属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阁楼下的生活 仆人的自述
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 因为银钎焊合金并不会流过或粘接在氧化物上,而油污的表面及暴露的、容易氧化和导致空隙和杂物排斥焊剂。 | Silver brazing alloys will not flow over or bond to oxides. Oily or greasy surfaces repel fluxes, leaving bare spots which oxidize and result in voids and inclusions." | |
2 | 油:所有在室温下呈液态且不溶于水的油腻物质之通称,包括不挥发油、精油与矿物油。 | Oil:Any greasy substance liquid at room temperature and insoluble in water. It may be a fixed (nonvolatile)oil, an essential oil, or a mineral oil (see petroleum). | |
3 | 油腻的食物令她恶心。 | The greasy food make her feel sick. | |
4 | 油脂性的有脂肪的特性;油脂性的 | Characteristic of fat; greasy . | |
5 | 有点过于油腻。 | It ’s a little too greasy . | |
6 | 有人说中国菜太油。 | Some people say Chinese food is too greasy . | |
7 | 有三种摩擦状态:干摩擦、滑动摩擦和粘性摩擦。 | There are three classes offriction: dry, greasy , and viscous. | |
8 | 有时候有一片烧焦了的草叶落在她的皮肤上,留下一块油腻腻的黑斑。 | Sometimes a ting fragment of charred grass fell on her skin and left a greasy black smudge | |
9 | 雨后道路很滑. | The roads are greasy after the rain. | |
10 | 在已经弄脏或不正确清洗的表面上进行钎焊,焊接效果就很难令人满意,因为银钎焊合金并不会流过或粘接在氧化物上,而油污的表面及暴露的、容易氧化和导致空隙和杂物排斥焊剂。 | Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. Silver brazing alloys will not flow over or bond to oxides. Oily or greasy surfaces repel fluxes, leaving bare spots which oxidize and result in voids and inclusions. | |
11 | 这卢瑟福,身材高高大大,花白的头发油腻肮脏,皱纹满脸,松松垮垮,厚厚的嘴唇像黑人一样嘟得挺高。 | He was a monstrous man, with a mane of greasy grey hair, his face pouched and seamed, with thick negroid lips | |
12 | 这男人油头滑面,像浸油的楷耙核,穿件青布大褂,跟女人并肩而坐,看不出是用人。 | With his slick, greasy hair and shiny face, Ah Fu looked like an oil-soaked loquat seed.As he was dressed in a blue cotton robe and was sitting next to the woman, one would not have guessed that he was a servant | |
13 | 这食物很油腻. | This food is rather greasy . | |
14 | 脂肪源自动植物的不挥发、不溶于水而油腻的物质。在化学构造上,动物油和植物油是相同的,主要由甘油三酯(甘油和脂肪酸反应生成的酯)组成 | Fats: Any organic compound of plant or animal origin that is not volatile, does not dissolve in water, and is oily or greasy . Chemically, fats are identical to animal and vegetable oils, consisting mainly of triglycerides (esters of glycerol with fatty acids). | |
15 | 助消化,除油腻 | Help digest greasy food | |
16 | 昨天他买了强力清洁剂来清洗油污的炉子。 | He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven. | |
17 | ||1: Ms Lethbridge擅长刻画雇主与佣工身上的神秘莫测。 ||2:大多数仆人过去做过苦力,当过“奴隶”。||3:据估计,一个女仆每周要拎三公吨的热水楼上楼下地忙碌。||4:对此他们心存感激,因为他们可以住在称作家的地方,而不是住在工厂。||5:家如同神话般被视为纯洁的道德和秩序的庇护所。就连家具都充满了神圣感。||6:一本指南里写道,女仆应当忠于它们仅次于忠于这个家庭。||7:女仆用皲裂的双手清洗油锅洗得再多也不会动摇雇主享受特权的信念。 | ||1: Ms Lethbridge is good on the mystifications that enveloped both employers and employed. ||2: Most servants were drudges or “slaveys”. ||3: It was estimated that a maid carried three tonnes of hot water up and down stairs each week. ||4: And they were expected to be grateful for a place in a home rather than a factory (often they were). ||5: A home, so the myth went, was a haven of moral purity and order. Even its furniture was sanctified. ||6: According to one advice book, a maid should keep a place in her heart for it, next only to family. ||7: No amount of digging with chapped fingers into greasy saucepans could shake the employers’ sense of conferring a privilege. | |
18 | ||1:现在他似乎已经安定下来了,在马里兰州罗克维尔和弗吉尼亚海滩之间经营着一系列以他的名字命名的餐馆。||2:他最新的餐馆Q by Peter Chang位于漂亮的华盛顿郊区贝塞斯达,可能是他餐馆中最高档的。||3:餐馆空间很大,有点工业化的感觉,有刷过的混凝土地板,巨大的柱子,没有一条眨眼的龙。||4:点一份葱油泡饼,你看到的不是那种典型的油腻的饼盘,而是一个通风的、排球大小的面团球。||5:虾仁锅巴,下面是一个翻过来的木碗(也许,你认为,是用来装壳的)。||6:细看,这碗原来是米饭做的。||7:用勺子敲一下,你会发现煮熟的虾浮在三叶草绿酱里。 | ||1:He now seems to have settled down, running a string of restaurants bearing his name between Rockville, Maryland, and Virginia Beach.||2:His latest—Q by Peter Chang—in the smart Washington suburb of Bethesda, may be his finest.||3:The space is vast and quasi-industrial, with brushed concrete floors, massive pillars and not a winking dragon in sight.||4:Order a scallion pancake, and what appears is not the typical greasy disc but an airy, volleyball-sized dough sphere.||5:Jade shrimp with crispy rice comes under what looks like an upturned wooden bowl (perhaps, you think, for the shells).||6:On inspection the bowl turns out to be the rice.||7:Thumping through it with a spoon reveals perfectly cooked shrimp floating in shamrock-green sauce. | |
19 | ||1:因为刚果首都金沙萨最好的搭载乘客的地方是大饭店外面(有一段时间是洲际饭店),所以那里是皮埃尔·曼贝尔经常停车的地方。||2:在那里,他会拿着一瓶雪碧,在树下阴凉处等待。||3:他的车并不豪华。||4:他开的是一辆深蓝色1976年的菲亚特,这辆车已经行驶过很多糟糕的道路。||5:车上的侧镜和风挡雨刷早就不见了,谢天谢地。||6:车的前门在速度快的时候会飞快地打开,所以有时必须用塑料袋绑在底盘上。||7:车的排气很落后。||8:这辆车拉着一个又一个刑事技工缓慢行进,但只要它能跑,而且人们愿意付钱让他搭一程,他就不会感到烦恼。||9:他的衣服也不精致。||10:在以时尚为豪的金沙萨,大多数日子里他都穿着油腻的T恤和脏脏的牛仔裤。 | ||1:Since the best place to pick up a fare in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, was outside the Grand hotel (for a time, the Intercontinental), that was where Pierre Mambele usually parked his car.||2:There he would wait, with a bottle of Sprite, under the trees for shade.||3:His car was nothing fancy.||4:It was a dark blue 1976 Fiat which had seen service on plenty of bad roads.||5:The side mirrors and wind-screen-wipers had long gone, good riddance to them.||6:The front doors could fly open at speed, so sometimes had to be tied to the chassis with plastic bags.||7:The exhaust trailed.||8:This car limped from one criminal mechanic to another, but as long as it ran, and people were willing to pay him for a ride, he wasn’t bothered.||9:His clothes were nothing fancy either.||10:On most days in fashion-proud Kinshasa he wore a greasy t-shirt and dirty jeans. | |
20 | 如果幸运的话,大人们便可安全返家,像蓬头垢面满身油污的陌生人一样,讲述“灰色的,被冰冷泥浆浸湿的”故事,“这些故事让人屏息凝神,但并不能使人发笑,讲述人如果想笑的话,也只会在喘息间微笑。” | If they are lucky, as shaggy, greasy strangers, telling stories that "were grey, drenched in icy slime. They made you gasp but not smile, and the men who told them smiled—if at all—only at the gasps." | |
21 | 油棕榈 | Greasy palms | |
22 | “他们不是按部就班往上爬的人,”罗伯逊称。 | "They aren’t greasy pole climbers, " Mr Robeson says. | |
23 | Windows7支持个人电脑屏幕多点触控,使用你灵活的手指进行缩放、旋转和导航。 | Windows 7 supports multitouch on the screen of your PC, letting you zoom, rotate and navigate with your greasy fingers. | |
24 | 澳大利亚雷达状圆圈不是行星x油脂性的成分引起的,也不是由大气层中带电的尘埃造成的。 | The Australia radar circles are not caused by these greasy elements nor are they caused by charged dust in the atmosphere. | |
25 | 白腻苔和黄腻苔患者血浆SOD、MDA水平的变化 | Changes of Plasma SOD and MDA in Patients with White- Greasy Fur and Yellow- Greasy | |
26 | 本发明的优点是,加入跳跳糖的冰淇淋膏体极为滑腻、蓬松、香醇爽口。 | The invention has the advantages that the ice cream body including the magic dust sugar is extremely greasy , fluffy and well tasty. | |
27 | 吃完饭后尽是油的盘子也可以用咖啡豆来清理,道理和清洗你的脸一样。 | Greasy pans can be cleaned with the left over ground beans that you used to exfoliate and scrub your face. | |
28 | 船舶油污损害之纯经济损失赔偿问题研究 | Study on the compensation issues of pure economic loss led by ships greasy damages | |
29 | 德国人口味喜清淡、甜酸,不爱吃油腻食品,不爱吃辣 | German taste like light sweet and sour, not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy ? | |
30 | 的士招徕挥汗地离去的官方顾客和昔日推推搡搡的人群处理油腻行李。 | Gone are the sweaty officials and greasy baggage handlers of yore, the taxi touts and shoving crowds. |