1 | 他们围聚在老师的周围。 | They grouped themselves round their teacher. | |
2 | 通常,原料、用于中间产品的部件和成品在装运到买方前被分为多个批。 | Generally, raw materials, components to be used in intermediate products, and finished products, are grouped into lots before being shipped to customers. | |
3 | 通常太古代和元古代被归在一起而称作前寒武纪,前寒武纪的岩石多遭受强烈变形、变质或被岩浆岩侵入,岩石中缺少化石。 | Usually the archeozoic and Proterozoic eras are grouped together and referred to as Precambrian in age. Precambrian rocks have been intensely deformed, metamorphosed and intruded, and are relatively barren of fossils. | |
4 | 图5-52为我们所指出的各个燃烧区的综合示意图。 | The various combustion domains that we have identified are grouped schematically in Fig 552 | |
5 | 为了编制直方图而进行了分组的原始数据,可以用一条具有同样参数连续曲线来描述。 | Raw data grouped to produce a histogram can be described by a continuous curve with the same parameters | |
6 | 为了减少间接费用分配率的数量并相应简化作业成本计算的过程,各种作业可以根据如下的两个特点将相同或相近性质的作业并为一组。 | To reduce the number of overhead rates, and to simplify the process of ABC, activities may be grouped together in homogeneous set based on similar characteristics. | |
7 | 我常说唐以后的大诗人可以把地理名字来概括,叫‘陵谷山原’。 | I always say the great poets since the T’ang can be grouped under geographical terms;the hills ( ling), the valleys (Ku), the mountains (Shan), and the plains (Yuan) | |
8 | 我觉得现在写普通人的东西成了一种另类,它不应该成为另类 | "It seems to me that any TV play that depicts the live of ordinary people tend to be easily labeled as the "other type", which, in fact, shouldn’t be grouped as such" | |
9 | 我们分成了12个队,进行了严格的军事训练。 | Grouped in12 teams, we undertook strict military training. | |
10 | 细胞排列呈念珠状,群集于胶团中 | The cells are arranged in beadlike chains grouped together in a gelatinous mass. | |
11 | 现在 Office 程序中每个打开的窗口将组合为单个按钮。 | Each open window in your Office program is now grouped together in one single button. | |
12 | 小米草:一种小米属植物,带小的对生的,齿状叶子和白色并且略显紫色的穗状花序. | eyebright:any of several plants of the genus Euphrasia, having small, opposite, toothed leaves and white and purplish flowers grouped in spikes. | |
13 | 形态和团块包括不同色彩.光度,质感和单个或集体形象的所有方面。绝大多数绘画流派都明显地是基于下列原型形态:方形,圆形,三角形或椭圆形。 | Shape and mass include all areas of different colour, tone, and texture, as well as individual and grouped images. Most styles of painting will generally be found to have been clearly based on such archetypal forms: square, circle, triangular, and oval.- | |
14 | 学生们聚集在教授周围。 | The students grouped around the professor. | |
15 | 药物还可依照其总的目标分类,如诊断疾病,或治疗疾病。有时药物根据病人使用方法分类。 | Drugs also may be grouped according to their general purpose, such as for diagnosis of disease or for treatment of illness. Sometimes drugs are classified according to the way they are administered(given)to a patient. | |
16 | 夜光藻一种生物发光鞭毛目动物,夜光藻属,当其成群量出现时,使海洋出现磷光现象 | Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphorescent. | |
17 | 依据集团发展策略,将企业集团内核心公司或旗下子公司依产业定位,将功能同质性高者作区隔建构出次集团,乃是前瞻性企业集团发展的必然趋势。 | According to each group’s development, Uni-President has first divided the core companies or subsidiaries according to their operations, and then grouped those with similar functions into one sub-conglomerate. | |
18 | 仪器和显示屏都位于驾驶者视野范围内,按钮和开关则根据其功能分组排列。 | The instruments and displays are located directly within the driver′s vision as are the buttons and switches which are grouped together according to function. | |
19 | 引起大战的具体原因有以下三个方面:一、阿尔萨斯--洛林蒙受奴役;二、德国对英国的敌意有增无已;三、德国对巴尔干半岛的侵略。 | The specific causes may be grouped under three heads: (1)the bondage of Alsace-Lorrain, (2)the growing hostility of Germany toward England, and (3)German aggression in the Balkans | |
20 | 引起第二次世界大战的具体原因有以下三个方面:1.阿尔萨斯-洛林地区蒙受奴役;2.德国对英国日益增长的敌意;3.德国对巴尔干半岛的侵略。 | The specific causes of the First World War may be grouped under three heads: (1)the bondage of alsace-Lorrain, (2)the growing hostility of Germany toward England, and (3)German aggression in the balkans. | |
21 | 英语、德语和挪威语归于日耳曼语系。 | English, German and Norwegian are grouped under the Germanic family of languages. | |
22 | 樱草:欧洲中部的报春花(耳状报春花),有由黄色大花簇成的伞状花序。 | Auricula:a central European primrose (Primula auricula)having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels. | |
23 | 由对话控制提供的一种功能。为进行差错校正和其它目的,把信息分组后放入链中。 | A facility provided in dialog control.Messages are grouped into chains for error recovery and other purposes. | |
24 | 与商业相关的特定的侵权行为,分别类聚。 | Torts that are specifically related to business are grouped separately. | |
25 | 在大多数国家的国际收支平衡表中,所表示的交易可以有几种归类方式。三个方面的区别具有重大的分析意义 | International transactions shown in the balance of international payments statements of most countries may be grouped in several ways. Three distinctions have a major analytical significance | |
26 | 在分组的数据访问页?中,展开或折叠一组对应于展开指示器的记录 | Expand or collapse a group of records corresponding to the expand indicator in a grouped data access page?. | |
27 | 在分组的数据访问页中,可以创建用于在某个特定组中检索数据的筛选,例如某个特定客户的订单。 | On a grouped data access page, you can create a filter that retrieves data for a specific group, such as orders for a specific customer. | |
28 | 在分组的页中,可以向每个分组级别添加一个导航工具栏。 | In a grouped page, you can add a navigation toolbar to each group level. | |
29 | 在美国,葡萄酒可分为5类:开胃葡萄酒、佐餐红葡萄酒、佐餐白葡萄酒、餐后甜葡萄酒和起泡葡萄酒。 | In the United States, wines can be grouped into five classes-appetizer wines, red table wines, white table wines, sweet dessert wines, and sparkling wines. | |
30 | 在某些情况下,即使执行了上述步骤,程序窗口可能也不会组合在一个按钮中显示。 | In some cases, your program windows may not display grouped in one single button even after following the steps above. |