属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼加拉瓜运河 挖掘真相
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-广告 仅仅是感情的眷顾
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-结婚 独生子女政策如何改变了中式婚礼
1 | 在实际结婚典礼上,新娘的父亲象征性地把女儿交给新郎。 | At the actual wedding ceremony,the father of the bride symbolically gives his daughter to the groom . | |
2 | 在新郎第一次拜见岳丈后,观众就能欣赏到婚礼中最精彩的一章--新娘子的装饰! | After the groom ’s first visit, spectators can witness the most splendid art of the wedding, the adornment of the bride. | |
3 | 照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病 | to examine oneself in the mirror; straighten one’s clothes and hat; take a bath; and treat one’s diseaseto look into the mirror; groom oneself; take a bath and seek remedies | |
4 | 正在培养他当我们部门领导的可能接班人. | He`s being groom ed as a possible successor to our head of department. | |
5 | 准备提升一名雇员 | groom an employee for advancement. | |
6 | ||1:12月22日,尼加拉瓜左翼与中国电信巨头这对神奇的组合宣布他们将会实现尼加拉瓜几代人的梦想,那就是建造一条可以与巴拿马运河相匹敌的通洋运河。||2:运河权威部门的元老,Manuel Coronel表示他们的计划是无可争议的,“就像新郎和新娘约会一样,这是一件天经地义的事。” | ||1:ON DECEMBER 22nd an odd couple—Nicaragua’s left-wing government and a Chinese-born telecoms magnate—say they will begin the realisation of a dream that has captivated Nicaraguans for generations: the construction of an inter-oceanic canal to rival Panama’s.||2:According to Manuel Coronel, an octogenarian who runs the canal authority, their intentions are now beyond dispute. “When the bride and groom set a date, you know it’s serious,” he says. | |
7 | ||1:流媒体服务取代了电影院。线上购物正在取代商业街。餐馆的食物正在送货上门。||2:而且Horse and Groom旅店已经变成了the Horse and Zoom,因为人们一边小口抿着啤酒,一边和朋友视频聊天。||3:酒吧客们发现它很难取代真实的事情。||4:正如经营2700家Greene King酒吧的尼克·麦肯齐所言:“酒吧的意义在于社交。” | ||1:Streaming services have replaced the cinema. Online shopping is standing in for the high street.||2:Restaurant food is being home-delivered. And the ol’ Horse and Groom has become the Horse and Zoom, as people take to video-chatting with friends while sipping from a can of lager.||3:It is, pubgoers have discovered, a poor substitute for the real thing.||4:As Nick Mackenzie of Greene King, which runs 2,700 pubs, puts it: “The point of the pub is to socialise.” | |
8 | ||1:早期有迹象表明,1496年哈布斯堡家族的菲利普和胡安娜的结合可能并不愉快。||2:它讲述了许多关于那个时代的贵族,很多人认为主要的问题不是来自新娘的血统,而是源于新郎的血统:在一个擅长诚实称呼的时代,菲利浦在盘点自己祖先时,把许多不乐观的遗传物质算在其中,比如跛子阿尔伯特,胖子利奥波德以及腓特烈四世。 | ||1:There were early hints that the union of Philip of Habsburg with Juana the Mad in 1496 might not be a happy one.||2:It says a lot about the aristocracy of the era that the main problem came less from the bride’s line than from the groom ’s: Philip counted among his ancestors such unpromising genetic material as Albert the Lame, Leopold the Fat and, in an age that excelled in the honest epithet, Frederick of the Empty Pockets. | |
9 | 对于卡曼尼先生的弟子来说,广告首先是一种方式来培养体系,以引导消费者的购买。 | For Mr Kahneman’s disciples advertising is above all a way to groom system one, to nudge consumers towards a buy. | |
10 | ||几个世纪以来,结婚在中国意味着确保传递新郎家的香火。结婚仪式的重点是新郎的亲属:夫妻向男方父母磕头,女方亲属却不与之同席。||而与此不同,新郎和新娘的家人需彼此交换金钱或物品,转手的彩礼钱越多,婚礼越奢华。 | ||For centuries, marriage in China was about ensuring heirs for the groom ’s family.|| Ceremonies centred on the groom’s kin: couples kowtowed to the man’s parents but the woman’s relatives were absent. Unusually, both the groom’s and the bride’s family exchanged money or goods. The more money changed hands, the more opulent the wedding. | |
11 | “摄像师错过了最后之舞和抛花”,来自曼哈顿的新郎陶德·J·雷米斯说。 | The photographers had missed the last dance and the bouquet toss, the groom , Todd J. Remis of Manhattan, said. | |
12 | “我们刻意的做出努力以求真实,”影片道具的设计者比尔格鲁目说。 | "We made a conscious effort to keep it real, " said Bill Groom , the film’s production designer. | |
13 | “这是一个非常困难的测试,没有做任何的精神方面健康问题的人也会觉得很难,”格鲁姆说。 | "This is a really difficult test to do and people without any mental health problems find it difficult, " said Groom . | |
14 | “只是她不是那只我认为我会为之放弃自由的狗而已,”我就像一个在新婚之夜前被吓坏的新郎一样哀泣。 | "She’s just not the dog I imagined losing my freedom for, " I wailed like a freaked-out groom before his wedding night. | |
15 | 23岁的新郎王学谦(音译)雇佣了婚礼策划人胡路(音译),并承担这场盛况的全部费用。 | The 23-year-old groom , Wang Xueqian, who bore the cost of the pageantry, hired wedding planner Hu Lu to plan the nuptials. Apparently Mr. | |
16 | BeckyGroom一直想做义工,但是在华盛顿互惠银行工作的这19年中,她没有时间。 | Becky Groom always wanted to volunteer, but she had little time for it during her 19 years in business operations at Washington Mutual. | |
17 | Groom是通过TaprootFoundation找到自己的义工的,该机构根据人们的职业经验给他们分配任务。 | Groom found hers through the Taproot Foundation, which places people in assignments based on their professional experience. | |
18 | Groom想将其金融背景善加利用,在健康护理中找到的新职业。所以她要求为该领域的非营利组织工作。 | Groom wanted to parlay her finance background into a new career in health care, so she asked to work with a nonprofit in that sector. | |
19 | 帮我把这些马洗刷干净,好让它们参加今晚的演出。 | Help me to groom the horses for the show tonight. | |
20 | 北京的一个夏天,一对准新郎新郎正在北京的朝阳公园拍摄婚纱照。 | A future bride and groom posed for photos at Beijing’s Chaoyang Park on a summer Sunday in Beijing. | |
21 | 此军事基地的中心(也就是马夫湖南岸)有着全美最大的秘密军事机场。 | Situated at its center, on the southern shore of Groom Lake, is a large secretive military airfield. | |
22 | 但家境不错的新郎拒绝后,她让自己的妈妈为她买了那枚戒指。 | When the even wealthier to-be-groom said no, she convinced her mother to purchase it for her. | |
23 | 但是,新郎和新娘还是可以做一些事情,在不得罪亲友的情况下鼓励他们用现金作为结婚礼物。 | But there are a few things a bride and groom can do to encourage cash gifts without offending Great Aunt Mimi. | |
24 | 当欧洲危机曝光,交易者们像一个真人秀男仆一样抛售他们手中的债券。 | As the European crisis unfolded, traders dumped their bonds like they were a reality show groom . | |
25 | 当他让珍妮给他理毛的时候,她写道,“一个值得骄傲的时刻”。 | When he let Jane groom him, it was, she wrote, "a proud moment. " | |
26 | 格鲁目于是有了一个被刷成新模样的复制品,更接近它可能在1978时的那个样子“哈维那时候就用的这个东西。”设计者说。 | Groom then had the replica repainted for a newer look, closer to how it probably appeared in 1978 "when Harvey used it, " the designer said. | |
27 | 恭贺新郎、新娘!祝你们在漫长之人生旅程中相濡以沫,永远幸福。 | Congratulations to the groom , best wishes to the bride. May your path be long and filled with joy. | |
28 | 古罗马时期,新郎在新娘头上,压碎一个大麦面包,婚礼礼成。 | In ancient Rome, marriages were sealed when the groom smashed a barley cake over the bride’s head. | |
29 | 弘水谷称,在某场婚礼中,新郎的所有三十位亲朋好友和同事都是“冒牌货”。 | At one wedding, all 30 of the family, friends and coworkers of the groom were fakes, Mizutani said. | |
30 | 加强化学实验示范中心建设培养高素质创新人才 | Reinforce the Construction of Chemical Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and Groom More Creative Talents With Real Quality |