1 | 记波图由记波器制成的图或记录 | A graph or record made by a kymograph. | |
2 | 键合图理论在汽车线控转向系统建模中的应用 | Application of Bond Graph Theory in Modeling the Steer by Wire System for Automobile | |
3 | 她将图上的两点用线连接起来。 | She joined two points on a graph | |
4 | 举例来说,实数与其平方的关系图表符合了横坐标上每个实数皆对应到纵坐标上的平方值。 | For example, a graph of the relationship between real numbers and their squares matches each real number on a horizontal axis with its square on a vertical axis. | |
5 | 拉力(延伸抗力)与拉伸距离(延伸性)的图谱就可提供有关面团的稳定性、容气量及发酵耐力的信息。 | A graph of force (resistance to extension)versus stretching distance (extensibility)provides information about the stability of a dough, its gasholding capacity and fermentation tolerance. | |
6 | 利用上述数据可以画出下图:在该图中,先描出各种业务水平的损益,然后连成利润线。 | Using the data mentioned above, we can draw the graph as following:In the graph, the profits or 1osses are plotted for each of the various sales levels, and these points are connected by a profit line. | |
7 | 流程图;工艺图:一种表明货币、信用、货物或其他经济因素流经不同阶段的运动图表。 | flow chart; process chart: A graph or chart that illustrates the movement of money, credit, goods or some other economic element through various stages. | |
8 | 默里教授根据他们的对话画出一幅曲线图,他相信这条曲线最终可以用来预测这对夫妻离婚的可能性。 | Professor Murray, who creates a graph of their conversations, believes it could eventually be used to predict the likelihood of divorce. | |
9 | 默里教授解释说,根据打算结婚的两个人在实验室里的15分钟谈话,他们获取了绘制图表的信息。 | Prof Murray explained that the information for the graph is collated when couples, who are planning to get married, are brought into a lab and there conversation is assessed for 15 minutes. | |
10 | 欧拉证明这个问题没有解,并且给出了对解决其它可能的网络问题的判定法则,如今被视为图论和拓扑学的起源。 | Euler’s proof that no such path exists and his generalization of the problem to all possible networks are now recognized as the origin of both graph theory and topology. | |
11 | 如果没有极小5色平面图能包含某个构形,就说此构形是可约的。 | A configuration is reducible if no minimal 5 chromatic plane graph can contain it | |
12 | 如果一个连通图的一个顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个顶点称为断点。 | An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph | |
13 | 如果一个图的两条边关联于同一对顶点,则这两条边称为平行边。 | If two edges of a graph are incident to the same pair of vertices, then these two edges are called parallel edges. | |
14 | 如果有足够的线使图连通,这图称为双图。 | If enough edges have been drawn to make the figure connected the graph is called bipartite | |
15 | 如上图所示,柠檬酸的产量很大程度上取决于培养基中FeCl3的浓度。为什么当Fe3+的浓度高于或低于最佳值时产量会下降? | The yield of citric acid is strongly dependent on the concentration of FeCl3 in the culture medium, as indicated in the graph . Why does the yield decrease when the concentration of Fe3+ is above or below the optimal value of 0.5 mg/L? | |
16 | 示波器:电子测试仪器,它把输入电压的伏特数量和时间的关系以图圾形式在阴极射线管的萤幕上显示出来。 | Oscilloscope: Electronic test equipment which displays, as a graph on the face of a CRT, the relationship of an input voltage to time. | |
17 | 示波图用示波器画出的图 | The graph traced by an oscillograph. | |
18 | 他们画了一幅表示一个月内每天天气有多热的曲线图。 | They made a graph of how hot the weather was every day for a month | |
19 | 他说:“我们从每一段谈话得出一个数值,一段时间过后,我们就可以绘制一幅显示夫妻之间交流情况的图表。” | He said: “For each conversation slot we get a number and over time we get a graph of how they are interacting.” | |
20 | 它采用完全人机交互的方式,采用图形来代替传统的输入途径,主要用于运行方式的编辑和电力系统的分析。 | It adopts the entire man-machine interactive mode and graph is used to replace the traditional input means mainly for operation mode editing and power system analysis. | |
21 | 条形图(一种统计图表,系以等宽而不等高的竖条表示数量). | Bar chart;(also histogram)graph on which bars of equal width but varying height are used to represent quantities | |
22 | 同样,多聚赖氨酸在pH10时呈现a helix构象,但当pH降至7时,比旋光度也下降。如下图所示。 | Similarly, polylysine is anαhelix at pH 10, but when the pH is lowered to 7, the specific rotation also decreases, as shown by the following graph | |
23 | 图1-5所示的流程图描述了一个典型的内环设计问题的动特性。 | The flow graph shown in Figure 1-5 depicts dynamics of a typical inner-100p design problem | |
24 | 图表的纵轴线 | The vertical axis of a graph | |
25 | 图表上的x和y坐标 | The x and y coordinates on a graph | |
26 | 图表上的曲线突降之后逐渐趋于平稳. | The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall. | |
27 | 图表上的曲线突降之後逐渐趋于平稳 | The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall | |
28 | 图表显示肉类价格上涨。 | The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. | |
29 | 图解评审技术,图形评审法 | graph evaluation and review technique (GERT) | |
30 | 图论-网络的数学理论。一个图包括结点(亦称点或顶点)和连接某些对结点的边(线),连接一个结点回到其本身的边称为环。 | Graph theory-Mathematical theory of networks. A graph consists of nodes (also called points or vertices)and edges (lines)connecting certain pairs of nodes. An edge that connects a node to itself is called a loop. |