1 | 不比得荪甫,他说麻将是气闷的玩意儿;他要是赌,就爱的打宝摇摊!” | I know you don’t look at mahjong the way Sun-fu does-he says it’s a slow-moving and tedious game and that if he gambles at all he prefers fast dice games! | |
2 | 汽车传动轴万向节叉垂直分模挤压模锻工艺及其模具 | Perpendicular extruding forging process and moulds for the manufacture of gambles of automotive transaxles | |
3 | 他把他的大部分收入都压在赛马的赌注上。 | He gambles most of his income on the horse race | |
4 | 他从事股票投机。 | He gambles on the stock exchange. | |
5 | 他赌马和骰子。 | He gambles on the horses and at dice. | |
6 | 他在九月间抵制了一些似是而非的冒险行动,这是值得称赞的。 | He deserves credit for resisting specious gambles in September | |
7 | 太太不忠实,偷人,丈夫做了乌龟,买彩票准中头奖,赌钱准赢,所以,他说,男人赌钱输了,该引以自慰。 | Mr. Fang said that if the wife is unfaithful and has an affair, the husband is sure to take first prize if he buys a lottery ticket, and he is sure to win if he gambles .And he added that if a man loses at gambling, he should take it as a consolation | |
8 | 我早就告诉沙利不要那么笨,去和那个人结婚。可是,对于我的话,她是一个耳朵进一个耳朵出。结了婚她才知道那人又喝酒又赌钱。现在她后悔当初没听我的话,想要和他分手啦。 | I told Sally it was foolish to marry that man, but it went in one ear and out the other. Now she wishes she’d listened to me. He drinks and gambles and she wants to leave him. | |
9 | 选举赌盘之价格形成 | The Price Formation in Election Gambles | |
10 | 在《活着》(张艺谋的另一部影片,1994)中,一个富有家庭的被宠坏了的儿子将他父亲的所有财产都赌光了。 | In Life times (1994), another film by Zhang Yimou, the spoiled son of a wealthy family gambles away all of his father’s fortunes. | |
11 | ||1:他曾经的改革热情变成了打破现状的恐惧。||2:在他不幸的第二任期结束时,希拉克成为第五共和国最不受欢迎的总统(尽管弗朗索瓦·奥朗德后来打破了这一糟糕记录)。||3:原因很简单。||4:这个国家正遭受着他自己所承认的“严重的弊病”,在欧洲政坛上,德国的复兴让法国颜面扫地。||5:2005年,当骚乱席卷各大城市时,他潜伏了一个星期,陷到了人生最低谷。||6:希拉克在正式会议上脾气暴躁,举止粗鲁,而且满是怨言,希拉克还进行了一些非常糟糕的赌博,尤其是在1997年举行议会选举时,反对党社会党轻松获胜。 | ||1:His one-time reformist zeal mutated into a fear of upsetting the status quo.||2:By the end of his ill-starred second term, Mr Chirac was the Fifth Republic’s most unpopular president (though Fran?ois Hollande later beat that dismal record).||3:It was easy to see why.||4:The country was suffering from what he himself admitted was a "profound malaise", playing a humiliating second fiddle to a resurgent Germany in European politics.||5:His nadir came when he lay low for a week while rioting engulfed the big cities in 2005.||6:He was prone to petulance and rudeness in official meetings, bore mammoth grudges, and took some spectacularly bad gambles , notably calling a parliamentary election in 1997 which the opposition Socialists won easily. | |
12 | 历史学家和许多公众早已知道,温斯顿·丘吉尔在他的政治生涯中经常冒险豪赌。 | HISTORIANS and many members of the public already know that Winston Churchill often took high-stakes gambles in his political life. | |
13 | 不过金融危机迷雾中的赌博也可能严重地误入歧途。 | But gambles taken in the fog of a financial crisis can also prove horribly misguided. | |
14 | 但是更多情况下,价格战都是孤注一掷。 | More often, price wars are reckless gambles . | |
15 | 赌场营办商也已经投下几笔巨注,谁将获利? | Casino operators have taken some big gambles . Who will clean up? | |
16 | 对监管薄弱、从事复杂赌博的金融机构进行无止境的担保,是无法容忍的。 | Open-ended insurance of weakly regulated institutions that take complex gambles is intolerable. | |
17 | 她赌博,欠了高利贷一大笔钱 | who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks, hey. | |
18 | 面对经济危机,英国政府正进行一场经济政策的豪赌。 | Amid a big slump, the UK is set to make two massive gambles in economic policy. | |
19 | 撇开上述几位基金经理近年来的大幅盈利不谈,全球宏观并不是一种押注获取暴利的策略。 | Recent big gains of the above managers aside, global macro is not a strategy that gambles on making big killings. | |
20 | 乔治-索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)留出了在金融赌博中获得的一部分利润,用于资助教育基金会和做其它善事。 | George Soros sets aside a proportion of the profits from his financial gambles to fund educational foundations and other good works. | |
21 | 如果乐购谨慎地小赌,即使它赢了,在它达到临界规模之前,竞争对手将有充足的时间复制它的战略。 | If Tesco gambles small and wins, competitors will havetime to copy it before it reaches critical mass. | |
22 | 如果你进行100次类似的赌博,实际上你最终肯定会赢得一笔可观的收益。 | If you accepted 100 gambles like this, you are virtually certain to end up with a substantial gain. | |
23 | 如果一年之中有那么一个时间点进入市场赌博会显得很愚蠢,那肯定就是8月。 | And if there was ever a moment in the calendar when it seems foolish to embark on market gambles , August is surely that point. | |
24 | 萨特利说,奥巴马将继续将赌注放在其个人声望之上。 | Obama would be ready to take further gambles on his personal popularity, Sutley said. | |
25 | 网络赌博违法犯罪的特点及对策 | Characteristics of Crime of Network Gambles and Countermeasures to Them | |
26 | 问题在于,投资银行进行了最终危及自身生存的赌博。 | The catch was that investment banks were taking what turned out to be life-threatening gambles . | |
27 | 一般的运动能力,常常出现赌博式防守,内线防守能力不足 | Average athlete who gambles too much on defense and struggles guarding post. | |
28 | 在交易所碰运气的人就如在游戏桌上赌博的人一样。 | The man who gambles upon the exchanges is in the condition of the man who gambles at the gaming table. | |
29 | 在一场实验中,卡车司机们必须在赌博和确定的报酬中做出选择。 | In one experiment, the truckers were asked to choose between gambles and certain payoffs. | |
30 | 在这部作品中,她回顾了那个戏剧性时代中的眼界与手腕、策略与赌博、外交与危险、勇气与小气。 | Her story recalls the vision and manoeuvrings, strategy and gambles , diplomacy and dangers, courage and pettiness of those dramatic days. |