属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最粗鲁的裁汰 The cruellest cut
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不明的财源 模糊的数字
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 简·奥斯汀 迷中之谜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-影院经济学 在里面更大
1 | 毅力和勇气就象适用男性一样适用女性(玛格丽特·夫乐尔)。 | Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities(Margaret Fuller . | |
2 | 由已故巴克明斯特.富勒制订的一个已经有20年历史的方案,即“全世界为全人类服务”的计划,可能很快成为现实。 | A 20-year-old scheme devised by the late Buckminster Fuller “to make the world work for 100% of humanity” may soon become a reality. | |
3 | 有热情而无知识,犹如有火焰而无光芒。--富勒 | Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.--Thomas Fuller | |
4 | 在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系。 | We should give a fuller play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources and build up a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system. | |
5 | 赞美的言论使好人更好,坏人更坏。--富勒 | Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.-- Thomas Fuller | |
6 | 这份学报对于人们更充分、更深刻地了解这门科学大有帮助。 | The journal aids materially in a fuller and deeper understanding of the subject. | |
7 | 这将有利于健全税收征管法律体系,更好地发挥税收的监控职能,维护市场经济秩序,服务于改革开放,促进社会主义经济建设持续、快速、健康地发展。 | This will help improve the legal system for tax collection and management, give fuller play to the supervision and control functions of taxation, maintain the market economy order, serve the reform and opening program and bring about the sustained, rapid and sound development of the socialist economic construction. | |
8 | 这使世人对富勒的认识由“怪人”一变而为“当之无愧的美国天才”。 | That changed the world’s perception of Fuller from crackpot to“authentic American genius” | |
9 | 这种平行性的进一步发扬便导致了解析几何的产生。 | The fuller development of the parallelism was to lead to analytic geometry. | |
10 | 知识是一座宝库,而实践就是开户宝库钥匙。--富勒 | Knowledge is a treasure; but practice is the key to it.--Thomas Fuller | |
11 | 知识是一座宝库,而实践就是开启宝库的钥匙。--富勒 | Knowledge is a treasure, But practice is the key to it.--Fuller | |
12 | 知识是一座宝库,而实践是并启宝库的钥匙。英国教士富勒 | Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.--Thomas Fuller , British churchman | |
13 | 只要看一眼就会明白,漂白土的故事完全是胡扯。因为如果认为这个功效如此之大的机器竟然是为这么不恰当的目的而设计的,那才真是荒唐可笑。 | It was obvious at a glance that the story of fuller ’s-earth was the merest fabrication, for it would be absurd to suppose that so powerful an engine could be designed for so inadequate a purpose. | |
14 | 自己首先知道自己可笑之处的人,就不会被人耻笑了。--富勒 | He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.--Thomas Fuller | |
15 | 最充分利用时间的人腾不出多余的时间。--富勒 | Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.--Thomas Fuller | |
16 | ||1:“南岸秀”作为英国主要的商业广播机构ITV的一档固定节目,多年来一直秉承严肃的文化主题风格。在这么一个日渐俗套的电视网络中,它还留有知识分子的良知。||2:32年来它描绘了持有各种信念的艺术家,现在,ITV将该节目连同它那受人尊敬的知识分子外衣,一并抛弃了。||3:“南岸秀”的主持人Bragg阁下在他的新书中,回顾了他所做的其中25期节目,并力图从那些访谈摘录中编织出更加完整的艺术人像。 | ||1:The “South Bank Show” has for years been almost the only serious regular culture programme on ITV, Britain’s main commercial broadcaster, the intellectual conscience of an increasingly tacky network.||2:Now, after profiling artists of all persuasions for 32 years, it has been axed, and the pretence of intellectual respectability abandoned.||3:In his new book Lord Bragg, the show’s presenter, looks back at 25 of his subjects, weaving excerpts from their interviews into fuller artistic portraits. | |
17 | ||1:如今,伦敦小说又再次回到原点,借由当代两大忧患——经济危机与恐怖主义,拓宽视角,聚焦于方方面面。||2:以最近的两本小说为例,约翰·兰彻斯特的《首都》和塞巴斯蒂安·福克斯的《十二月的一周》未能像狄更斯或柯南道尔的作品那样,成为一个时代的印记。||3:但它们也展现了一个新的大都市版“污水坑”,同样有无尽烦恼纠缠着各个社会阶层,令他们在新的战线上分分合合。 | ||1:The novels of London are now coming full circle, bringing a fuller cast into focus through two modern preoccupations: economic crisis and terrorism.||2:Two recent examples, John Lanchester’s “Capital” and Sebastian Faulks’s “A Week in December”, fail to define their age as Dickens or Conan Doyle did.||3:But they also point to a new cosmopolitan cesspool, where a similar set of worries beset every strata of society, uniting and dividing it along new lines. | |
18 | IMF金库充盈,欧元防火墙依旧薄弱; | The IMF’s coffers are fuller , but the euro zone’s “firewall” is still flimsy; | |
19 | 两本书都是很重要的。约翰逊女士的文章给读者提供了奥斯汀及其仰慕者一个更加全面欣赏的机会,但是你该读一下穆兰先生的书,这本书比你的伙伴奥斯汀崇拜者更胜一筹,会成为你难忘的一课。 | Both books are important. Ms Johnson’s essays offer the reader a fuller appreciation of Austen and her admirers, but it is Mr Mullan’s you should read for an unforgettable lesson in one-upmanship over your fellow Janeites. | |
20 | 影院业主可以更充分地利用他们的屏幕,和观众欣赏已经播过的电影。 | Cinema-owners can make fuller use of their screens, and audiences see delights they would otherwise miss. | |
21 | 《铁血军营》和《钢盔》这两部由塞缪尔富勒拍的电影,相当优秀。 | The Big Red One and Steel Helmet, both directed by Sam Fuller , were excellent. | |
22 | JakeFuller解释说:“每一股高投票权普通股相当于15票,而每一股普通股相当于1票。” | "Each high-vote ordinary share is entitled to 15 votes versus one vote for each ordinary share, " Fuller explains. | |
23 | Word消失,Outlook2003出现,其中显示了一封要发给林彩瑜的电子邮件,主题是“部门重组”。 | Word disappears, and Outlook 2003 appears, showing an e-mail message addressed to Andrew Fuller with a subject of "department reorg. " | |
24 | 阿富汗选举委员会声称将每天公布计票结果,而最终结果将需要一定的时间。 | The country’s election commission claims to release results on a daily basis and it will take some time for a fuller picture to emerge. | |
25 | 布朗认为结合线上与线下才能给乐于奉献的人全方位的体验。 | Brown says combining offline and online gives a fuller experience. | |
26 | 布鲁斯·福勒是伯克利加利福尼亚大学的教育学教授,他使用了不同的字眼来评论这场辩论。 | Bruce Fuller , an education professor at the University of California, Berkeley, used different terms in discussing the debate. | |
27 | 长期损害或许要等黑客攻击细节浮现后才能明朗。 | The long-term damage may not be clear until fuller details of the hacking emerge. | |
28 | 迟早,平民百姓会向这些主流观点提出挑战,要求一份更完整的帐单。 | sooner or later ordinary citizens will challenge the prevailing wisdom and demand a fuller account. | |
29 | 从另一角度考虑,它能使你在很长时间内有一种饱腹的感觉。 | To put that another way, they will help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. | |
30 | 从现在的情况看来,亚洲的国家将会继续拥抱这一碗越来越满的面条。 | Until that happens, Asian countries may content themselves with a fuller noodle bowl. |