姿药房进入美国的雄心壮志。 | The deal with Walgreens fulfils Mr Pessina’s ambition to bring Boots to America. | |
17 | (香蕉基因库位于比利时)毫无疑问,位于斯瓦尔巴特群岛的这座储藏室对于任何一种你能想到的作物种子来说,都是符合这条标准的。 | (The banana bank is in Belgium. ) The Svalbard vault fulfils this criterion for any seed you can think of. | |
18 | IDS服务器中引入的外部表满足了这个需求,并且改善了性能。 | The introduction of external tables within the IDS server fulfils the requirement and provides better performance. | |
19 | 但它至少履行了政府在4月份民众对于腐败进行强烈抗议和绝食罢工后所做出的承诺。 | But it at least fulfils a promise made in April after fierce protests and hunger strikes over corruption. | |
20 | 但我们很难说,由一家中国国有银行进行的收购,会符合上述两个条件中的任何一个。 | It would be difficult to argue that a takeover by a Chinese state-owned bank fulfils either condition. | |
21 | 对于每个PKI,标准可能各不相同,但在批准CSR之后,CA将通过颁发证书来完成请求。 | The criteria can be different for each PKI, but once the CSR is approved, the CA fulfils the request by issuing a certificate. | |
22 | 该模型的解法被证明是多项式时间算法,满足作战实时性要求。 | The solution method of the model is testified to be polynomial arithmetic and can fulfils real-time demand in battle. | |
23 | 固有特性满足要求的程度 | degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirement | |
24 | 就算没有达到国家抱负的这种程度,Babe的这部戏剧也用一种夸张的审讯过程来抓人眼球。 | If it never quite fulfils its state-of-the-nation aspirations, Babe’s play is utterly gripping as an exaggerated police procedural. | |
25 | 例如,交互可能是接受订单的部门和完成订单的工厂之间的协商。 | For example, the interaction may be a negotiation between a division that accepts orders and the factory that fulfils them. | |
26 | 另外,Gazprom给了TNK-BP一个选择可以以市场价格回购原来股份的25%,但前提条件是BP要完全履行这次的交易责任。 | In addition, Gazprom gave TNK-BP an option to buy back 25% of the field at a market price, but only if BP fulfils its part of the deal. | |
27 | 然而,一些人仍质疑,它是否在按照起人道主义规范来实现其高尚的目标。 | Yet some query whether it always fulfils the high ideals of its humanitarian mandate. | |
28 | 如果执行得当,老式的、人性化的银行服务也能造就一家稳健的企业,并能满足各种社会的一项基本需求。 | Old-fashioned, high-touch banking is a solid business if executed well, and fulfils an essential need in any society. | |
29 | 他们四人中每个人都完成了一个以前的同事所创造的报道类型:他们都具有“嗨桃瑞丝因素”(HeyDorisFactor)。 | Each of the four fulfils a story description coined by a former colleague: they have the "Hey Doris factor" . | |
30 | 我不是在贬低中国央行,但它在很大程度上扮演的是一种技术专家的角色。 | This is not to diminish the central bank, but it fulfils a largely technocratic function. |