属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 10076-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 10076-2001(ISO 10076:1991)
1 | 70年代期间,科学家们开始寻找爱因斯坦的广义相对论早就预言的另一个现象--引力波。 | During the 1970s, scientists began to search for yet another phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity-gravitational waves | |
2 | CASS5.1软件在钢管拱重心计算中的应用 | Application of CASS5.1 Software to Computation of Gravitational Center of Steel Tube Arch | |
3 | 暗物质:不发光的物质,天文学家无法直接发现,由于宇宙可见物质的质量无法解释观测到的重力效应而假设其存在。 | dark matter : Nonluminous matter not directly detectable by astronomers, hypothesized to exist because the mass of the visible matter in the universe cannot account for observed gravitational effects. | |
4 | 磁-重联合流程从铁矿尾矿中回收铁的试验研究 | Test Study of Using the Magnetic and Gravitational Associated Separation Craft of Reclaiming Iron from the Iron Tailing | |
5 | 从南极洲用微引力透镜技术探测太阳系外类地行星 | Detecting Earth-like Extra-solar Planets from Antarctica by Gravitational Microlensing | |
6 | 带真空和外力的可压缩Navier-Stokes方程弱解的唯一性 | Uniqueness of the Weak Solution of Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Vacuum and Gravitational Force | |
7 | 当粒子变得很大时,由于重力沉降而除去,然后,可能发生另一个突现的核化作用。 | When the particles become very large and are removed by gravitational settling, then another burst of nucleation can occur | |
8 | 导致暂时性盲(一时性黑暗)的原因有:垂直方向加速产生很大的重力;肾小球肾炎(一种肾病);眼睛血管中的血栓。 | Transient blindness (blackout)can result from vertical acceleration causing high gravitational forces, glomerulonephritis (a kidney disease), or a clot in a blood vessel of the eye. | |
9 | 地球大气就处于地球引力和大气中气体压力共同作用之下的流体静力平衡状态。 | The earth’s atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium under the combined action of the gravitational attractive force of the earth and the pressure of the gases in the atmosphere | |
10 | 地心和月心引力常数及月球形心与质心的确定 | Determination of Gravitational Constants for Earth and Moon and Geometric Center and Mass Center of Moon | |
11 | 地心引力常数变化原因的分析和讨论 | Analysis and Discussion for the Cause of Variation of Geocentric Gravitational Constant | |
12 | 典型的例子还是牛顿的引力理论,它告诉我们两个物体之间的引力只取决于与每个物体相关的一个数--它的质量,而与物体由什么组成无关。 | The classic example again is the Newtonian theory of gravity, which tells us that the gravitational force between two bodies depends only on one number associated with each body, its mass, but is otherwise independent of what the bodies are made of | |
13 | 二次引力超导研究 | The Study of Quadratic Gravitational Superconductivity | |
14 | 飞机飞行员和潜水员都会碰到对重力变化的错觉问题,这会导致非常危险的后果,必须通过训练加以克服。 | Airplane pilots and divers also contend with apparent changes in gravitational pull, which can lead to dangerous situations and must be overcome by training. | |
15 | 伽师及其邻近地区重力场动态演化特征初步分析 | Preliminary Analysis on Dynamic Evolution Characteristics of Gravitational Field in Jiashi and Its Adjacent Region | |
16 | 公海上起伏的波浪是由3个自然因素构成的:风、地球的运动或震颤和月亮、太阳的引力。 | The undulating waves of the open sea are generated by three natural causes: wind, earth movements or tremors, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. | |
17 | 关于引力场中光速的研究 | Study on Velocity of Light in Gravitational Field | |
18 | 惯性力与引力是不可区分的。 | Inertial forces and gravitational forces are indistinguishable | |
19 | 光线在Born-Infeld型引力场中的偏转 | Deviation of Light Path in Born-Infeld Type Gravitational Field | |
20 | 海洋重力异常数据处理中小波阈值选择规则分析 | Analysis of Selection Rules of Wavelet Threshold in Gravitational Abnormal Data Processing | |
21 | 混合物的分析,首先要分离并鉴别其中所含的各项成分。分离时所用的方法,大都藉各物质之不同物理性质,如挥发性、在电场或重力场中的移动能力,或在两不互溶溶剂之间的分布情形等,而将各种物质的成分分开。多种色层分析法逐渐有用,特别是对与生物、生物化学有关的样品。 | A mixed sample is usually analyzed by separating, detecting, and identifying its components by methods that depend on differences in their properties (e.g., volatility, mobility in an electric or gravitational field, distribution between liquids that do not mix). The many types of chromatography are increasingly useful, particularly with biological and biochemical samples. | |
22 | 基于MATLAB开发环境的球体重力正演 | The Spherical Gravitational Forward Modeling Based on MATLAB Development Environment | |
23 | 基于三线摆的重力加速度测量设计方案 | Design of Measuring Gravitational Acceleration by Three-Line Pendulum | |
24 | 基于卫-卫跟踪观测技术利用能量守恒法恢复地球重力场的数值模拟研究 | Numerical Simulation of Earth’s Gravitational Field Recovery from SST Based on the Energy Conservation Principle | |
25 | 基于引力概念的聚类质量评估算法 | Clustering Result Evaluating Algorithm in a Gravitational Way | |
26 | 金属粉末 根据在液体中重量沉降以及扩散测量以确定粒子尺寸分布 | Metallic powder; determination of particle size distribution by gravitational sedimentation in a liquid and attenuation measurement | |
27 | 金属粉末.根据在液体中重量沉淀以及扩散测量以确定粒度分布 | Metallic powder; determination of particle size distribution by gravitational sedimentation in a liquid and attenuation measurement | |
28 | 金属粉末.用液体中重力沉淀和衰减测量测定粒度分布 | Metallic powders-Determination of particle size distribution by gravitational sedimentation in a liquid and attenuation measurement | |
29 | 均匀重力场中弱相互作用费米气体的稳定条件 | The Stability Conditions of a Weakly Interacting Fermi Gas in Homogenous Gravitational Field | |
30 | 空间性质一定与引力势有关。 | Properties of space must depend on the gravitational potential |