属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-联合抗击恐怖主义 法国却唱起了"独角戏"
1 | “那儿,只有一个典狱长,一个卫队,一些囚卒和厚厚的墙。 | "There are only," said the gendarme , "a governor, a garrison, turnkeys, and good thick walls | |
2 | “那个宪兵为什么在那儿呢?” | Why is that gendarme there? | |
3 | “是的。”一个士兵回答。 | "Yes," replied a gendarme | |
4 | “是给你坐的。”一个宪兵回答。 | "It is for you," replied a gendarme | |
5 | “我们不知道维尔福先生曾许过你什么愿。”宪兵说,我知道我们是押你到伊夫监狱去,咦,你想干什么,朋友,抓住他! | "I do not know what M. de Villefort promised you," said the gendarme , "but I know we are taking you to the chateau d’If. But what are you doing? Help, comrades, help!" | |
6 | 产灵芝胞外多糖培养基的优化及发酵指标变化 | Study on Optimization of Media for Gendarme lucidum Polysaccharide and Its Fermentation | |
7 | 当看到一个宪兵驾着一艘检疫船驶来的时候,唐太斯不由地打了一个寒颤。 | Still Dants could not view without a shudder the approach of a gendarme who accompanied the officers deputed to demand his bill of health ere the yacht was permitted to hold communication with the shore | |
8 | 好几个宪兵用膝头顶着他的胸膛说“你们水手的信用原来是这样的! | "Good!" said the gendarme , placing his knee on his chest | |
9 | 那宪兵迟疑不决地看着他的同伴,他的同伴长叹一声,象是说告诉他也无妨,于是那宪兵回答说:“你是马赛本地人,又是个水手,怎么会不知道你在往什么地方去?” | The gendarme looked irresolutely at his companion, who returned for answer a sign that said, "I see no great harm in telling him now," and the gendarme replied,-- | |
10 | 他记起了维尔福先生的许诺,于是希望又复活了,而且他想,如果这样在船上死在一个宪兵的手里,似乎他觉得太平庸,太丢人的脸了。 | But he bethought him of M. de Villefort’s promise; and, besides, death in a boat from the hand of a gendarme seemed too terrible | |
11 | 唐太斯虽然极不愿意再提出疑问,但他还是禁不住转向靠近他的那个宪兵,抓住了他的一只手。 | In spite of his repugnance to address the guards, Dants turned to the nearest gendarme , and taking his hand,-- | |
12 | 宪兵那训练有素的眼睛只看见了急速一动,那是唐太斯正跃身准备投入海里的一瞬间,但是,四条强有力的手臂已经抓住了他,以致他的脚好象给钉在了地板上一样,他疯狂地叫着跌进了船舱里。 | By a rapid movement, which the gendarme ’s practiced eye had perceived, Dants sprang forward to precipitate himself into the sea; but four vigorous arms seized him as his feet quitted the bottom of the boat.He fell back cursing with rage | |
13 | 一个宪兵正在院子里踱步。 | A gendarme was crossing the court. | |
14 | 与此同时,安德烈所注意到的那第一个宪兵已跟着警察局的执事官走上楼来,第二个宪兵仍守着楼梯,第三个宪兵仍守在大门口。 | At this precise time, the first gendarme Andrea had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police, and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door | |
15 | 正在他工作时,有个警察走过,注意到他,便向他要证件。 | While he was at work,a gendarme passed,observed him,and demanded his papers. | |
16 | ||1:尽管法国不愿意扮演后殖民宪兵的角色,但是奥朗德先生已经对马里问题发表了严正声明。||2:在这次非洲之旅中,他试图号召地区领导人加入这项事业。||3:法国内政部长曼纽尔·瓦尔斯拜访了阿尔及利亚以试图缩小分歧。||4:法国起草了一份联合国安理会决议,批准派遣一支驻非洲军队以重新夺回反动派在马里控制的地区,该决议受到一致通过,并于10月12日施行。||5:法国国防部长让一伊夫·勒德里昂表示“几周之内”就能组建好一支驻非队伍。 | ||1:Despite France’s reluctance to play post-colonial gendarme , Mr Hollande is starting to sound tougher on Mali.||2:During his African trip, he tried to rally regional leaders to the cause.||3:Manuel Valls, the interior minister, visited Algeria to narrow differences.||4:France drafted a UN Security Council resolution, unanimously adopted on October 12th, that authorises the dispatch of an African force to retake rebel-held territory in Mali.||5:Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French defence minister, says such a force could be ready “within weeks”. | |
17 | “请告诉我,我从哪儿才能领到驿马?”土地测量员问站里的宪兵。 | "Tell me, please, where can I get post-horses here? " the surveyor asked of the station gendarme . | |
18 | 灵芝胞外多糖培养基优化及发酵过程研究 | Study on the optimization and fermentation process of Gendarme lucidum Extrapolysaccharide | |
19 | 玄武岩已经碎裂了,形成了所谓的“宪兵” | Basalt has crumbled out and formed so-called "gendarme " |