属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7481-1966
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
1 | 后来他到底决定了,眼光尖利地射在阿祥脸上说 | At length, he made up his mind and fixed his gimlet eyes on Ah Hsiang’s | |
2 | 她对康妮很是亲切,用着她的出身高门的人的观察,象尖锐的钻子一样,努力地把她的妇人的灵魂的秘密刺穿。 | She was kind to Connie, and tried to worm into her woman’s soul with the sharp gimlet of her well-born observations. | |
3 | 她以其锐利的眼睛凝视着询问者. | She gimlet ed through her inquisitor with her eyes. | |
4 | 木工钻.长柄螺旋钻 | Wood bits; single twist hand angers (gimlet bits) | |
5 | 锐利的眼睛. | eyes like gimlet s | |
6 | 渗透入或好象用手钻穿过 | To penetrate with or as if with a gimlet . | |
7 | 手钻用来敲出或刺桶的钻子 | A gimlet for tapping or broaching casks. | |
8 | 他的目光是一把钢锥,寒光刺人心脾。 | His glance was like a gimlet , cold and piercing | |
9 | 屠维岳铁青着脸,尖利的眼光逼住了莫干丞。 | Tu Wei-yueh’s face was dark now, and his gimlet eyes bored into Mo Kan-cheng’s | |
10 | 这把锥锋利。 | This gimlet bores well. | |
11 | 这支螺丝锥很好钻 | The gimlet bores well. | |
12 | 这种手钻很好使。 | This gimlet bores well | |
13 | ||1:尽管他心中涌动雄心壮志,大多数时候却对总统办公室毫无兴趣。||2:1988年,他在新罕布什尔州投票前退出党内初选,就此远离政坛。||3:他没有政治家的龌龊嘴脸,并为此自豪。||4:他在西点军校养成了态度鲁莽、谈吐直率的品质,目光犀利,一向以轰炸进攻来对付美国敌手,不管是古巴、巴基斯坦还是左派支持的尼加拉瓜。||5:他曾在白宫担任亨利·基辛格的国家安全顾问,四年间从上校升至四星上将。||6:他在军事战斗和政治斗争中都伤痕累累。 | ||1:Most of the time, however, though ambition burned through him like a fire, he had no interest in the office of the presidency.||2:A disastrous foray in 1988, flaring out before New Hampshire, was as far as he went in that direction.||3:He had no politicians’ sleazy graces, and was proud of that.||4:The brusque attitude and tone had been instilled at West Point, together with the gimlet stare and the preference for dealing with America’s adversaries, whether Cubans, Palestinians or leftist Nicaraguans, with a bombing run or an invasion.||5:His duties at the White House, on Henry Kissinger’s National Security Council and for Nixon, had been carried out while still under military orders and earned him a dizzy ascent, from colonel to four-star general in four years.||6:His scar tissue came from battles both actual and political. | |
14 | 他应该在50年后说出相同的话,伴随着他的坚定不移的如鹰眼般的目光。 | He would have said the same, with his unwavering gimlet glare, 50 years later. |