属类:经济金融-American Stories 美国故事-66号公路十大必看景点
1 | 窗户在高高的山墙上,它的顶端几乎碰到向两边斜下来的屋顶上。 | The window was high in the gable , its top corners almost reaching the roof which stopped down on either side | |
2 | 单折版式屋顶之低层厂棚建筑风载重特性研究 | A Study on the Wind Effects on the Low-rise Industrial Buildings with Gable Roofs | |
3 | 低层双坡房屋屋面风荷载的数值研究-坡角和高宽比影响的分析 | Numerical Study of Wind Loads on low-rise gable -roofed Building Roofs-Analysis of Roof Pitch and height-width Ratio Effects | |
4 | 多点输入下门式桁架结构的抗震分析 | Seismic Analysis of Trussed Gable Frame Subjected to multi-support Excitations | |
5 | 她与第二个丈夫制片人汤麦斯·路易斯育有二子,56岁的克里斯托福和55岁的皮特,她的养女,今年64岁的朱蒂·路易斯声称她的出生来自扬和克拉克·盖博的一场风流韵事。 | And Judy Lewis,64,her adopted daughter--she has two sons, Christopher, 56, and Peter,55 from her second marriage, to producer Thomas Lewis--claimed to be the result of a romance between Young and Clark Gable | |
6 | 老虎窗的屋顶部分 | The gable holding such a window. | |
7 | 立柱需均匀分布,其间隔可根据设计的要求而不同。脊檩由立柱支撑,而且每端都需镶入山墙里,以作为边支撑。 | The posts are spaced at intervals, varying according to the requirement of the design, and carry the ridge purling, which is built into the gable walling at each end for additional support. | |
8 | 鸟步山墙顶上一系列踏步或踏步状突出的上步 | One of a series of steps or steplike projections on the top of a gable wall. | |
9 | 坡屋顶由带柱的门廊支承,两端有门廊(无柱庙宇),廊柱在四周排列(绕柱神庙),或者围有双层柱子。 | A gable roof was supported by columns, with a portico at each end (amphiprostyle temple), a colonnade extending all around (peripteral temple), or a double line of columns all around (dipteral temple). | |
10 | 确实,那里还有那条街道的每一个原有的痕迹,这和他记忆中的是一致的,而房舍的各个独特之处,诸如众多的山墙,各个尖顶上都有的风信鸡,凡是他记得的都应有尽有。 | There, indeed, was each former trace of the street, as he remembered it, and all the peculiarities of the houses, with the due multitude of gable -peaks, and a weather-cock at every point where his memory suggested one. | |
11 | 人字屋顶;三角屋顶. | a gable roof | |
12 | 三角墙,山墙建有人字形屋顶的房屋的整个末端墙面 | The whole end wall of a building or wing having a gable roof. | |
13 | 山墙封檐板常做装饰性雕刻的木板,与三角屋顶突出来的边相连 | A board,often ornately carved,attached along the projecting edge of a gable roof. | |
14 | 山墙突瓦,檐口瓦,滴水瓦突出在屋顶的山墙上的盖瓦的边缘 | The edge of the tiling that projects over a roof gable . | |
15 | 山形墙及朝街的阁楼窗是从荷兰传来的流行样式。 | The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street,came from Holland. | |
16 | 双坡单跨铰接门式刚架的极值弯矩、位置及反弯点的分析 | Analysis of the Value and Position of the Extreme Bending Moment and the Contraflexure Point for the Design of the single-span Portal Frame with Hinged Connection and a Gable Roof | |
17 | 透明PVC塑料布山型温室日照能透过率之研究 | Study of Solar Radiation Transmission in Transparent PVC Plastic Gable -type Greenhouse | |
18 | 我不喜欢山墙上的那个难看的窟窿。 | I don’t like the ugly look of that hole in the gable . | |
19 | 我是克拉克·盖博的影迷,我看过他演的所有影片。 | I am a Clark Gable nut: I have seen all his films. | |
20 | 无菌包装技术在屋顶盒包装机中的应用 | The Application of Aseptic Packaging Technology in Gable -box Machine | |
21 | 有两个斜面的屋顶在两端各成一个三角形,称为山形墙屋顶。 | A roof with two slopes that form a triangle at each end is called a gable roof. | |
22 | ||1:李维斯的501牛仔裤很结实。||2:展出的最古老的一条牛仔裤腿可追溯到1890年;另一条腿当时用来拖汽车。||3:牛仔衣物最初的目标客户是农民、机械师和矿工,后来成为了西方骑兵的首选服装。||4:没过多久,著名美国演员约翰·韦恩和克拉克·盖博就穿着牛仔看日落了,接着是马龙·白兰度和詹姆斯·迪恩扮演的迷人的流氓。 | ||1:Levi’s 501jeans were tough.||2:The oldest pair on display dates to 1890; another was used to tow a car.||3:Marketed originally to farmers, mechanics and miners, they became the garb of choice for Western horsemen.||4:It wasn’t long before John Wayne and Clark Gable were wearing them into the sunset, followed by glamorous hoodlums played by Marlon Brando and James Dean. | |
23 | El Trovatore汽车旅馆接待过的客人包括玛丽莲·梦露,克拉克·盖博和詹姆斯·迪恩在内的好莱坞偶像。 | El Trovatore’s past guests include Hollywood icons like Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable and James Dean. | |
24 | “她不想出名。她希望得到快乐。”-克拉克盖博。 | "She didn’t want to be famous. She wanted to be happy. " -- Clark Gable . | |
25 | 1999年,美国电影协会第七次将盖博称为史上最伟大的男影星之一。 | In 1999, the American Film Institute named Gable seventh among the greatest male stars of all time. | |
26 | 从机载激光扫描数据中交互式提取人字形房屋模型的方法研究 | Approach on Interactive Extraction of Gable -roofed Building Models from Airborne Lidar Data | |
27 | 但是,Gable小组成员们一次又一次地看到各种被动反应会给关系满意程度带来消极影响。 | But time and time again, Gable ’s team saw that passive responses negatively affected relationship satisfaction. | |
28 | 低层双坡屋面房屋表面风压的数值模拟 | Numerical simulation of wind pressures on low-rise building with gable roof | |
29 | 地震作用下门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构的设计与分析 | Design and analyse of seismic action on steel structure of light-weight buildings with gable frame | |
30 | 她也记得,就因为克拉克·盖博的一句“我毫无兴趣”,电影还曾被罗马天主教堂禁止放映。 | She also remembers it was banned by the Roman Catholic Church because of Clark Gable ’s unforgettable "I don’t give a damn" line. |