属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梵蒂冈和土耳其 永世铭记
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-花旗集团 付讫前行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 时钟停摆
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 标价更高 收益更少
1 | 国民经济被沉重的军费压得透不过气来。 | The national economy groans under the burden of military expenditure | |
2 | 火车事故中受伤人的呻吟 | the groans of those injured in a railway accident | |
3 | 绞架在等着你呢。 | He gallows groans for you | |
4 | 绞架在等着他 [你] 呢。 | The gallows groans for him. | |
5 | 绞架在等着他[你]呢。 | The gallows groans for you. | |
6 | 绞架在等着他呢。 | He gallows groans for him | |
7 | 她抱怨那些没完没了的家务。 | She groans about the endless household duties | |
8 | 她渴望自由与爱情。 | She groans for liberty and love | |
9 | 她受她粗野的丈夫的虐待。 | She groans beneath her rude husband | |
10 | 幕在嗤笑和哼哈声中落下。 | The curtain went down on a titter and some groans | |
11 | 那个民族饱受暴君统治之苦。 | The nation groans under the tyrant’s rule. | |
12 | 呻吟着说,呻吟着表示 | To utter or express with groans or a groan. | |
13 | 他常照顾那些呻吟床褥和奄奄垂毙的人。 | He inclined towards all that groans and all that expiates | |
14 | 痛苦的呻吟. | distressful groans | |
15 | 我的神志还没有完全清醒时就又听到了呻吟声和半窒息的叫喊声混成了一片,象是有人在进行一场垂死的挣扎。 | I had not yet fully recovered consciousness, when again I heard groans , mingled with half-stifled cries, as if from persons engaged in a deadly struggle | |
16 | 无论是否有无声的呻吟或者表示厌恶的话语,每一个人,包括斯图在内,都用面包把盘子擦得发亮。 | In spite of the muted groans and sound of disgust, everyone including Stu polished his plate clean with bread | |
17 | 在风中哼哼唧唧或是发出其它忧郁呻吟的苍劲肃穆的松树,无需变形,就可充当清教徒的长者,面园中最丑陋的杂草便权充他们的子孙 | The pine-trees, aged, black and solemn, and flinging groans and other melancholy utterances on the breeze, needed little transformation to figure as Puritan elders; the ugliest weeds of the garden were their children, | |
18 | 最后的那一声喊叫拖得很长,后来就愈来愈弱,渐渐地变成了呻吟,这一声喊叫一下子把我从迷迷糊糊的昏睡状态中唤醒了。 | A cry more prolonged than the others and ending in a series of groans effectually roused me from my drowsy lethargy | |
19 | ||1:1915年教皇本笃十五世致函奥斯曼帝国苏丹—默罕默德五世,言及他能听到“整个民族遭受难以言状痛苦时所发出的呻吟在天际回响。”||2:(一百年后的)今天,当年两大巨头各自的继任者去年11月在土耳其安卡拉外的总统官邸会见时,这种回响仍然久久不散。||3:意大利报纸《信使报》梵蒂冈问题观察家Franca Giansoldati在一本新书中披露:土耳其总统雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安“恳祈”教皇弗兰西斯不要把1915年奥斯曼帝国屠杀亚美尼亚人的事件公开定性为种族灭绝。 | ||1:IN 1915 Pope Benedict XV wrote to Mehmed V, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, saying that he could hear “the echo of the groans of an entire people…subjected to unspeakable sufferings”.||2:When the two leaders’modern-day counterparts met last November at the Turkish presidential palace outside Ankara, those echoes were still audible.||3:According to a new book by Franca Giansoldati, the Vatican-watcher of Il Messaggero, an Italian daily, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president, “begged” Pope Francis to refrain from openly characterising the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenians in 1915 as genocide. | |
20 | ||1:7月14日,花旗集团发布其第二季度盈利,这可能又会引发一片熟悉的呻吟声,之所以会如此,原因众多。||2:花旗的北美零售业务收入锐减26%,部分原因是由于利率上升,抵押贷款再融资急剧下降。||3:更糟的是,该银行同意就其在金融危机之前的抵押贷款支持证券交易支付70亿美元,与检方达成和解。这个金额是分析师此前初步预计值的两倍,更是花旗最初愿意支付金额的20倍。||4:但是,紧随所有的这些坏消息之后,花旗的股价上涨。 | ||1: THERE were many reasons why Citigroup’s earnings for the second quarter, released on July 14th, might have elicited familiar groans . ||2: Revenues from its North American retail operations plunged by 26%, thanks in part to an abrupt drop in the refinancing of mortgages due to rising interest rates. ||3: Worse, the bank agreed to a $7 billion settlement with prosecutors over its dealings in mortgage-backed securities before the financial crisis, twice what analysts had initially expected and 20 times what Citi had first offered. ||4: Yet in the wake of all this bad news, Citi’s shares rose. | |
21 | ||1:其他议员正忙于在其党派内鼓吹信息。||2:议会施压小组变得更加有力,新的运动不断涌现,如“复兴”(一项为保守党工薪阶层而掀起的运动)和“单一民族党”(一群年轻的工党议员)。||3:有些运动发布了报告和文件,有些则客串嘉宾主持人。||4:一位在边缘席位的议员呻吟道:“每五分钟就有一场血雨腥风。”||5:这些聚会主要是作为联系机会而存在的。||6:更麻烦的是,对于党魁来说,这里也是一个闲杂人等闹事的好地方:对于假装领导人的人来说,是个炫耀的好地方,对于心存不满的议员来说,是个密谋和计划的好地方。||7:保守党后座议员已经开始收集签名,抱怨政府政策。 | ||1:Other parliamentarians are busy agitating within their parties.||2:Pressure groups of MPs are becoming more vocal, and new ones like Renewal (a campaign for working-class Conservatism) and One Nation (a gang of young Labour MPs) have sprung up.||3:Some of these publish reports and papers, others host guest speakers.||4:“Every five minutes there is another bloody supper club,” groans one MP in a marginal seat.||5:These gatherings mostly serve as networking opportunities.||6:More troublingly, for party leaders, they are also perfect places for idle hands to make trouble: for leadership pretenders to peacock and for disgruntled MPs to plot and scheme.||7:Tory backbenchers have taken to gathering signatures on letters grousing about government policy. | |
22 | 当美国最高的律师酬金达到每小时1000美元,20世纪中期,一些大公司的法律部门里开始抱怨连连。 | THERE were groans in big companies’ legal departments in the mid-2000s, when the fees of America’s priciest lawyers first hit 1,000 an hour. | |
23 | 你无法使用电视广告,他们记不住,一位三十几岁的主顾抱怨。 | You can’t use TV adverts: they forget them, groans the 30-something executive. | |
24 | “你无法使用电视广告,他们记不住,”一位三十几岁的主顾抱怨。 | "You can’t use TV adverts: they forget them, " groans the 30-something executive. | |
25 | “呻吟”代表恶心、便秘和胃部不适,而“哼哼”则代表心理症状,包括抑郁和困惑等。 | ’Moans’ means nausea, constipation or stomach problems, while ’groans ’ refers to psychological symptoms, from depression to confusion. | |
26 | 百货公司的管理人员都是些积极、专注于任务的人。 | The idea provoked groans of discomfort. Department store managers are active, task-focused people. | |
27 | 房间里弥漫着此起彼伏的叹息声。 | There were groans all around the room. | |
28 | 华尔街,聚集在电视屏幕前观看投票的经纪人哀声一片。 | On Wall Street, there were groans as traders gathered around TV monitors to watch the vote. | |
29 | 还有还有,今天去补课,一个很好的老师,哼哼,高三跟着她,有饭吃! | Also has also has, today makes up for a missed lesson, a very good teacher, groans , is high three with her, has the food to eat! | |
30 | 检测水压承受力的金属嘎吱作响、发出哀嚎;声纳(声波定位仪)发出的声音常常刚刚达到张力的最大值。 | Metal tested to endurance creaks and groans ; a sonar pings just often enough to maximise the tension. |