属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健康生活 身与心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健康生活 身与心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健康生活 身与心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健康生活 身与心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健康生活 身与心
1 | 躲避孤独的合群的人 | A gregarious person who avoids solitude | |
2 | 格丽卿经过了那些和戚利在一块的放荡而忙于交际的生活,喜欢同她第二个丈夫过这种安生日子。 | After the loose, gregarious years with Willie, Gretchen welcomed the domestic days and quiet nights with her second husband | |
3 | 合群的天性. | the gregarious instinct | |
4 | 黑猩猩产于非洲热带地区的一种长有长长的黑毛群居类人猿(黑猩猩),有一些栖于树上的生活习惯且表现出与人类相似的行为以及高等的智力,现在被认为在荒野里很可能灭绝 | A gregarious anthropoid ape(Pan troglodytes)of tropical Africa,having long dark hair and somewhat arboreal habits and exhibiting humanlike behavior and a high degree of intelligence.It is now considered vulnerable to extinction in the wild. | |
5 | 她很合群,擅长交际;而我宁愿呆在家里看书,也不愿出门参加什么聚会。 | But she was gregarious and social, while I preferred books to parties | |
6 | 牛羊是群居的. | Sheep and cattle are gregarious . | |
7 | 群居,两者均为无耳海豹。因其身躯硕大,雄兽鼻粗壮能膨胀,因而得名。 | Both are gregarious earless seals. The male has an inflatable, trunklike snout. | |
8 | 人是一种群居的动物,显然,他所呼出的致病细菌要互相残杀,彼此抵消。 | Man is a gregarious animal, and apparently the mischievous microbes he exhales fight and neutralise each other | |
9 | 它们是群居鸟类,会集群觅食。 | They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks. | |
10 | 在华盛顿,克林顿便处在与自己同样类型的人中;一群喜好社交,从十几岁就开始想竞选总统的实干家。 | In Washington, Clinton was among his own gregarious doers who began running for President in their teens | |
11 | 这些动物非常喜欢群居。 | These animals are highly gregarious . | |
12 | 自由式,即俯卧,双手放在头的两侧,这是最特别的睡姿。只有6.5%的人喜欢这样睡,他们通常性情急躁,爱社交。 | The freefall, flat on the tummy with the hands at the sides of the head, is the most unusual position. Only 6.5 percent of people prefer it and they are usually brash and gregarious . | |
13 | Cole博士收集了孤独之人和爱交际之人的白细胞样品。 | Dr Cole harvested samples of white blood cells from both lonely and gregarious people. | |
14 | 并不是说孤独之人和爱交际之人在基因上彼此不同。 | It is not that the lonely and the gregarious are genetically different from each other. | |
15 | 孤独的人跟爱交际的人相比,似乎患跟慢性炎症相关的疾病——如心脏病和某些癌症——的风险更大。 | Lonely people, it seems, are at greater risk than the gregarious of developing illnesses associated with chronic inflammation, such as heart disease and certain cancers. | |
16 | 因而爱交际的人比孤独之人更易感染病毒。因此Cole博士认为进化过程创造出了一种机制(细节仍不清楚),可以让白细胞对这一状况进行反应。 | The gregarious are therefore at greater risk than the lonely of catching viruses, and Dr Cole thus suggests that past evolution has created a mechanism (the details of which remain unclear) which causes white cells to respond appropriately. | |
17 | 最后下结论:超过这样一段时间,一个爱交际的人比一个孤独的人的生存率高50%。 | It concluded that, over such a period, a gregarious person has a 50% better chance of surviving than a lonely one. | |
18 | Cole博士收集了孤独之人和爱交际之人的白细胞样品。 | Dr Cole harvested samples of white blood cells from both lonely and gregarious people. | |
19 | 带头的是一位交际广泛的保险销售人员,57岁的李正芳。 | Spearheading the effort was a gregarious insurance saleswoman, Li Zhengfang, 57 years old. | |
20 | 而后,弟弟变得外向而热爱交际,我很害羞,还有那么点阴郁和早熟。 | Later on, where my brother was outgoing and gregarious , I was shy, somewhat sour and precocious. | |
21 | 而这么做的后果是独自品尝孤独和抑郁,除非这人年轻,单身,英语流利而且爱交际。 | This makes for a lonely, gloomy time, unless the expat in question is young, single, fluent in English and gregarious . | |
22 | 她说,即便是爱好社交的克林顿也来从没有这样经常外出。 | She said that even the gregarious Clintons never got out this much. | |
23 | 理查森先生过火的社交生活容易招惹事端。 | Mr Richardson is too gregarious for his own good. | |
24 | 迈克是个爱社交的年轻人。 | Mike is a gregarious young man . | |
25 | 人是一种爱群居的动物,就象牛喜欢沿着山坡的同一条道路吃草一样喜爱共识。 | Man is a gregarious animal, and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill. | |
26 | 他当时和他的妻子、两位助手、一个电影摄制组和两位律师在一起。虽然气氛肃穆,但他还是谈笑风生,轻松玩笑,一如以往。 | He was with his wife, two aides, a film crew and two lawyers, but as gregarious and mischievous as ever. | |
27 | 他是爱社交的人,喜欢和一大群快乐的朋友作伴。 | A gregarious man, he enjoyed the companionship of a large number of jovial friends. | |
28 | 他曾是个乐观合群的孩子,为了提高棒球比赛水平而摄入了类固醇。 | A cheerful and gregarious boy, Taylor had taken steroids in an effort to improve his baseball game. | |
29 | 汤姆好交际、合群;他不喜欢孤独。 | Tom is sociable and gregarious ; he dislikes solitariness or the solitudes. | |
30 | 我想要善于交际的人…这个人不和别人调情。 | I want someone who’s gregarious at parties. . . but never flirts with anyone else. |