属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在刚果行医的女医生Lyn Lusi
1 | 宜人的天气. | gorgeous weather | |
2 | 艺术品般的华丽外形和无与伦比的豪华舒适是它赢得消费者青睐的法宝。 | Its artistically gorgeous exterior and peerless luxury and comfort have won it many fans. | |
3 | 因为那个女人是这样的年轻,这样的美丽,这样的眩目,她就是眼前最动人的一幕。 | all eyes, all thoughts, were occupied with the young and beautiful woman, whose gorgeous apparel and splendid jewels made a most extraordinary spectacle | |
4 | 庾信“辞”“赋”,风擅南北之胜 | The Comparison that Yu-Huien’s Writing Style of Gorgeous Rhetoric and Antithesis in Different Places of the North and the South | |
5 | 在那晦暗的茅屋的地面上,简直象有一轮圣洁的光环围绕着她--当然,这也是珠儿自身有恰到好处的美丽的光彩,若是把这身灿烂的袍子穿到一个不那么可爱的孩子身上,反例会骤然失色的。 | And such was the splendour of Pearl’s own proper beauty, shining through the gorgeous robes which might have extinguished a paler loveliness, that there was an absolute circle of radiance around her, on the darksome cottage floor. | |
6 | 在一层的几乎全部接近白色的安静空间中,墙上的一个色彩绚烂的装饰令人触目惊心:绚烂的色彩,随意的拼接,仿佛一朵热烈地绽放在盛夏的花。 | In such a quiet space almost white all over on the ground floor, a bright colored adornment on the wall is enough to shock one at its sight: so gorgeous in color and so casual in arrangement as to seem like a flower ardently blossoming in mid summer. | |
7 | 这个字母制作别致,体现了丰富面华美的匠心,佩在衣服上构成尽美尽善的装饰 | It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore; | |
8 | 这景色比我见过的任何景色都要壮丽。 | The scene was gorgeous beyond any I had ever seen. | |
9 | 这是一个美丽的夜晚,晴朗的夜空闪耀着北方的繁星。 | It was a gorgeous night, with a clear sky spangled with northern stars | |
10 | 这位上校样子挺神气,他的嘴巴、双颊和两眼都深深地凹进去,目光黯淡,象发了霉似的。 | The colonel was gorgeous , he had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes | |
11 | 这种结婚礼服漂亮极了! | What a gorgeous wedding gown! | |
12 | 政治演说,尤其是充满华丽比喻,宣扬国威的那一种,发展到可笑的程度,就成了荒诞故事的变体。 | Political oratory, especially of the spread-eagle sort with its gorgeous metaphors, became in its burlesque moments a variant of the tall tale | |
13 | 中国是世界上最大手工地毯生产国之一,地毯生产历史超过3000年。中国地毯以其赏心悦目的图案,精细奇巧的工艺和齐全的规格而闻名于世。 | China is one of the biggest hand-made carpet producers in the world, with a history of more than three thousand years. Chinese carpets are celebrated for their gorgeous designs, exquisite craftsmanship, and full range of specifications. | |
14 | ||1:从他小时候开始,桃花运就不断。||2:12岁时,他那双美丽的绿眼睛就会放电。在孟买圣·瑟夫女修道院的演唱会上,他就敢一边唱着“我会在黑暗中吻你”,一边舔另一个同学的嘴唇,这一幕,他至今难以忘怀。||3: 在Don Bosco比赛中,担任守门员的他竟躲在一位漂亮姑娘的伞下避雨,他的球队输了十一个球。 ||4:他有过两次幸福快乐的婚姻,都是闪婚。||5:第一次是在1955年,他与当时名气比自己大的吉塔·巴莉结婚,婚礼在孟买Nepean海滨路附近的一座小庙里举行,那天大雨瓢泼,他们并没有通知双方家长,只有一个见证人。||6:1965年,吉塔死于天花。随后,他与尼拉·德维喜结连理。他们相遇后在他的住处共进午餐,随后,shammi就用电话向尼拉求婚了。想想距离上一次见面,那时的她只有九岁,梳着马尾辫,而19岁的他则在父亲的戏剧公司里演出。||7:冲动是他的性格。 | ||1: Love came easily to him too, and from an early age. ||2: At 12, the gorgeous green eyes already starting to smoulder, he boldly brushed lips with a classmate as they sang “I’ll k-i-s-s kiss you in the d-a-r-k dark” at a concert in St Joseph’s convent in Mumbai. He never forgot that. ||3: In fifth standard at Don Bosco, playing goalie at a school match, he preferred to take shelter from the rain under a beautiful girl’s umbrella; his team lost by 11 goals. ||4: Both his deeply happy marriages were precipitate. ||5: His first, in 1955 to Geeta Bali, a film star better known than he was, took place in pouring rain in a temple near the Napean Sea Road in Mumbai with only one witness, and without informing the families. ||6: His second, to Neela Devi after Geeta had died of smallpox in 1965, was proposed, together with lunch at his place, on the telephone; he had last seen her, a nine-year-old with pigtails, as he acted at 19 with his father’s theatre company. ||7: Impulsiveness was just his way. | |
15 | Eataly为其消费者营造极好的消费环境—不像伦敦的哈罗兹百货公司那般斗志昂扬,也不如美国连锁全食市场那样琳琅满目目不暇接,在那儿人们都可能想象Gianmaria 和Francesca正在为番茄苗除草或者正在踩葡萄出汁。 | Eataly provides its customers with gorgeous surroundings—less combative than at Harrods in London, less oppressively wholesome than at Whole Foods Markets, an American chain—in which they might imagine Gianmaria and Francesca weeding the tomato plants or treading the grapes. | |
16 | 尽管得到了许多嘉奖,光彩熠熠的乔治.克鲁尼和希拉里.克林顿都曾来此拜访,她想要的却不是这些。 | She did not want accolades, though she got many, and both gorgeous George Clooney and Hillary Clinton came to call on her. | |
17 | 麦莉塞勒斯,那个曾经梳着栗色马尾的迪士尼宠儿, | Miley Cyrus, former Disney darling with a gorgeous brunette ’do, | |
18 | 微软为Xbox One玩家推出限量版Xbox精英手柄,为推出《战争机器4》做足准备。 | Microsoft has unveiled a gorgeous new limited edition Xbox Elite controller for Xbox One users in preparation for the release of Gears of War 4. | |
19 | “那一定会是非常棒的,”马可维迪斯先生说到,“并且,这肯定会对康尼岛未来的发展有促进作用。” | "It’ll be absolutely gorgeous , " Mr. Markowitz said, and "a really great attraction for the future of Coney Island. " | |
20 | “主要吸引力是它们的华丽外形以及丰富而又十分到位的野外生活,”费法尔说。 | "The primary attractions were the gorgeous scenery and plentiful but decile wildlife, " Fejfar said. | |
21 | 22岁的希拉里达芙当日身穿一件美死人的王薇薇婚纱,在母亲苏珊达芙的陪伴下走过长廊。 | Hilary, 22, wore a gorgeous Vera Wang gown and was escorted down the aisle by her mom, Susan Duff, dressed in Badgley Mischka. | |
22 | Erin是其中一个我认识的最有才智、最聪明、最有天赋的人。 | And she looked gorgeous and Erin is one of the most intelligent. . . clever, talented people I know. | |
23 | 必须提醒大家,黑种人是世界上许多绚丽无比的国度的后裔。 | The negro, it must be remembered, is an exotic of the most gorgeous and superb countries of the world. | |
24 | 不错!想泡在热乎乎的浴缸了,左拥右抱美女帅哥?没问题! | Crave sitting in a hot tub with gorgeous gals or guys all over you? Great! | |
25 | 从墨西哥到委内瑞拉,这种华丽的昆虫都受到国家法律的保护,不允许抓来放在玻璃瓶中贩卖。 | Ranging from Mexico to Venezuela this gorgeous insect is protected under international law and should never be sold in glass jars! | |
26 | 但是就是那些天生就非常美的人也有他们那一系列潜在的问题。 | But those who are gorgeous from the get-go face their own set of potential problems. | |
27 | 得了,表演得不错,精妙绝伦,不过你别想骗过任何人。 | Bernie: No, nice try, gorgeous , but you don’t fool anyone. | |
28 | 第一夫人选择了美丽的黄绿色(中)和绿玉色(左),确保了她在电视上的完美身影。 | The First Lady makes sure she gets the best take in gorgeous tones of kelly green (center) and jade (left). | |
29 | 对于新的iPadRTM应用程序来说,它有着绚丽的接口。如果你还没有立即下载它,RTM是值得你下载一用的。 | Also, with the new iPad app and its gorgeous new interface, RTM is definitely worth another look if you haven’t checked it out in a while. | |
30 | 对于终端用户来说,Amplifeeder的华丽外表是其最出众的特点之一。 | Certainly one of the best features of the product for the end user are its slew of gorgeous interfaces. |