属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-智利发现美洲年代最久远的人类足迹
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-新研究表明南极洲曾经是雨林
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国工业和水力压裂技术 从日落到新的黎明
1 | 爱丁堡大学地质学家 | Sugden, a geologist at the University of Edinburgh, was trying to date an ancient volcanic eruption in East Antarctica when he and his colleagues uncovered the old ice | |
2 | 地质学家可用麦卡托投影来绘制古生界沉积的水流方向。 | Mrecator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in palaeozoic sediments | |
3 | 地质学家需要知道钻头已以到达什么样的岩层,因此时常要用芯钻头取样。这种钻头能切割一段光滑的圆柱形岩石,从中能看出所钻透的地层。 | The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. | |
4 | 和地下的水道砂岩打交道的石油地质工作者,必须具备地貌学方面的基础知识。 | The petroleum exploration geologist working with subsurface channel sandstone must have a background knowledge of geomorphology | |
5 | 她们中间一个是女才子,地质学家;一个是女骑手,还会吸雪茄。 | One was blue, and a geologist ; one was a horsewoman and smoked cigars | |
6 | 开展“人类世”环境研究,做新时代地学的开拓者-纪念黄汲清先生的地学创新精神 | Demand of Anthropocene Study in the New Stage of Geoscience: In Honor of Late Geologist Huang Jiqing for His Innovative Spirit | |
7 | 历史学家以年为单位划分历史时期,地质学家以百万年为单位划分地质期。 | The historian dates by years, the geologist by millions of years | |
8 | 勤勉能使钥匙发亮,从而开启成功的宝葳。如果修斯·米勒在一天的矿场劳累之后,在傍晚休息和娱乐,他绝不会为一位名垂青史的地质学家。 | Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasure of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist . | |
9 | 青藏高原东北部旋卷(扭)构造变形及其形成地质条件分析―兼评法国地质学家Tapponnier的“走向滑移线场和构造逃逸理论” | Study on the Vortex Structure Deformation and Its Forming Mechanism in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau-Additionally Discussing French Geologist Tapponnier’s Theories of "strike-slip Line Field and structure Escaping | |
10 | 他是一位地质学家,被他的老朋友们看做是这门行当中最好的一位。 | He was a geologist ,rated by his cronies as the best in the business. | |
11 | 一名美国地质学家对中国地球科学和教育的思考 | An American Geologist ’s Consideration on Earth Science and Education of China | |
12 | 一种专家系统,其设计用来模拟有经验的地质学家对给定的前景地区或地点含有由样品表示的某类矿藏的可能性进行估价的推理过程。参阅expertsystems。 | An expert system designed to emulate the reasoning process of an experimental geologist in assessing a given prospective site or region for its likelihood of containing ore deposits of the type represented by the model. | |
13 | 在那山谷里,地质学家发现了许多裸露的化石。 | The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley. | |
14 | 这个理论是由著名地质学家李四光提出的。 | This theory was advanced by the famous geologist Li Siguang. | |
15 | 这理论是由中国的一位著名的地质学家李四光提出的。 | This theory was advanced by Li Siguang, a famous Chinese geologist . | |
16 | 作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。 | As geologist , we work in the field most of the time. | |
17 | 马利奥·皮诺(Mario Pino)是智利南方大学地球科学研究所的教授和地质学家。他帮助研究了该化石。他说,碳定年法发现这枚足迹同该地区发现的植物物质是同一时期。 | Mario Pino is a professor and geologist at Austral University’s Institute of Earth Sciences. He helped examine the fossil. He said carbon dating methods were used to link the footprint to the same time period as plant material found in the area. | |
18 | 约翰·克拉格斯是德国阿尔弗雷德·韦格纳研究所赫姆霍兹极地和海洋中心的地质学家。他是这项研究的主要作者,该研究发表在《自然》杂志上。 | Johann Klages is a geologist with the Alfred Wegener Institute’s Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Germany. He was the lead writer of a study on the findings, published in the journal Nature. | |
19 | ||1:在卫星回传图像的指引下,“机遇号”向一公里外的一个更深的陨石坑进发。||2:它开进洞里,四处张望,在这一年剩下的时间里不断挖刨。||3:一个人类地质学家在一个悠闲的下午可能已经完成了或多或少的评估。||4:但这位最接近人类的地质学家曾在另一颗星球上,而且很可能在未来几十年里继续留在那里。 | ||1:Guided by pictures from satellites above, Opportunity headed for a deeper crater, Endurance, a kilometre or so away.||2:It drove down into it and looked around further, poking and prodding for the rest of the year.||3:A human geologist might have accomplished as much or more by way of assessment in a leisurely afternoon.||4:But the nearest human geologists were on another planet, and likely to remain there for some decades to come. | |
20 | David Hughes,属于绿色智囊团的the Post Carbon Institute的一个地质学家,说天然气的低价和需要保持它流动的沉重花销的结合使可开发利用的非传统石油和天然气的储备是否有他们通过水力压裂技术获取的那么多存疑。 | David Hughes, a geologist at the Post Carbon Institute, a greenish think-tank, says the combination of gas’s low price and the heavy spending needed to keep it flowing casts doubt on whether the exploitable reserves of unconventional oil and gas are as big as they are fracked up to be. | |
21 | 据地质学家彼得·加特表示,支撑岩拱的石灰岩柱经过海水多年的侵蚀而倒塌。 | According to geologist Peter Gatt, the limestone pillar that had supported the arch must have given way after years of erosion by the sea. | |
22 | “关键是,人类可以到深海中去。”海洋地质学家说。 | "The critical thing is to be able to take the human mind down into that environment, " said the marine geologist . | |
23 | “如果我们找到的是玄武质的岩浆,那它就不算是一个大的惊喜。”美国地热股份公司的顾问地质学家威廉·特波洛说。 | "If we had hit basalt, that would not have been a big surprise, " said William Teplow, a consulting geologist at U. S. | |
24 | “乍看起来这种关联并不合理,可你不能忽视这个规律――看一看地图,它就会跃然纸上。”研究作者,地理学家埃里克•佛思说。 | "It’s not a connection that seems to make much sense at first glance, " says geologist Eric Force, the study’s author. | |
25 | 50年过去了,如今,迪恩成了爱丁堡英国地质调查局(BGS)的一名地质学家。 | Fifty years on, Dean is now a geologist with the British Geological Survey (BGS) in Edinburgh. | |
26 | JulieCole——美国亚利桑那州大学的地质学家,主要研究西南部山洞中的石钟乳以证明过去气候变化的问题。 | and Julie Cole, a University of Arizona geologist who studies stalagmites in caves in the Southwest for clues about past climate. | |
27 | 八月三日,湖上出现了一次武装冲突,造成了一名刚果士兵与一名英国地质学家的死亡。 | On August 3rd an armed clash on the lake left a Congolese soldier and a British geologist dead. | |
28 | 但美国地质调查局地质学家布莱恩•阿特沃特称,近期该地区还没有发生过这么高震级的地震。 | Still, Brian Atwater, a USGS geologist , said that in recent history nothing of this magnitude had occurred in the area. | |
29 | 地质学家Calais表示,由于倚靠着安第斯山脉,频繁的地震活动对智利来说已经是家常便饭了。 | Calais, the geologist , noted that frequent seismic activity is as common to Chile as it is to the rest of the Andean ridge. | |
30 | 地质学家们把这个区域的岩层拍下来供未来研究使用。 | The geologist took pictures of the rock formations of this area for future study. |