属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲多国陷马肉风波 食品安全谁来保障?
1 | "我们遇上了麻烦,""他沮丧地说道。" | "We are in trouble,"" he said gloomily ." | |
2 | “何苦呢,仲翁!我未卜先知,你这一去,事情不成功,反倒受了一肚子的气!”朱吟秋冷冷地又在周仲伟的一团高兴上浇了一勺水。 | "You’re wasting your time, Chung-wei!" said Chu Yin-chiu gloomily , dousing Chou Chung-wei’s hopes once more. "I don’t need a crystal ball to tell you that you won’t cut any ice with Wu Sun-fu, and that you’ll come away with a flea in your ear!" | |
3 | “是有人害的她,”斯蒂芬神色阴郁地说。 | --Someone killed her, Stephen said gloomily | |
4 | “自然记得。每人不到八万银子,就算是报效了军饷算了!” | "No, I haven’t forgotten," said Wu Sun-fu gloomily , "but the loss won’t work out at more than eighty thousand dollars apiece, and we can write that off as `military expenses."’ | |
5 | 火车停了,约翰郁郁地站了起来,因为他想起了病中的母亲。 | John rose gloomily as the train stopped,for he was thinking of his ailing mother. | |
6 | 罗杰拿起海螺,神色沮丧地环顾着大伙儿。 | Roger took the conch and looked round at them gloomily | |
7 | 那一年悲惨地结束了。 | The year went out gloomily | |
8 | 三月兔泄气地拿起怀表看看,再放到茶杯里泡了一会儿,又拿起来看看,但是除了说“这是最好的奶油了”,再没别的说的了。 | The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily : then he dipped it into his cup of tea, and looked at it again: but he could think of nothing better to say than his first remark, `It was the BEST butter, you know.’ | |
9 | 他每天早晨沮丧地认识到昨天晚上的荒唐。 | Each morning he gloomily recognized his idiocies of the evening before | |
10 | 晚上11点钟,整个屋子静悄悄的,除了我以外,每个人都睡了,在强烈的灯光下,我忧虑地望着那一堆摆在我面前,被称作“书本”的讨厌东西。 | The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call “books”. | |
11 | 有的人垂头丧气,茫然四顾。 | Some people were staring gloomily about | |
12 | 足球界要人悲观地预言这场比赛会以失败告终,但也没有采取什么措施来改变这种局面。 | Soccer’s top brass gloomily predict the pending doom of the game,but little is being done to alter the situation. | |
13 | ||1:另一个素食主义者和传统屠夫间有共同点的地方就是他们都很稀有。||2:《素食者协会》杂志估算过,只有2%的英国人是严格意义上的不食肉者。(假如最近的趋势得以延续,这个数据将会翻4倍)。||3:站在传统屠夫的角度来看,他们越来越害怕走向高端市场:自1990年开始,传统肉铺的数量下降了57%,全国肉铺数量也只是刚过6000家。||4:但是,在马肉风波引起的公愤平息之后,这种传统屠宰店的热潮是否能够持续下去,仍难下定论。||5:在“疯牛病”事件爆发的17年后,这次危机再次唤回了消费者对传统屠宰店的关注,但艾迪仍沮丧地表示“三个月后,消费者又将回到超市购物。” | ||1:The other thing that veggies and artisan butchers have in common is their rarity.||2:The Vegetarian Society estimates that only 2% of Britons are stringent non-meat-eaters (a figure that is set to quadruple if the recent trend proves lasting).||3:For their part, independent butchers are increasingly scarce on the high street: their numbers have fallen by 57% since 1990, to just over 6,000 nationwide.||4:But whether the boost to either will endure after the horse furore recedes is doubtful.||5:Recalling his customers’ attitudes after the “mad cow disease” outbreak 17 years ago, Mr Addy gloomily observes that, “after three months, they slope back to supermarkets.” | |
14 | “当然她没有跟人结婚啊。”思嘉莉特觉得很有趣地说。“她跟人家结了婚倒好啊”,亚历克斯忧郁地说。 | "Of course" she isn’t married; said Scarlett amused. "Maybe it would be better if she had, " said Alex gloomily . | |
15 | 鲍勃坐在一个角落里,愁眉苦脸地把一大盘食物艰难地吃下去。 | Bob sat in a corner, gloomily ploughing his way through an enormous plate of food. | |
16 | 聪明的德国蚂蚁虽然沮丧,但坚称,“树不会长到天上去”。 | Wise German ants insist, gloomily , that "trees do not grow to the sky" . | |
17 | 当汤姆检查日常安排,消极地打算更新时,电脑提示他收到了一封新邮件。 | As Tom scanned his Outlook calendar and gloomily considered updating it, he spotted an alarming new email in the queue. | |
18 | 狄克在院子里,看到一部分卫兵,一边忙乱地做着防御工事,一边焦虑地讨论着被围困的可能性。 | In the court, Dick found a part of the garrison, busy with preparations for defence, and gloomily discussing the chances of a siege. | |
19 | 韩国经济状况之好是18个月前任何人都不敢想象的,当时经济学家悲观地预测韩国将出现银行危机。 | Its economy has fared better than anyone dared imagine 18 months ago, when many economists were gloomily predicting a banking crisis. | |
20 | 她从上铺爬了下来,沮丧地说:“我都没有钱吃饭了,更别提过生日了。” | "I don’t have any money for food, much less to celebrate my birthday, " she said gloomily , having climbed down drowsily from her bed. | |
21 | 瘦男人消沉地说:“每回都很顺利,这就是我们的麻烦。” | The gaunt man said gloomily , "It’s always all right; that’s our trouble. " | |
22 | 他的评论家令人失望地将正发(AK)党与日本统治了半个世纪的自民党相比。 | His critics gloomily compare AK to Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, which ruled for half a century. | |
23 | 汤姆把他的Outlook日程表扫描了,并不情愿地把内容更新了,他突然看到一个提示说有新邮件。 | As Tom scanned his Outlook calendar and gloomily considered updating it, he spotted an alarming new e-mail in the queue. | |
24 | 天啊,正如一个股票经纪人曾经沮丧地告诉过我的那样:如果你认为情况不会更糟了,那情况就一定会更糟。 | Alas, as a stockbroker once gloomily reminded me, when you think things can’t get any worse, they invariably do. | |
25 | 相反,人们却越来越普遍地听到投资者们忧郁地询问:“绿色能源完了吗?” | Instead it is increasingly common to hear investors asking gloomily , "Is green dead? " | |
26 | 一架忧郁地盘旋在希思罗机场上空的飞机? | A plane circling gloomily over Heathrow airport? | |
27 | 忧郁地看着他那被破坏的种植地,有着14孩子的退休农学教师MuhammadAbuAwad如此说道。 | says Muhammad Abu Awad, a retired teacher of agriculture and father of 14 children, as he looks gloomily at his ravaged field. |