1 | (经训练可示意猎物方向的)短毛大猎犬. | Large short-haired hunting dog trained to stand still with its nose pointing in the direction of hunted birds,etc which it smells | |
2 | 《白毛女》1965年首演 | "The White Haired Girl" premiered in 1965. | |
3 | 《白毛女》在我国歌剧史上是一座里程碑式的作品,它标志着中国歌剧终于寻找到了自己独特的发展道路 | The White-Haired Girl was a milestone in the history of Chinese opera, and signified that Chinese opera had finally found its own unique development road. | |
4 | 40年代后半期,新型京剧(如<白毛女>)出现在舞台上。 | "In the second half of the 1940’ s new works in the genre of the Peking Opera (such as ""The white-haired Girl"")appeared." | |
5 | 50年前的年轻人,现在已经白发苍苍了。 | These people who were young fifty years back are now gray haired . | |
6 | bus conductor dark-haired policeman都是复合词. | `Bus conductor’,`dark-haired ’ and `policeman’ are compounds. | |
7 | 矮个子的白发老人感到非常为难。 | The diminutive, white-haired was deeply troubled | |
8 | 白毛女的遭遇可算最悲惨的了。 | The white-haired girl′s story is one of the saddest | |
9 | 白天,我每次走出房间时,都会感觉到那两位白发女士象两只白兔一样快速地躲回去,以至于我真正看见的只是她们那一闪即逝的裙边。 | And whenever I emerge during the day, I am aware of the two little white-haired ladies popping back like two white rabbits, so that literally I only see the whisk of their shirt-hems | |
10 | 查尔斯对红头发女人一直有偏爱。 | Charles has always had a predilection for red-haired women. | |
11 | 长年风餐露宿,头发变成了白色,不知情者称其为"白毛仙姑"--(鬼)。 | Living for many years in the mountain without adequate food, Xi’er’s hair turned white and she became known as the "White Haired Goddess" by those who didn’t know the truth. | |
12 | 长着金黄头发的年轻的尤拉丽成了我的盈盈浅笑的新娘。 | The yellow haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride | |
13 | 此后,他便同他那位令人羡慕的妻子--金发公主--在自己的城堡里平平安安地过日子了。 | After this, he was allowed to live in peace in his own castle with his admiring wife, the golden-haired Princess | |
14 | 黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来 | As Daiyu entered, a silver-haired old lady supported by two maids advanced to meet her. | |
15 | 当地蓄长头发的年青人,甚至还有几个旅游者振臂相助。 | Local long-haired types and even a few tourists pitch in to help from time to time | |
16 | 当我在众多的警车及电视新闻采访车中停下车来时,我看到了一位身穿棉质工作服、敦实的白发男子站在一辆轻型小货车旁。 | As I parked among police cars and TV-news cruisers, I saw a stocky, white-haired man in cotton work clothes standing near a pickup. | |
17 | 当我在众多的警车及电视新闻采访车中停下车来时,我看到了一位身穿棉质工作服、敦实的白发男子站在一辆轻型小货车旁。照(摄)相机的镜头对准了他,记者们都将麦克风举在他面前。 | As I parked among police cars and TV news cruisers, I saw a stocky, white haired man in cotton work clothes standing near a pickup, Cameras were trained on him, and reporters were sticking microphones in his face | |
18 | 斗牛犬,喇叭狗:一种短毛狗,特点是大脑袋,体壮,带有垂肉的方下巴,身体结实。最早喂养它们是为玩嗾狗逗牛戏。 | Bulldog:any of a breed of short-haired dog characterized by a large head, strong, square jaws with dewlaps, and a stocky body. It was originally bred for bullbaiting. | |
19 | 对于剧中主要人物诸如:喜儿的纯真、甜美和变成"白毛女"后的坚韧、刚毅 | Each character on the stage impressed the audience with its uniqueness: the innocent, sweet Xi’er and the tough, persistent "White Haired Girl" | |
20 | 凡红发男性,年满二十一岁,身体健康,智力健全者即属符合条件。 | All red-haired men who are sound in body and mind, and above the age of twenty-one years, are eligible | |
21 | 弗兰基开始尾随琼巡视。不久,瘦小、白发的电工后面跟着纤弱、金黄色的小鹿就成了人们熟悉的景象。 | Frankie began following Jean on his rounds, and the slight, white-haired man followed by the delicate golden fawn soon became a familiar sight. | |
22 | 歌剧《白毛女》以"旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人"的真实故事,感动了中国千千万万的老百姓。 | The opera "White Haired Girl" moved millions of Chinese to tears with this true story that castigated the old society which turned humans into ghosts and celebrated the liberated society which turned the ghosts back into humans. | |
23 | 很快,一个身子单薄、沙色头发、穿牛仔裤和T恤衫的男孩出现了。 | Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a t-shirt appeared | |
24 | 红发技师弗雷德?威尔金斯以后会痛苦地说出来,他是知道这项警告的。 | As Fred Wilkins, the red-haired technician was to disclose with anguish later, he knew of the warning program | |
25 | 后来歌剧史家把从《兄妹开荒》到《白毛女》、<刘胡兰》、《赤叶河》等优秀剧作在短时期内连续出现称为"第一次歌剧高潮"。 | Historians of opera later termed the short period of time from when brothers and Sisters Clear the Wasteland appeared to the creation of The White-Haired Girl, Liu Hula and Red Leaf River, the "first high tide of opera". | |
26 | 记得当年骑竹马,看看又是白头翁 | How time seems to fly, I remember as a child he used to ride a horse stick, now he is a white-haired old man | |
27 | 继《白毛女》之后,又出现了《刘胡兰》(罗宗贤等作曲)、《赤叶河》(梁寒光作曲)等优秀剧目。 | Following The White-Haired Girl came Liu Hulan (music by Luo Zongxian and others)and Red Leaf River (music by Liang Hanguang). | |
28 | 接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪,满头白发,依然清秀漂亮。 | I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70’s, white-haired , and still beautiful | |
29 | 她扮演了白毛女这个角色。 | She played the part of the White haired Girl | |
30 | 她身材瘦小,面色苍白,头发是浅黄色的。她惯常垂着眼睑,但当她抬眼看人的时候,眼睛显得特别大,而且非常动人。 | She was small and thin, pale, sandy-haired , and with eyes habitually cast down, though when they looked up they were very large, and attractive. |