属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工党的下坡路 背离大路
1 | ||1:办公软件很少能唤起什么情绪,除了厌烦之外。||2:但有人对Slack赞不绝口,称其简化了办公通讯。||3:Slack不是把电子邮件都堆在一个收件箱里让人处理,而是按话题(称为“频道”)组织文本对话,便于公司中的团队实时沟通。||4:这种形式较为随意,反映出人们的实际沟通方式,并且避免了电子邮件那套过时的形式,在线音乐公司潘多拉(Pandora)的克里斯·贝赫勒(Chris Becherer)说道,该公司就使用Slack进行办公通讯。 | ||1:It is rare for business software to arouse emotion besides annoyance.||2:But some positively gush about how Slack has simplified office communication.||3:Instead of individual e-mails arriving in a central inbox and requiring attention, Slack structures textual conversations within threads (called “channels”) where groups within firms can update each other in real time.||4:It is casual and reflects how people actually communicate, eschewing e-mail’s outdated formalities, says Chris Becherer of Pandora, an online-music firm that uses Slack. | |
2 | ||1:与此同时,信托基金还转向了毗邻的巨大花园,属于呼玛雍陵墓,一座比泰姬陵更美得惊人的莫卧儿王朝建筑。||2:郁郁葱葱的土地上布满了基金会正在恢复的水槽和水井。||3:最近,本文记者和基金会在印度热情的带头人哈提斯·南达一起,来到一个baoli的底部,人们正在一桶一桶地费清理数百年的瓦砾和污泥。||4:两周后,水开始涌进来。||5:英国人发现一处16世纪建造的井,不是为了取水,而是为了确保水能流回地下含水层。||6:南达表示,修复工作帮助该地区的地下水位提高了几米。 | ||1:Meanwhile, the trust also turned to the adjacent, huge gardens belonging to Humayun’s tomb, a Mughal building of even more breathtaking beauty than the Taj Mahal.||2:The lush grounds are covered in tanks and wells that the trust is restoring.||3:With Ratish Nanda, the AKTC’s enthusiastic head in India, this correspondent recently descended to the bottom of a baoli that was being cleared of centuries of rubble and sludge, bucket by laborious bucket.||4:Two weeks later, water was starting to gush in.||5:One find, covered over by the British, is a 16th-century well built not to capture water, but to ensure it flows back into the underlying aquifer.||6:Mr Nanda says the restoration work has helped raise the area’s water table by several metres. | |
3 | ||1:这三个问题加在一起,就成了一个大问题:虽然选民支持工党的独立政策,但对于整体形象的呈现却并不看好。||2:狄波拉·马丁森来自调查机构Britain Thinks,她认为,除非工党修正了这些问题,不然各个声明的涌现只能帮倒忙。||3:她认为,如果一开始民众就不信任政党,他们就会视这些软弱的努力只是为了赢得选票。||4:相比之下,保守党可以好好利用他们的整体竞争力。||5:一位摇摆不定的选民告诉狄波拉道,“他们并非试图讨好民众,这意味着他们只能继续进行下去。” | ||1:These three problems add up to one big one: although voters like the party’s individual policies, they do not like the overall image that these convey.||2:Until Labour corrects this, says Deborah Mattinson of Britain Thinks, a polling outfit, the gush of announcements may do it more harm than good.||3:If people do not trust the party in the first place, she argues, they just see these as craven attempts to win their votes.||4:The Conservatives, by contrast, can trade on their overall competence.||5:“They are not out to please people,” one swing voter told Ms Mattinson, and “that means they can just get on with it.” | |
4 | “真实完美的夜晚!”他激情四溢地感叹道。 | "Is n’t it a perfectly beautiful night? " he exclaimed, with a fine gush of enthusiasm. | |
5 | 当30年前威廉的父母结婚时,整块土地上公众的情绪沉浸在激动和羡慕之中,但到现在的变化是一段漫长的路。 | All this is a long way from the public mood when William’s parents got married, 30 years ago, and the land was awash in gush and drivel. | |
6 | 读者对这条建议给出了热情的回复。“非常棒的文章!非常值得一读!非常感谢!非常好的建议!”他们兴奋地写道。 | The response to this from readers on the site is ecstatic. "Fantastic article! Great read! Thank you! Great advice! " they gush . | |
7 | 防喷器试压装置的自动化改造 | Renovation of automation of pressure tester for gush preventor | |
8 | 高等级公路隧道水文地质试验及涌水量预测 | Tunnel Hydrogeologic Testing and Gush -Quantity Forecast in High-Class Highway | |
9 | 高密度电法在大伙房输水隧洞涌水勘察中的应用 | Application of High Density Resistivity Method in Exploration of Tunnel Water Gush of Dahuofang Reservoir | |
10 | 官员们开放地与人交谈,但想要得到一些国家秘密的记者可能不会如愿以偿。 | Officials speak openly, but journalists expecting them to gush state secrets may be disappointed. | |
11 | 或者,在石油方面则是,不流则已,一流如注。 | Or, in the case of oil, it don’t trickle but it gush . | |
12 | 江淮梅雨锋强暴雨低涡系统发生发展的数值研究 | Numerical Study on the Genesis and Development of the Low Vortex-rain Gush System on a Jianghuai Meiyu Front | |
13 | 孔庄煤矿瓦斯异常原因及其防治措施 | Research on reasons and preventive measures of gas unusual gush of stratum in low gas mines | |
14 | 矿井地质条件变化与采矿活动对瓦斯涌出的影响 | Study of the affect of mine geology condition change and mining minerals activity to gas gush | |
15 | 矿井涌水量观测的几种简单方法 | Several Simple Methods of Observing Quantity of Water Gush | |
16 | 矿山统计法预测综放工作面瓦斯涌出量 | Combined Roof Blasting Face Firedamp Gush Amount Forecasting with Mine Statistical Method | |
17 | 另一种则是涌入欧洲的私人金融资本,其中多数来自美国。 | The other force is a gush of private-equity finance, much of it originating in America and landing in Europe. | |
18 | 如果在性交的时候有一股抗菌液的冲洗,那么细菌的侵害将会小得多。 | A gush of antimicrobial fluid at the entrance to the urethra around the time of sex might help fight off such bacteria. | |
19 | 石化生产装置防雷与电涌防护的探讨 | About Thunder-proof and Electric Gush Protection in Petrochemical Units | |
20 | 试想,这些东西都可以在某一时刻突然从集装箱内喷涌而出,破坏周围的一切。 | Just imagine, all this could gush out of the containers at any moment and poison everything around. | |
21 | 数值解图7瓦斯高峰涌出量随排放风量变化关系 | Fig. 7 The relation curve for gas gush in floo | |
22 | 投票结束几小时后在阿富汗的各大主要外国观察团都对此一致赞赏有加。 | A coordinated torrent of praise from the main foreign missions in Afghanistan began to gush a few hours after polls closed. | |
23 | 我写这些并不是要对凯瑟琳滔滔不绝(赞不绝口),尽管她的确很有魅力。 | I’m not writing this post to gush about Catherine, even though she is amazing. | |
24 | 我有时怀疑,那些对书香味滔滔不绝的家伙可能根本就不喜欢读书。 | I sometimes suspect that those who gush about book odor might not like to read. | |
25 | 小煤柱综采放顶煤工作面瓦期涌出分析及治理 | Analysis and Administration of Fire-damp Gush into Small Coal Column Combined Mining Top Blasting Face | |
26 | 要随着开展深度和强度的增大,瓦斯涌出量也逐年增加,给安全生产工作带来了重大威胁。 | With more and more deeper and intensive mining, gas gush amount is on annual rise, presenting major threat to safety production. | |
27 | 因此,香港股市的上扬是中国散户投资者大量资金转移的结果。 | So Hong Kong’s rally is the result of the diversion of the gush of money from Chinese retail investors. | |
28 | 在17世纪,一个医生,也精于解剖,他谈到了“一种通常从外生殖器里涌出的液体”。 | In the 17th century, the Dutch physician and anatomist Regnier De Graaf spoke of "liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush " . | |
29 | 在最近的博物馆预展上,苹果创始人之一斯蒂芬.沃兹尼亚克曾现场讲述了他最喜欢的程序。 | At a recent museum preview, the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was on hand to gush over his favorite gadgets. | |
30 | 这项服务的粉丝们滔滔不绝的说,他们可以通过允许把广告投放给潜在的目标顾客而赚钱。 | Fans of such services gush that they will mint money by allowing ads to be targeted at folk who are about to make a purchase. |