属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-同性恋投票 公之于众
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-色情与政治 应付自如
1 | 走私主要集中在著名的世界品牌上,因为对商品的即时确认和信心是进行这种快速的地下交易所必须的。 | Smuggling focuses mainly on well-known international brands, as instant recognition and confidence in the merchandise are essential to these quick, furtive transactions. | |
2 | 最初不很响,也不很多;后来却一点一点多起来了,也响起来了。屠维岳偷偷地看了李麻子一眼,李麻子铁青着脸,咬紧了牙齿。 | The voices were subdued and sporadic at first, but they became louder and louder as more girls took up the cry, Tu Wei-yueh cast a furtive glance at Pockmarked Li and saw that his face was dark and his jaw set firm | |
3 | ||1:1979年1月,一支越南军队扫清红色高棉政权,凡纳也停止了画人像。||2:但1980-81年间是一段更让人锥心蚀骨的艺术开始。仓皇逃窜的S-21狱卒留下的文件书写了监狱运作的大体轮廓,然而正是凡纳用昏暗,严肃的颜料描绘出的个人记忆,才活生生的展示了那里曾经发生的过往。||3:午夜时分,蒙住眼的男子,妇女和儿童被卡车运进集中营。||4:男人被扎在竹竿上,像猪一样;婴儿从母亲的怀里被扯出来——不久凡纳才明白,婴儿会被摔死在树上。||5:囚犯被面如铁石的狱卒刺戳,鞭打,扭送进囚禁室,再一个挨一个的挤在一起,像正在腐烂的木头。||6:红色高棉丧失权力很多年后,此政权高层仍然否认S-21的存在。||7:而凡纳在囚禁室到作画室的路上,一次次用秘密的一瞥记录下了S-21的现实。 | ||1: When a Vietnamese invasion swept the Khmers Rouges from power, in January 1979, his portrait-painting ended. ||2: But in 1980-81 an even more harrowing spell of art began. The fleeing warders of S-21 left behind troves of documents outlining the prison’s work, but it was Mr Vann Nath, painting his memories in sombre oils, who showed most vividly what had happened there. ||3: Blindfolded men, women and children trucked into the compound in the middle of the night. ||4: Men carried, trussed like pigs, on bamboo poles. Babies torn from their mothers’ arms—to be smashed against walls, he learned later. ||5: Prisoners prodded, whipped and steered by stone-faced cadres into holding cells to be crammed side by side, like decaying logs. ||6: For many years after the Khmers Rouges fell from power, the upper echelons of the regime denied S-21’s existence. ||7: Mr Vann Nath caught its reality in furtive glances, as he moved from cell to workshop. | |
4 | ||1:诺丁汉大学选举学家菲利普·克劳利在分析同性恋婚姻的投票结果之后发现,58%的70后保守党议员投票支持,而与之相比,45%的70前议员投票支持。||2:相对年轻的人群更易接受开放的社会,支持同性婚姻。||3:未来选民还未确定,但极有可能不愿看到保守党在同性恋问题上让其不快。||4:以前,同性恋人群投票支持保守党还要遮遮掩掩,但是现在,他们可以大胆地作出选择。||5:毕竟,对于有些人来说,代表保守党崭露头角曾经也是如同性恋出柜一般艰难。 | ||1:But perhaps the biggest boost for the party is yet to come.After the same-sex marriage vote, Philip Cowley, a psephologist at the University of Nottingham, worked out that 58% of Conservative MPs born after 1970 voted for it, in contrast to 45% of those born before that year.||2:Younger people are more likely to be socially liberal and to support same-sex marriage.||3:Undecided future voters are less likely to see the Conservatives as the nasty party on gay issues.||4:And gay people who might once have been furtive in voting for them can now be bolder about their choice.||5:After all, for some, coming out as a Conservative may once have been as hard as coming out as gay. | |
5 | 如果民意调查是正确的,那么,在下周二的中期大选中将会看到,红州的红色面孔里面,鬼鬼祟祟的冲浪者正搜索色情。与此同时,在蓝州,一阵沮丧意味着屏幕将被关上。 | If the polls are right, then, next Tuesday’s mid-term elections will see red faces in the red states for those furtive surfers who are caught in the act. In the blue states, meanwhile, a fit of the blues will mean the screens stay switched off. | |
6 | 不同与三十年前打破公社行动的偷偷摸摸,塔洼村的土地拍卖计划大张旗鼓,被北京的报纸广为报道。 | Unlike the furtive break-up of the communes 30 years ago, Tawa’s land-auction plans were splashed over newspapers in Beijing. | |
7 | 对于有妓女情结的男人,性是肉体的、肮脏的、私下的,而不是像爱情那样是外在的。 | To men with this complex, sex is carnal, grubby and furtive instead of being an outward and visible expression of love. | |
8 | 恩昆达上周潜进卢旺达时,还指望卡加梅与自己的秘密友谊可以罩他一阵子。 | Mr Nkunda slipped into Rwanda last week still believing that his furtive friendship with Mr Kagame would protect him. | |
9 | 或者是在长城断垣残壁的见证下,鬼鬼祟祟地穿越广袤的蒙古草原? | Slip across the grasslands of Mongolia, ruins of the Great Wall the only witnesses to my furtive gait? | |
10 | 她们看起来十分紧张,甚至有些鬼鬼祟祟。 | They were nervous, furtive even. | |
11 | 谋杀一定是无声无息、隐密和残忍的,就像这群学生临时决定杀掉一位可能的告密者(颇有《冲破铁幕》(TornCurtain)的味道)。 | Murder must be noiseless, furtive and brutal, as in the gang’s improvised killing of a potential whistle-blower (very Torn Curtain). | |
12 | 那人鬼鬼祟祟的样子引起警察对他的监视,看他要做什么。 | The man’s furtive manner made the policeman watch him to see what he would do. | |
13 | 他向她悄悄地投入感激的一瞥,回到了他的客人跟前去;一种冲动使他把真实的情况瞒住了她。 | He gave her a grateful, furtive look, and went back to his guest; an impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs. | |
14 | 他用指尖推着,轻轻地、缓缓地、正象一只胆怯心细、想要进门的猫。 | He pushed it gently with the tip of his finger, lightly, with the furtive and uneasy gentleness of a cat which is desirous of entering. | |
15 | 偷;以偷偷摸摸地方式拿(某物,尤其是没有什么价值的东西) | filch vt. to take (something, especially something of little value) in a furtive manner | |
16 | 偷偷摸摸地瞟两眼朋友的答题纸,再在胳膊上胡乱写几笔就行啦。 | Cast a furtive glance at your friend’s answer sheet, scribble a note or two on your arm, perhaps. | |
17 | 偷偷摸摸可能成为主流。 | A furtive activity could become mainstream. | |
18 | 我们的笑声惊动了邻桌的人,接下来我们的目光躲躲闪闪,游离不定。 | Our laughter startled people at a nearby table. During the time left to us, out glances were furtive , oblique. | |
19 | 在车站,A先生偷偷地给恭子一个告别吻。 | At the station Mr A gives Kyoko a furtive goodbye kiss. | |
20 | 遮遮掩掩,鬼鬼祟祟的政权最终被说服允许一小部分外国救援队进入受灾地带。 | The furtive regime was eventually persuaded to allow a trickle of foreign aid into the deluged region. | |
21 | 这个国度的爱势不可挡却又遮遮掩掩。 | This country’s affection is overwhelming and furtive . | |
22 | 直到几天后,在海滩上,我发现一个男人正在偷瞄她隆起的小腹,这下终于可以看出来了。 | A few days later, though, on a beach, I noticed a man sneaking furtive looks at her bulge, which was finally beginning to show. | |
23 | 作为家居空间狭小的已婚夫妇和鬼鬼祟祟的好色之徒的庇护所,长期以来,日本的情人酒店一直是台赚钱机器。 | Japanese love hotels, a refuge for space-constrained married couples and furtive philanderers, have long been a money-spinner. |