属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海外贿赂 两部法律的故事
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海外行贿 两部法律的故事
1 | 朱丽雅跟詹妮菲站在一起,她把鼻子贴在一间教室的玻璃窗上,看着外边汽车道上人来人往。 | Julia with Jennifer was standing with her nose pressed against the window of one of the classrooms, watching the comings and goings on the drive outside | |
2 | 昨夜隔壁有些异常. | There were some strange goings -on next door last night. | |
3 | ||1:哎!《新快报》可能也清楚,在共产党执政了64年后的今天,媒体从根本上是被国家管控的,中国的事情,远不是那么简单。||2:地方报纸首先要向地方领导汇报工作,而地方领导有时会命令他们去报导别的省份而非自家的腐败事件。||3:中央有时也号召新闻业监督腐败,但当他们真的曝光腐败的时候,中央又会变脸。 | ||1:Alas, as the paper might have known after 64 years of Communist Party rule, things are not so simple in China, where all media are ultimately controlled by the state.||2:Local papers answer first to local leaders, who sometimes let them report venal goings -on in other provinces, if not on their own doorstep.||3:Central authorities also sometimes call on the press to act as a watchdog against corruption, but then react harshly when that call is answered. | |
4 | 对于许多韩国人来说,战略室成了三星继续遮遮掩掩的烦人象征。 | The office had become for many South Koreans a vexing symbol of Samsung’s secretive goings -on. | |
5 | 而且,企业如果触犯了《反海外腐败法》,它的老板最长将会被监禁20年之久。理论上,一个在海外分公司的员工贿赂当地的官员都有可能导致其不知情的老板坐牢。在一些情况下,法律坚持认为主管们对这些不诚实的小动作是知情的,即使他们确实不知道。 | And bosses can be sent to prison for up to 20 years if their companies fall foul of the FCPA. In theory, they could be jailed because a staff member at a foreign subsidiary bribed an official without their knowledge. In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings -on, even if they do not. | |
6 | 某些情况下,法律坚持认为管理者应该知道这些小动作—即使有时候他们确实不知情。 | In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings -on, even if they do not. | |
7 | 如果企业违反了FCPA的规定其老板的最高可被判刑20年。理论上,即使是在他们不知情的情况下,如果其驻外员工向官员行贿的话,他们也可被判入狱。某些情况下,法律坚持认为管理者应该知道这些小动作——即使有时候他们确实不知情。 | And bosses can be sent to prison for up to 20 years if their companies fall foul of the FCPA. In theory, they could be jailed because a staff member at a foreign subsidiary bribed an official without their knowledge. In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings -on, even if they do not. | |
8 | “啊!”城管回答道,“他们要看看是不是能把你的行动做个了断。” | "Ah! " replied the Watchman, "they are about to see if they can’t put an end to your goings -on. " | |
9 | Hagy说,“特别是今天,我宁愿对我的来去有多一点的掌控。” | "Especially today, I’d rather be in control a little bit more of my comings and goings , " Hagy says. | |
10 | 除了歌的曲调,谁还能告诉我们这只无名的鸟的来来去去呢? | What but the melody of song can tell us of the goings and comings of the unknown bird? | |
11 | 从惠普这些不太体面的举动中,我们可以得出的第一条警示就是:美国公司管理这团乱麻,仍然,唉,无法理顺。 | The first cautionary lesson from these unseemly goings -on is that America’s corporate-governance mess is still, alas, unresolved. | |
12 | 高层大气中时隐时现的发光的云团可能跟太阳的自转有关。 | THE comings and goings of noctilucent or "night shining" clouds in the extreme upper atmosphere may be linked to the sun’s rotation. | |
13 | 即使是在最高尚的场所,也有可能潜藏着邪恶的交易。 | Sinister goings -on can lurk in even the most respectable places. | |
14 | 看到猫和狗――特别是狗――对一个家庭是如何地依恋,如何地想要分享家里发生的一切事情,是十分感人的。 | It is touching to see how a cat or dog - especially a dog - attaches itself to a family and wants to share in all its goings and comings. | |
15 | 某些情况下,法律坚持认为管理者应该知道这些小动作——即使有时候他们确实不知情。 | In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings -on, even if they do not. | |
16 | 年度购物周已经在这里进行了10天,到处都可以看见令人吃惊的零售传奇。 | Leeds has just endured ten days of its annual Shopping Week, with a plethora of retail goings -on. | |
17 | 他因行为不检而臭名昭著。 | He was notorious for his goings -on. | |
18 | 我对医院的内部运作比我对自己家的状况更了如指掌。 | I knew the inner workings of hospitals better than I understood the goings on in my own home. | |
19 | 我们过去看到的是什么样的来来往往啊!有着欢声笑语屋子里和阳台上又曾是多么的快乐啊! | What goings and comings we used to see, how merry were the rooms and verandahs with the hum of conversation and the snatches of laughter! | |
20 | 香港作为全球相互来往的中心,对于有人突然辞别的现象已经司空见惯了。 | AS A global capital of coming and goings , Hong Kong is hardly surprised by anybody’s sudden farewell. | |
21 | 因此,人工照明对于大气的影响想必无关紧要? | Inconsequential, surely, as far as the goings -on in the atmosphere are concerned? | |
22 | 在接下来的飞行时间里,我都在阅读妹妹的日记。 | I spent the rest of the flight reading about my sister’s comings and goings . | |
23 | 在这里,不允许有不拘礼节的来往。 | Here informal goings and comings are not allowed. |