属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
1 | 海丝特打发小珠儿跑到水边去玩贝壳和缠结的海藻,好让她同那边那采药人谈一会儿话。 | HESTER bade little Pearl run down to the margin of the water, and play with the shells and tangled seaweed, until she should have talked awhile with yonder gatherer of herbs. | |
2 | 人们也常称他为“聚集乌云的神”、“乌云神”、“掷送闪电的神”和“强大的雷神”。 | Hence such titles as "cloud-gatherer ," "god of the murky cloud," "thunderet," and "mighty thunderer," were those by which he was most frequently invoked | |
3 | 珠儿的精神从来十足,当她母亲同那采药老人谈话时,她一直玩得挺带劲。 | Pearl, whose activity of spirit never flagged, had been at no loss for amusement while her mother talked with the old gatherer of herbs. | |
4 | 鲍尔斯研究了8个现代猎狩族群和15个古代猎狩族群的考古证据,得出了结论: | Dr Bowles looked at eight modern hunter-gatherer groups, including the Tiwi, and at archaeological evidence concerning 15 ancient ones. | |
5 | 关于以上这些是如何影响采猎群落中的狩猎者目前还没有相关调查。 | How all this pertains to the “hunter” in “hunter-gatherer ” has yet to be investigated. | |
6 | 认同的基础有两点:现代的人们有与邻为敌的倾性;对那些仍然生活在农业社会以前的采集狩猎者的观察结果。 | They base it not only on the propensity of modern man to go to war with his neighbours but also on observations of the way those who still live a pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer life behave. | |
7 | 他们两人对全世界21个猎狩社会进行了仔细观察,得出了此项结论。 | Dr Fry and Mr Soderberg came to this conclusion by scrutinising 21 hunter- gatherer societies from all over the world. | |
8 | 在采猎者社会群落中,典型的搜集者人数大约占到了一半左右,对于那些人数多于搜集者的群落,手势是对于这些人的成功能否起到同样的关键作用仍然是一个问题。 | It remains an open question whether they are as crucial to success in groups larger than the half-dozen or so people typical of foraging parties in hunter-gatherer societies. Spoken contributions allow information to be disseminated rapidly to group members far away. | |
9 | Wayne博士认为从那时起,狼开始跟随这些群落行动,以受伤的猎物、尸体或者生活垃圾为食。 | Dr. Wayne believes that wolves began following hunter-gatherer bands to feed on the wounded prey, carcasses or other refuse. | |
10 | 拜因霍克还估计,在一个传统的采猎社会,这个数字更接近于300。 | Beinhocker also estimates that for a traditional hunter-gatherer society, the number is closer to 300. | |
11 | 除此之外,现在社会中的很多狩猎者都很信奉神灵。 | In addition, most hunter-gatherer societies today have a panoply of deities. | |
12 | 从采集狩猎的例子可以得出男性和女性还逐步形成了不同类型的智力。 | As our hunter-gatherer example has already suggested, men and women have also evolved different kinds of intelligence. | |
13 | 从有关现有的狩猎采集民族的研究中,汤马斯洛博士发现很多层面的人类活动融入了合作的痕迹。 | From study of existing hunter gatherer peoples, Dr. Kaplan has found evidence of cooperation woven into many levels of human activity. | |
14 | 但是一个狩猎者-采集者组合,由于合作的存在,在他的部落中可能会接触到一千个人。 | But a hunter-gatherer , because of cooperation between bands, may interact with a thousand individuals in his tribe. | |
15 | 对狩猎文化的研究加深了对这种新观点的理解。 | Research into hunter-gatherer cultures has contributed to this new understanding. | |
16 | 对于一个狩猎者来说,试图避开一只熊以免像自己的父亲一样被熊吞掉并没有什么问题。 | That worked fine for a hunter-gatherer trying to avoid being devoured by a bear like his father was. | |
17 | 如果事实果真如此,那么从事采摘的女性就必须培养出一种男性未能显示出的能力。 | If that is the case, then woman-the-gatherer might have been expected to develop complementary skills not shown by males. | |
18 | 如今,英格兰农民的卡路里摄取量似乎一直低于原始狩猎社会时期。 | Calorie intake of rural labourers in England seems to have been somewhat less than it is in primitive hunter-gatherer societies today. | |
19 | 是一种结构简单,携带方便,无需外加动力、能连续自动导入的减阻剂导入器。 | And the gatherer is simple in structure, convenient in carrying and automatic in leading of drag reduction agent without extra force. | |
20 | 他们不像他们狩猎、采集食物的祖先,他们似乎终日闲坐喝酒。 | Unlike their hunter-gatherer ancestors, they seemed to sit around drinking all day. | |
21 | 他们记录下了每位采集者去过的地方以及收集到的蘑菇的重量。 | They recorded the weight of the mushrooms each gatherer collected and where they visited. | |
22 | 他说,社会主义的所有形式都无法适应超越狩猎阶段的经济发展。 | He said that socialism in all its forms cannot accommodate any economic development beyond the hunter-gatherer stage. | |
23 | 他说,专注于一个定理的感觉,就像“一个猎人,一个数学概念的收集者。” | The sensation of working on a theorem, he says, can be like being "a hunter and gatherer of mathematical concepts. " | |
24 | 我们生理上是相当适应那种狩猎—采集的社会模式,但是进化还是没能赶我们现在的生活方式。 | We’re fairly well adapted for life in a hunter-gatherer society, but evolution has not caught up to the way we live now. | |
25 | 我认为这是一个我们可以从狩猎者群体中吸取到的教训,那些狩猎者依旧向我们的祖先那样生活。 | I think that is the lesson we can take from current hunter-gatherer groups, people who still live in a way that our ancestors did. | |
26 | 一个签名征集人员在公交车站或者电影院前找到一列缓慢移动的长队,然后“鱼贯而签”,人们很难回避这种签名。 | A signature-gatherer finds a slow-moving queue at a bus stop or cinema, then "works the line" , from which people cannot easily escape. | |
27 | 以家庭为基础的小型团体走到了一起,形成捕猎者-采集者部落。 | Small, family-based groups came together, forming hunter-gatherer tribes. | |
28 | 远古人类大部分生存在小而平等的团队里依靠采集和狩猎为生。 | For most of their existence, humans lived in small, egalitarian hunter-gatherer bands. | |
29 | 在国内最重要的个人信息采集者是美国联邦调查局。 | The most important gatherer of personal information in the country is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. | |
30 | 这种长期的依赖关系对于发展狩猎者和采集者的生活方式所需的特殊技能是必须的。 | This long period of dependency was needed to develop the special skills required for the hunter gatherer way of life. |