1 | 斯威士兰政府也同意利用增加税收和财政紧缩(包括公营部门的裁员)等方式,将政府预算赤字减半。 | The government agreed to halve its budget deficit with tax rises and austerity measures, including public-sector job losses. | |
2 | 四百年前,由亨利-哈德森掌舵的“半月”号荷兰船只在小岛Mannahatta靠岸。 | FOUR hundred years ago a Dutch ship called the Halve Maen (Half Moon), Henry Hudson at the helm, arrived at the tiny island of Mannahatta. | |
3 | 随着教师流失到了旅游业,(而且也由于一个将课堂规模减小到15个学生的决议)学校受到了重创。 | Schools have been hit by the loss of teachers to tourism jobs (and by a decision to halve class sizes to 15). | |
4 | 所以要达到90年代中期的买点,要么收入翻倍(短时间内不会出现这种情况),要么价格下降一半。 | So to reach the mid-1990s buying point, either incomes have to double (not going to happen any time soon) or prices have to halve . | |
5 | 他说,没有更多的资金,这个机构可能会被迫减少每个难民口粮的一半。 | He says that without additional funding, the organization may be forced to halve the ration given to individuals. | |
6 | 他希望大选前,赤字至少能像工党预期的那样得以削减(四年内减半)。 | He wants to cut the deficit at least as quickly as Labour intended before the general election (ie, to halve it in four years). | |
7 | 通过经济的增长,税收的增加以及开支的削减,到2014年至少减少一半的赤字。其中税收的增加包含从明年开始的更高的社会保险。 | More than halve the deficit by 2014 through growth, tax rises including higher national insurance from next year and spending cuts. | |
8 | 同时日本的科研人员也发现每天仅需要一杯咖啡便可以将患上口腔和食道癌症的危险降低一半。 | And Japanese scientists found just one cup a day could nearly halve the risk of dangerous cancers affecting the mouth and gullet. | |
9 | 退休年龄会延长,医院收费也会增加,一个大的行政改革将会削减半数部门和地区代表的数目。 | Hospital charges will increase. A big administrative reform will halve the number of elected departmental and regional representatives. | |
10 | 退一步讲,根据摩根大通(JPMorgan)的预测,如果第一季度的数字折合成年率计算的话,建筑许可数仍将下降50%。 | Stepping back, permits are still set to halve if the first-quarter numbers are annualised, according to JPMorgan forecasts. | |
11 | 我们通过离异欺瞒了她应有的权利,我们成人的离异并没有减轻罪责带来的烦恼。 | We had cheated her of her rights by getting divorced, and the fact that we did it together didn`t halve the guilt. | |
12 | 无论指数是多少,它都会低于政府所说的6%。政府说,只有达到6%的增长,才能到2014年时将失业人口和贫困人口减半。 | Whatever the figure, it will be less than the 6% the government says it needs to halve unemployment and poverty by 2014. | |
13 | 循环到只读取所有频率为指标的频率和价值减去一半,从相同的索引。 | The loop to halve all frequencies just reads the frequency for an index and subtracts half that value from the same index. | |
14 | 要想有效改变这一局面,首先美国餐馆食物的份量要减半,不过大多数消费者可不愿意在这方面重新思考。 | A fruitful start would be to halve the size of portions in all American restaurants, but most consumers are reluctant rethinkers. | |
15 | 一项是对各部门和地区议会选举代表减半。 | One would halve the number of elected representatives to departmental and regional assemblies. | |
16 | 一些G8领导人欲将此声明升级到“同意排放减半”,但美国一直不愿作出承诺。 | Some G8 leaders would like that statement upgraded to "agree to halve emissions" , though the US has been reluctant to commit. | |
17 | 一些地区的房价被腰斩,让英国成为了世界房价下跌中受灾最严重的地方。 | Some areas of the country saw houses halve in value, helping to placing Britain among the worst performers as world house values collapsed. | |
18 | 印度石油天然气公司在拉美没有业务,因此,有中石化作为合作伙伴,将风险减少一半,它可能会非常高兴。 | ONGC has no Latin American exposure so it is probably happy to halve the risk by having Sinopec as a partner. | |
19 | 有人跟我说,我加入书里的每一个方程式都会让书的销售量减半。 | Someone told me that each equation I included in the book would halve the sales. | |
20 | 有些兵营被改建,三年内死亡率从预计的减少一半。 | Soon some barracks were rebuilt and within three years the death rate would halve . | |
21 | 这个循环重复几次之后,CPU计算能力多次减半,基本上接近零了。 | After this cycle was repeated a few times, the CPU horsepower would effectively halve itself to zero. | |
22 | 字面上可理解为细心的编辑要在这辑书信集里减半写给米切尔的信并且去掉其他不相关的。 | Interpreting this literally, the careful editors of this volume halve a letter to Mitchell, and exclude others. |