属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空动力 领空限制
1 | 演讲人被听众嘘下台来。 | The speaker was groaned down by the audience. | |
2 | 在他,这是一种期待的神情,骤然地,他仿佛觉得他的腰背有一支火馅在扑着,他的心里呻吟起来,他恐怖着,拒绝着一切新的密切的人间关系。 | To him it was a look of waiting. And a little thin tongue of fire suddenly flickered in his loins, at the root of his back, and he groaned in spirit. He dreaded with a repulsion almost of death, any further close human contact. | |
3 | 这种世俗的动机居然能影响一位坚强的传道者的心灵,戴维不禁为之叹息。 | Davil groaned to find that such carnal motive could have influenced upon the mind of a powerful preacher | |
4 | 竹门呀呀地发喊,每一声是一个进出的人。这丝厂工人的全区域在大雨和迅雷下异常活动! | Doors groaned on their hinges as people went in and out of the huts, and the whole settlement of workers from the silk factory was a hive of activity | |
5 | 桌上摆满了菜肴。 | The table groaned with food. | |
6 | 桌上摆满了食物。 | The table groaned with food | |
7 | 桌子上摆满了大量食物,快把桌子压垮了。 | The table groaned with food | |
8 | ||1:甚至在经济学家霍华德·达维斯反对在泰晤士河口建造一座转移英国多余的航空能力的时候,反对的声音就已经出现了。||2:伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊和泰晤士计划的一位积极的支持者对此气急败坏,并认为这种决定是“目光短浅”的表现。||3:得知当前都需要扩建两个机场或是扩建其中一个机场的跑道时,邻避主义者反对扩建希思罗机场和盖特威克机场。||4:霍华德最终的建议将于2015年到期,的确引起了人们极大的愤怒。||5:为了让人们更加反对,他和他的团队必须实行一个关于乘机航行的危险的猜想。 | ||1:EVEN before Sir Howard Davies, an economist mulling where to put extra airport capacity in Britain, rejected the idea of building a big new hub in the Thames Estuary, the backlash had begun.||2:Boris Johnson, the mayor of London and an enthusiastic supporter of the Thames plan, spluttered in advance, then branded the decision “myopic”.||3:NIMBYs opposing the expansion of Heathrow and Gatwick groaned , knowing that the remaining options all involve building or extending runways at one of those airports.||4:Sir Howard’s final recommendation, due in 2015, is sure to run into heavy fire.||5:To make matters worse, he and his team must hazard a guess about the future of air travel. | |
9 | “嗯哪,”老太太以一种非人的、金属般的声音哼唧着。 | "Mm, " the old woman groaned in a kind of nonhuman, metallic voice. | |
10 | “我要起来了,”莎莉在床的另一边咕哝道,“反正我现在是无论如何也睡不着了。” | "I’ll get up, " Sally groaned from her side of the bed. "I can’t go back to sleep now anyway. " | |
11 | 安德森抱怨着,按下按钮时眼睛仍停留在屏幕上,“讲。” | Anderson groaned and kept his eyes on the television as he pressed the button. "Yeah. " | |
12 | 巴塞罗那钟情伍迪艾伦,但是在我参加的VCB的充满呻吟的放映中,我看到了一部以“非巴塞罗特色”令人印象深刻的电影。 | Barcelona loves Woody Allen but groaned through the showing I attended of VCB, a film most memorable for what Barcelona is not. | |
13 | 博比呻吟着。这听起来可是个苦差事。但他静静地上床睡去。是什么噩梦把他惊醒? | Bobby groaned . It sounded like hard work. But he went off quietly to bed. What nightmares disturbed him? | |
14 | 但有个东西似乎一直在跟着他走,还不时地发出呜咽声。 | But the thing seemed to follow him. From time to time, it groaned . | |
15 | 她呻吟着,用手抱住头。 | She groaned and held her head. | |
16 | 那张桌子在重压下嘎吱嘎吱作响。 | The table creaked and groaned under the weight. | |
17 | 裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。 | Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent attitude. | |
18 | 他痛苦地呻吟。 | He groaned in anguish. | |
19 | 我呻吟着起身,拿出一些酒,一个开瓶器,几个酒杯和一个烟灰缸,又回到床上接着睡觉。 | I groaned , got up, issued some wine, a corkscrew, some glasses and an ashtray and went back to bed. | |
20 | 我叹息一声,塔克·海登的大拇趾芭蕾舞?那可太糟糕了,真不敢想象。 | I groaned . Hayden Tucker’s big toe in a tutu? It was toe horrible to think about! | |
21 | 一棵树在炽热的温度下感到倦怠,呻吟着,仿佛根部正在晃动。 | Tired of the blazing heat, a tree groaned as if shifting in its rooted position. | |
22 | 一只癞蛤蟆在路边看到一只青蛙。那是只又胖又老的青蛙。他坐在那里呻吟叹息着。 | A toad saw a frog near the road. He was a fat old frog. He sat and moaned and groaned . | |
23 | 约翰对自己的怯懦感到非常失望,烦躁地把头靠在墙上,但不小心用力过度,让他痛苦的低声呻吟着。 | John, disappointed in himself, in his cowardice, banged his head up against the wall and groaned , exasperated. |