属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
1 | 鲁滨逊和星期五集中所有火力向他们发动攻击,击毙了来犯的野人,二十一人中只有四人漏网,并且救出了两个俘虏。其中一人原来是星期五的父亲,父子相逢,万分欣喜。 | Crusoe and Friday attack with all the firepower at their command, kill all but four of the twenty-one savages, and save two of the captives. One of them turns out to be Friday’s father. Father and son greet each other joyfully. | |
2 | 马修和劳拉这时露面了。萨蒂也不禁情绪高涨起来。她跑向孩子们,那情景如同见到久别的朋友一样。我看着父亲,父亲正放声大笑。 | Matthew and Laura appeared then and Sadie brightened up. She ran to greet them as if they were long-lost friends. When I looked at Dad, he was laughing. | |
3 | 码头上警察、脚夫、旅馆的接客扰嚷着,还有一群人向船上挥手巾,做手势。 | On the wharf, policemen, porters, and hotel agents who had come to greet passengers were clamoring noisily;a group of people were waving handkerchiefs at the ship or gesticulating | |
4 | 满目青山夕照明。 | On all sides, verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye | |
5 | 每当他巡店时,都会鼓励员工与他一起向顾客作出保证:“…我希望你们能够保证,每当你在三米以内遇到一位顾客时,你会看着他的眼睛与他打招呼,同时询问你能为他做些什么。” | During his many store visits, he encouraged associates to take a pledge with him: ″... I want you to promise that whenever you come within 10 feet of a customer, you will look him in the eye, greet him and ask him if you can help him.″ | |
6 | 每天早上,弗兰基依旧来和琼打招呼,把嘴伸到他口袋里找为他准备的好吃的东西。 | Still, every morning he was there to greet Jean, exploring the pocket for the treat Jean always brought | |
7 | 美国人平时匆匆忙忙,跟你打招呼不外一个“嗨”。 | Very often, Americans are rushed and may greet you with a hurried "Hi" | |
8 | 面试的雇主大都会与应聘者握握手。 | Most interviewers greet the applicant with a handshake | |
9 | 那凤姐不畏勤劳,天天于卯正二刻就过来点卯理事,独在抱厦内起坐,不与众妯娌合群,便有堂客来往,也不迎会 | Xifeng was not afraid of hard work. She came over punctually every morning at half past six to call the roll and see to any business, sitting alone in her annex and not even joining the other young wives to greet lady guests. | |
10 | 尼娜总是在火车站迎接她母亲 | Nina is always waiting at the railroad station to greet her mother. | |
11 | 朋友可相逢,高山永分离 | Friends may meet, But mountains never greet | |
12 | 轻轻的问候,不惊你梦,但愿你的梦中有我。 | I greet you softly so as not to spoil your dream,but I hope that I will have a place in your dream. | |
13 | 全球零售巨头沃尔玛在渝第一家分店落户九龙广场 | Wal-Mart′s First Chongqing Store Opens to Greet Customer | |
14 | 然后我们出门去给街坊邻居拜年,道一声“过年好”,透着吉祥、喜庆。 | Then we must go out the door to greet our neighbors for the new year by saying a phrase of "Happy New Years" to express good fortune and joy. | |
15 | 如果邻居在电梯里跟你打招呼,除非心如铁石可以视若无睹,不然一定会至少报以微笑回礼。 | If one person would greet another in the lift, at least the other would smile back, unless he has a heart of stone. | |
16 | 如果你和一个中国人打招呼,是不是一定要问:“吃了吗”?当中国人夸你的汉语说得好时,你是不是一定要说“哪里哪里”?答案是否定的。 | If you want to greet a Chinese, do you have to say “Have you had your meal? ”When a Chinese praises you for your excellent Chinese, do you have to say “Not at all? ”The answer is no. | |
17 | 如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开 | If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. However, the French usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. | |
18 | 如果我在多年之后见到你,我该怎样称呼你呢? | If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee? | |
19 | 山姆会员店原址改造完毕,沃尔玛香蜜湖分店开门纳客 | Wal-Mart Honey Lake Supercenter Opens to Greet Customers | |
20 | 所以,和中国人打招呼的时候,你尽可以说“你好”。当中国人表扬你的时候,你当然也可以说“谢谢”。 | Therefore, you may also greet a Chinese by saying “hello”; and when receiving praise from a Chinese, it will be perfectly all right for you to reply “thank you”. | |
21 | 他冲淋浴后,在晚上7点回到大厅,迎接他的客人。 | He had shower and was back in the lobby to greet his guest at 7:00 p.m. | |
22 | 他们穿过街来迎接我们。 | They came across the street to greet us. | |
23 | 他们给我们写信祝贺中国人民的这一伟大节日。 | They sent letters to us to greet this great festival of the Chinese people. | |
24 | 他们花一整天玩新玩具和拜访亲戚、朋友。他们见面彼此拥抱互道:“圣诞快乐!” | They spend the day playing with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends. They greet each other with a hug and say, “Merry Christmas!” | |
25 | 他们以热烈的掌声欢迎这位电影明星。 | They greet the film star with loud applause | |
26 | 他停下(手头的作),向客人打招呼。 | He stopped to greet the guest | |
27 | 台矶之上,坐着几个穿红着绿的丫头,一见他们来了,便忙都笑迎上来 | Several maids dressed in red and green rose from the terrace and hurried to greet them with smiles. | |
28 | 听众对他的演讲报以高声欢呼。 | The audience greet his speech with loud cheer. | |
29 | 外形宏伟,结构坚固的上海南浦、杨浦两座大桥喜迎四方宾客。 | Shanghai Nanpu Bridge and Yangpu Bridge over the Huangpu River, Both magnificent in appearance and sturdy in construction, joyfully greet guests from all quarters. | |
30 | 王和甫跳起来说,就一把拉住吴荪甫,拖进那“岗亭”,又把他塞在电话机旁边的小角里,好像惟恐人家看见了。 | As Wang Ho-fu sprang up to greet him, he grasped Wu Sunfu by the sleeve and pulled him into the cubicle, where he wedged him in the corner beside the telephone, as if he was afraid to expose his friend to public view |