1 | "该搜索引擎的核心是名为""音乐基因工程""的项目,它将对130,000首音乐进行分解分析,从而得出四百多种音乐特质,而这将花去相当于十五个人共同工作一年的劳动。" | The key to its hopeful success is the company’s Music Genome Project, a 15 man-year undertaking to analyze more than 130,000 songs and break them down to more than 400 characteristics. | |
2 | "这个""音乐基因工程""固然不象""人类基因工程""那样具有划时代意义(""人类基因工程""是通过确定30,000个基因来详细说明人类DNA-脱氧核糖核酸)," | The project is hardly as earth-shattering as the Human Genome Project, which attempts to define human DNA by identifying 30,000 genes. But much like that massive scientific work, | |
3 | “通过比较狗基因组序列数据和现有的人类基因组草图以及老鼠的基因组序列,结果显示狗类家族首先从三者共同的祖先中分离出来,” | Comparing the dog sequence data with current drafts of the human and mouse genome sequences showed that the dog lineage was the first to diverge from the common ancestor of the three species | |
4 | 1990年,被誉为生命科学“登月计划”的国际人类基因组计划启动,主要由美、日、德、法、英等国的科学家共同参与。 | The International Human Genome Project, known as life science’s "moom shot", was launched in 1990, jointly attended by scientists from the United States, Japan, Germany, France and Britain | |
5 | 1种快速提取转基因冰草基因组DNA的方法 | A Rapid Method for Extraction Genome DNA from Transgenic Wheatgrass Plants | |
6 | 2、中国在世界上率先破译对虾病毒遗传密码,从而使中国的基因组研究由人、动物、农作物延伸至海洋生物。 | China led the world in decoding genetic code of a fatal shrimp virus, extending China’s genome research from man, animals and farm crops to marine species | |
7 | 20年前,生物学家对是否有可能性编制人体内30亿对DNA碱基目录的设想嗤之以鼻,而今在机器人和高速计算机的帮助下,人类基因组草图的绘制工作已比原定计划提前完成了 | Twenty years ago, Biologists scoffed at the suggestion that it was possible to catalog the 3 Billion DNA base pairs in the human body. Now the rough draft of the human genome has been delivered ahead of schedule | |
8 | A型肉毒神经毒素(BoNT/A)基因序列分析及其B细胞表位预测 | Analysis of Genome Sequence of Clostridium Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A and Its Prediction of Related B Cell Epitopes | |
9 | SARS-CoV及其他冠状病毒基因组比较分析 | The Genome Comparison of SARS-CoV and Other Coronaviruses | |
10 | SRAP在检测黄瓜基因组多态性中的特征 | Characteristics of SRAP Marker in Detecting Polymorphism of Cucumber Genome | |
11 | ZFX基因同源序列在黄鳝基因组中的检出及其染色体定位 | Isolation and Chromosomal Localization of ZFX Homologue in Genome of Rice Field Eel(Monopterus albus Zuiew) | |
12 | 暗纹东方鲀线粒体若干tRNA基因的克隆及序列分析 | Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the tRNA Genes of Mitochondrial Genome from Takifugu fasciatus | |
13 | 暗纹东方鲀线粒体细胞色素b及其侧翼tRNA基因的克隆与序列分析 | Cloning and Analysis of Sequences of Cyt b and Its Connected tRNA Genes of Mitochondrial Genome from Takifugu fasciatus | |
14 | 表达乙肝病毒YVDD变异株肝癌细胞模型的建立 | Establishment of Hepatoma Model Expressing Genome of HBV-YVDD Mutation Strain | |
15 | 不产生子代病毒;侵染的病毒在宿主的染色体内处于休眠状态,直到宿主受到某种刺激,例如紫外辐射照射,这时,病毒的基因组就离开宿主的染色体而开始复制,形成新的病毒。 | No offspring viruses are produced; instead, the infecting virus lies dormant within the host’s chromosome until the host is exposed to certain stimuli, such as ultraviolet light. At that point, the virus genome is removed from the host chromosome and begins to multiply, forming new viruses. | |
16 | 不久前,科学家发表了关于稻米作物的基因序列的代码--新的研究将有助于其他的科学家集中研究特定的基因,以便设计出能生产出大量稻米的新的稻作品种。 | A few months ago, to great fanfare, scientists unveiled the genome sequence of rice--a tool of great potential use to researchers trying to develop new strains of rice with higher yields. | |
17 | 长穗偃麦草中E和E1基因组高分子量麦谷蛋白基因启动子部分序列的进化分析 | Evolution of Partial Promoter Region of HMW Glutenin Genes from E and E1 Genome of Agropyron Elongatum | |
18 | 成立不到3年的北京基因组学研究所已经在世界上处于领先地位,它最近在几个月内完成的水稻基因组解码工作震惊了西方科学家。 | Barely three years old, the Beijing Genomics Institute has already emerged as a world leader--it recently stunned Western scientists by decoding the rice genome in a matter of months | |
19 | 齿舌兰轮斑病毒台湾系统基因序列译读与分析 | Molecular Sequencing and Analysis of the Viral Genome of Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus Taiwan Strain | |
20 | 纯化鼻咽组织全基因组表达谱在筛选鼻咽癌相关靶基因中的应用 | Preliminary Biomarker Related to Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Filtered from the Whole Genome Expression Profiling Involved in Microdissection Nasopharyngeal Tissues | |
21 | 粗糙脉孢菌基因组分泌蛋白的初步分析 | Analysis of the Secreted Proteins Encoded by Genes in Genome of Filamental Fungus (Neurospora crassa) | |
22 | 簇毛麦基因组特异性PCR标记的建立和应用 | Development and Application of a Genome Specific PCR Marker for Haynaldia villosa | |
23 | 大肠杆菌O157:H7基因组研究进展 | The Progress in Genome of Escherichia coli O157:H7 | |
24 | 大约3年前,科学家们宣布,他们已绘制出所谓的人类基因组序列草图。现在,他们基本上完成了最后的版本。 | Nearly three years ago,scientists announced a so called rough draft of the sequence of human genome . Now they have almost done with the final version. | |
25 | 当科学家们向人类基因组的更深层探索时,他们终于开始了解体重调节的遗传学,以及全系统是如何出差错的。 | As scientists hack deeper into the underbrush of the human genome , they are at last beginning to understand the genetics of weight regulation and how the whole system can go awry | |
26 | 稻属AA染色体组8个种间SSR多样性与亲缘关系 | SSR Analysis on Diversity and Genetic Relationship among Eight AA-genome Oryza Species | |
27 | 登革2型病毒全长基因组的长链RT-PCR法扩增 | Amplification of Complete Genome of Dengue 2 Virus by Long RT-PCR | |
28 | 对单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的概念及特性作了简要说明,介绍了14种检测SNP的方法,讨论了各种方法的原理及优缺点 | The concept and characteristics of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)of human genome is introduced. Fourteen detection methods of SNP, including their principles, advantages and disadvantages, are reviewed. | |
29 | 对拟南芥(Arabidopsis)、水稻和其他作物进行基因组序列测定的研究项目,将在未来的数十年为用多种方法改良植物提供已被定性基因的丰富来源。 | The genome sequencing projects in Arabidopsis, rice and in other crops will, over the coming decades, provide a rich source of characterized genes to modify plants in a number of ways. | |
30 | 多年生簇毛麦基因组长末端重复序列片段的克隆、定位与应用 | Isolation, Mapping and Application of an LTR Fragment for Dasypyrum Genome |