属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雅芳在南非 化妆行业带来改变
1 | 这匹马全身润泽有光。 | The horse’s coat was sleek and glossy . | |
2 | 这一新牌号具有的接合强度和压缩永久变形可提供良好的密封性能,其良好的熔体流动性能可生产出光泽度、光滑的内饰效果,有助于美化汽车外观。 | Exhibiting a level of bond strength and compression set to provide good sealing performance, the grade has good melt flow properties to produce a glossy , smooth finish which can help to harmonize the look of a car. | |
3 | 转角牛羚一种产于东非的大羚羊(南非大羚羊亚种转角牛羚),皮毛光滑呈深褐色 | A sassaby(Damaliscus lunatus subsp.topi)of eastern Africa having a glossy dark brown coat. | |
4 | ||1:FLIPBOARD 和它的竞争对手都向其使用者提供个性化数字杂志服务,允许读者从众多电子刊物中进行选择,这些刊物包括杂志,报纸,FACEBOOK和TWITTER上的博客文章。||2:在网上,有些类似于“大杂烩”式的网站,向读者提供免费下载服务,但他们没有自己的原创内容。||3:迄今为止数字报刊平台并不能给出版商带来多少利润,出版商们必须提供免费新闻(至少是几个连接其主页的新闻链接)以期吸引更多的读者。||4:与充斥着大量网站链接和阴茎增大广告的网站相比,数字媒体平台更纯净,更时尚,也更好用。||5:有的数字平台已开始加入了一些简洁高端的广告,与商家实现共赢。 | ||1:Flipboard and its rivals let users create a personalised digital magazine from a mix of sources, which can include magazines, newspapers, blogs and articles posted by their contacts on Facebook or Twitter. ||2:On the web, similar “aggregator” sites, personalised or not, have a bad name as freeloaders that create no content of their own. ||3:And the app versions have been of dubious benefit thus far to publishers, which must provide their stories free (or at least the first few lines, with a link to their websites) in return for the vague hope of getting more readers. ||4:But compared with a website cluttered with links and ads for penis enlargement, the apps are clean, stylish and nice to use. ||5:And some have started carrying glossy , high-end ads and sharing the revenue with publishers. | |
5 | ||1:钟彬娴女士在雅芳上任伊始非常顺利,代领雅芳连续六年创下增长率为两位数的记录。||2:但是她并没有利用公司繁荣发展的这几年对业务进行投资。||3:到2005年,公司发展出现问题,主要市场的销量下滑,公司股价下跌。||4:钟彬娴解雇了25%的高级职员,并且全面消减除广告和配送方面的成本。 | ||1: Ms Jung had a glossy start at Avon, presiding over six consecutive years of double-digit growth. ||2: Yet she failed to use these fat years to invest in the business. ||3: By 2005 the firm was looking blemished. Sales declined in major markets. The share price dropped. ||4: Ms Jung laid off 25% of senior staff and cut costs everywhere except for advertising and distribution. | |
6 | ||雅芳公司并不要求任何的正式资历,只要求有热情的笑容和一笔75兰特的开办费用。早在1996年,这家公司就已进驻南非。而当被问到在南非有多少人在推广其产品时,它总是闪烁其辞。但它表示在2011年,该公司在南非的销售成绩斐然,增加了29%,而全球销售情况却相对惨淡,只增加了1%。|| | Avon does not demand any formal qualifications; only a warm smile and a start-up fee of 75 rand. The firm, which has been operating in South Africa since 1996, is coy about how many people flog its wares there.|| But it says that in 2011 its sales in South Africa increased by a glossy 29%, whereas its global sales grew by a drabber 1%.|| | |
7 | 这些歌曲听起来仍然像她那件蓝色女紧身连衣裙那样,冷淡而又大气。 | When she tried angrier songs herself—as in “It’s not Right But it’s Okay”, in 1998— they still seemed as cool and glossy as her blue sheath dress. | |
8 | 钟彬娴女士在雅芳上任伊始非常顺利,代领雅芳连续六年创下增长率为两位数的记录。 | Ms Jung had a glossy start at Avon, presiding over six consecutive years of double-digit growth. | |
9 | (清漆)是用于木质家具和其他表面的光滑的保护层。 | Varnish is the glossy protective layer applied to wooden furniture and other surfaces. | |
10 | 《每日镜报》(DailyMirror)出版了一系列向“人民王妃”致敬的精美图片杂志,三本一套。 | The Daily Mirror has been running a series of three glossy magazines as a pictorial tribute to the "people’s princess" . | |
11 | 2006年的旅游业推广标语“来访五大湖,共度快乐时光”也被空洞的“纯洁无瑕的的密歇根”所取代。 | In 2006 the slogan, "Great Lakes Great Times" , was replaced by a glossy new campaign for "Pure Michigan" . | |
12 | iMac这个两个型号都是镜面屏,内建iSight摄像头、麦克风和扬声器。 | Both iMac models come with a glossy display with a built-in iSight video camera, mic and speakers. | |
13 | PVC防护栏表面光滑度影响因素的探讨 | Discussion on factors influencing the surface glossy degree of PVC protective gratings | |
14 | Rashid带来了奇思妙想,把酒店变成一个可以被光泽和超设计爱好者形容成游乐园的样子。 | Rashid brings a whimsy that turns the hotel into what can be best described as an amusement park for lovers of glossy , hyper design. | |
15 | T台,红毯,浮夸的杂志上都被这样的打扮淹没了。 | Runways, red carpets, and glossy magazine spreads have all been inundated with the look. | |
16 | 艾拉现在20岁,年级轻轻却打扮的相当职业:她的头发光泽,被吹的一丝不苟,外套整洁,搭配合体的饰物。 | Ella is 20 years old, petite and professional in appearance: her hair is glossy and blow-dried, her outfit neatly accessorised. | |
17 | 安妮的头发在阳光下依然闪烁着像抛光的桃花心木般的光泽而戴安娜的依然黑亮。 | Annie’s hair still gleamed like polished mahogany in the sunlight and Diana’s was still glossy black. | |
18 | 表面活性剂在皮革硝化棉光亮剂中的应用 | The application of surfactant in nitrocellulose glossy agent | |
19 | 不管时装杂志如何的教导我们,没有哪个小孩想看起来像瓷娃娃一样。 | No one young wants to look glossy , no matter what the fashion pages tell us. | |
20 | 不过光滑的盾叶鬼臼灌木丛小径还是留下了那只野兽的足迹,她由此得以判断出它的体型,而这就足以让她心跳加速了。 | She knew the animal’s size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples, and that was enough to speed up her heart. | |
21 | 不过这一涉及的范围很小,美国从中国一年进口价值2亿2千4百万美元的铜版纸,还不到从中国买的货物的0. | The sums involved were tiny: America imports some $224m of glossy paper from China a year, less than 0. 1% of all goods it buys from China. | |
22 | 不要担心圆角或镜面效果,iPhone会默认添加的。 | Don’t worry about rounded corners or a glossy effect, iPhone will add those by default. | |
23 | 大部分奢侈品公司更喜欢简单地在出版物上购买广告空间,在那里呈现-并控制-它们的形象于光滑的两页纸之间。 | Most prefer to simply buy ad space in publications where they can present--and control--their image in glossy two-page spreads. | |
24 | 单味女贞子治疗复发性口疮虚热型38例 | Treatment of 38 Cases of Recurrent Aphthae Ulceration due to Asthenic Fever with Glossy Privet Fruit | |
25 | 但是在令人眼花缭乱的国际品牌中,出人意料的插入了一家出售中国年轻设计师作品的商店。 | But amid the glossy global branding, an unexpectedly homely tone is struck by a store selling the work of young Chinese designers. | |
26 | 当然,性暗示十分普遍:电视、花边杂志,还有大街上身着暴露充满挑逗的女人。 | Sure, sexual innuendo is commonplace: on television and in glossy magazines and in the provocative attire of women on the streets. | |
27 | 到了2003年,环球百事成了一个光彩的徽章,有明显的明暗分布,还有水滴,立体感十足。 | By 2003, the Pepsi Globe was a glossy button with realistic highlights, shadows and water droplets. | |
28 | 德国血统体型中型到大型的品种,皮毛为闪亮的黑棕色,用作看门狗。 | medium large breed of German origin with a glossy black-and-tan coat used as a watchdog. | |
29 | 而这并非是胡言乱语,它看起来是真实的、符合逻辑的,我对此充满好奇。 | It wasn’t a glossy load of crap; it seemed genuine and logical. I was very intrigued. | |
30 | 二次烧水晶砖施釉线的管理与控制 | Management of Workshop Glaze Line for Twice-firing High Glossy Glaze Tiles |