1 | “不会的,我亲爱的万帕,”伯爵答道,“而且,弥补过失的态度是这样周到得体,简直使人觉得要感激你犯了那些错误呢。” | "No, my dear Vampa," replied the count; "besides, you compensate for your mistakes in so gentlemanly a way, that one almost feels obliged to you for having committed them." | |
2 | “噢,象您这样的一位银行家是不会这样容易表示惊奇的,”基督山以一种极客气的态度说道。 | "Nay," answered Monte Cristo, with the most gentlemanly air, "’tis not for such trifling sums as these that your banking house is to be incommoded | |
3 | 把法律当作职业,比做生意要高尚一些。 | The law, being a profession, was accounted a more gentlemanly pursuit than business | |
4 | 伯爵则一派绅士风度地微微欠身,文雅地行礼致意;吕西安和伯爵客气的打了个招呼,面对腾格拉尔只随随便便地点了点头。 | the count, in return for his gentlemanly bow, received a formal though graceful courtesy, while Lucien exchanged with the count a sort of distant recognition, and with Danglars a free and easy nod | |
5 | 不过他并不是个饶舌的人,相反,在对待家庭事务方面,他抱着一种人们称为绅士风度的态度:优雅含蓄。他不和人争论,也不随便开口。 | He was not garrulous by any means. On the contrary, there was a fine reserve in his manner toward the entire domestic economy of his life which was all that is comprehended by the popular term, gentlemanly . He would not argue, he would not talk freely. | |
6 | 除此之外,我还发现他的声音轻柔而悦耳;他的眼睛深沉而忧郁;他的态度和谈吐都文雅,这个可怜的小伙子显然是遭遇了不幸。 | To it I added the facts that his voice was low and musical; his eyes deep and melancholy; his carriage and address gentlemanly , evidently the poor chap was in trouble | |
7 | 法兰绒休闲西服,优雅与时尚的惊人结合,一旦拥有,更显健美男子风采。 | Flannel leisure suits is designed in a fabulous combination of elegance and style. Dressed in it, you’ll be more vigorous and graceful with a gentlemanly demeanour. | |
8 | 那辆马车看上去很有气派,上面坐着一位衣冠楚楚,绅士模样的人,赶车的是个黑奴。 | It had a genteel appearance, and a well-dressed gentlemanly man sat on the seat, with a colored servant driving | |
9 | 那种极端粗劣的牛肉,不仅不配充作上等人的食物,对任何等级的人的胃口都不相宜。 | The extreme toughness of the beef rendered it quite unfit not merely for gentlemanly food but for any human consumption | |
10 | 男,53,1.80米,离独,外企管理,儒雅诚恳气质佳,诚觅重情女士为终生伴侣,户籍不论 | Male, 53yr old, 1.80m, divorced, foreign-funded company executive, honest, gentlemanly , good temperament, seeking affectionate female to be lifelong companion, regardless of residence registration | |
11 | 男士风度,新潮新派。 | Gentlemanly demeanor, the latest fashion. | |
12 | 如今,在旧金山再也看不见那些头戴宽边大毡帽的西班牙人了,再也看不见爱穿红衬衫的淘金者了,再也看不见带着羽毛装饰的印第安人了。 | but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly -looking men | |
13 | 如今,在旧金山再也看不见那些头戴宽边大毡帽的西班牙人了,再也看不见爱穿红衬衫的淘金者了,再也看不见带着羽毛装饰的印第安人了。代替他们的是无数身穿黑礼服,头戴丝织帽,拼命追求名利的绅士. | sombreros and red shirts and plumed Indians were rarely to be seen; but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly -looking men | |
14 | 斯达格先生小心地提到他的当事人,把他描写成一个文雅、和善大方的代理人。 | Mr. Steger in his very guarded references to his client, describes him as a nice, kind, gentlemanly agent | |
15 | 他是一个绅士型的佐治亚人,一个具备早期美国德行的人(玛丽·麦格罗里)参见 | He was a gentlemanly Georgian,a person of early American probity(Mary McGrory)See Synonyms at honesty | |
16 | 他一表人才,风度翩翩。 | He looked very smart, very gentlemanly , and all that | |
17 | 我失去了君子风度,大大堕落,竟至打算摸熟职业赌棍那套下流透顶的骗术。 | I had so utterly fallen from the gentlemanly estate, as to seek acquaintance with the vilest arts of the gambler by profession. | |
18 | 新潮新派的皮茄克,更显男士风度。 | The leather jacket in the latest fashion shows more clearly gentlemanly demeanor. | |
19 | 又有钱,又有气派,他还用牵挂什么呢? | Rich and gentlemanly , what does he care? | |
20 | 这种发型,新潮新派;男士风度,尽在其中。 | This hairstyle of the latest fashion highlights the Best gentlemanly demeanor. | |
21 | “这使得那些绅士派头的经典优秀款品重新回归,并出现在年轻人的衣柜里。” | "It’s taking those wonderful, gentlemanly classic items and putting them back in a young man’s wardrobe. " | |
22 | Cook先生是个有着绅士风度的阿拉巴马州人,他与乔布斯的风格完全不同。 | An Alabaman with a gentlemanly drawl, Mr Cook would be a very different manager from Mr Jobs. | |
23 | 波斯特先生说他认为伊森可能愿意为自己的行为不够绅士而道歉,那么,你想要伊森道歉吗? | Mr. Post said he thought Ethan might be willing to apologize for not being more gentlemanly , but. Well. | |
24 | 不可否认,韦翰长着一张英俊的脸,表面上也装得非常绅士。 | Undeniably, featuring a handsome man with a long face, the surface, installed in the very gentlemanly . | |
25 | 打板球也就意味着要举止得体。 | Playing cricket is also meant to be synonymous with gentlemanly behaviour. | |
26 | 德纳尔先生穿着那灰色的军服或伪造的上校制服看起来就很雅致,而且酷毙了! | Mr Denard could look gentlemanly , smart in grey suits or his spurious colonel’s uniform. | |
27 | 杰克逊是一个来自南方的新贵,身上充满了属于他那个阶层的典型特征:融合了最初的平等主义和具有绅士派头的荣耀。 | Jackson was a southwestern parvenu who combined a sense of rough-hewn egalitarianism with the gentlemanly honor typical of his class. | |
28 | 她成为了加缪在纽约的向导,并对他在狐步舞中和舞伴之间彬彬有礼的距离印象深刻。 | She became his guide to the city, initially impressed by the gentlemanly distance at which he held his partners during the foxtrot. | |
29 | 六十年代早期保持绅士风度媒体兵团对杰克的出轨行为保持沉默,而现代的写手们却没有了这个克制。 | The gentlemanly press corps of the early 1960s kept quiet about Jack’s escapades; modern scribblers know no such restraint. | |
30 | 女士优先与绅士风度? | Etiquette norms ladies first and gentlemanly manners |