属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASME B 107.41M-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 20378-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-JIS A8502-1994
1 | 羊角锤.安全要求 | Nail Hammers -Safety Requirements | |
2 | 音锤敲击钢琴的弦并使之震动。 | The hammers strike the piano strings and vibrate them. | |
3 | 用大锤把岩石砸成了碎块. | Huge hammers crush(up)the rocks. | |
4 | 由通过线圈的电流产生磁通量的一种磁体,通常使用直流电流,而且线圈是绕在一个铁“芯”上的。在击打式打印机中,电磁体可用来控制打印锤的操作。 | A magnet with flux created by electric current passing through a coil; direct current is usually used and the coil is wound around an iron core’. Electromagnets are used to operate print hammers in impact printers | |
5 | 在建造场地,上千只铁锤飞舞着,一块块巨石雷鸣般的坠落。 | Thousands of iron hammers rose and fell in the work field, and the big rocks tumbled to the ground with a sound like thunder. | |
6 | 凿岩机.钻杆和钻头用圆锥量规 | Drilling hammers ; taper gauges for tapered connections of drill rods and bits | |
7 | 振动冲击锤的动力学特性研究 | A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Vibratory Impact Hammers | |
8 | 振动打桩机规范的标准格式 | Standard form of specifications of vibratory pile hammers | |
9 | ||1:这一段在剧中,是由斯大林所写,他召见布尔加科夫密见。||2:现实中布尔加科夫的确写过一部关于斯大林青年时期经历的剧本,但从未被搬上舞台。斯大林和他通过电话并表示过赞赏,但并没有他们会面的记录。||3: Simon Russell Beale(如图)扮演了一个冷酷却又惹人发笑的斯大林,用西方粗喉音代替了他原来的乔治亚时期的口音。他世故圆滑,富于魅力,控制欲强,具有威慑力同时又反复无常。 ||4:在剧中,当斯大林敲定剧本台词时,布尔加科夫在妥协和良知之间摇摆挣扎,但不得不完成这一合作的剧本,内容涉及炼钢厂目标,谷物分配,甚至死刑名额。 | ||1: That, in the event, is written by Stalin, who summons Bulgakov to secret meetings. ||2: The actual Bulgakov did write a never-performed play about Stalin’s youth; Stalin telephoned and took an interest in him, though there is no record that they met. ||3: Simon Russell Beale (pictured above) is a chillingly hilarious Stalin; substituting a West Country burr for the original Georgian accent, he is cunning and charming, manipulative, menacing and intellectually insecure. ||4: While Stalin hammers out the script, Bulgakov, struggling with his compromises and conscience, is obliged do his collaborator’s paperwork, which slides from steel-factory targets, to grain allocations, to death quotas. | |
10 | 1989年推倒柏林墙的是铁锤和和推土机,而不是洋枪大炮。 | When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, hammers and bulldozers, not artillery, brought it down. | |
11 | CFB锅炉可逆型反击锤式细碎机高压电动机烧毁原因分析 | Cause Analysis of Burnout of High-voltage Motor of Reversible Crasher with Reacting Impact Hammers for CFB Boilers | |
12 | HC型环状组合式潜孔锤及取心方法试验研究 | Trial of and Research on Down Hole Hammers Patterned in HC Annulus and Their Coring Methods | |
13 | 巴尔表示,在协商敲定议案最终版时,华尔街肯定会极力从中寻找漏洞。 | Wall Street can be expected to push hard for loopholes in the reform bill as the conference hammers it out, Barr said. | |
14 | 柴油锤和液压锤在风化岩地基施打钢管桩的分析 | Analysis of Diesel and Hydraulic Hammers Used in Driving of Steel Tubular Piles in Decomposed Rocks | |
15 | 超微粉碎机锤刀焊接工艺的研究 | A research on welding procedure for grinding hammers of super micron mill | |
16 | 城市提示:你可以为圣锤教和异教徒做事以改善与他们的帮派关系。 | City tip: You can do favors for the Hammers and Pagans to improve your faction status with them. | |
17 | 城市提示:你可以与圣锤教或异教徒中的一边或全部结盟,当然也可以不结盟,这要看你的选择。 | City tip: You can ally with the Pagans, the Hammers , both, or neither. It’s your choice. | |
18 | 城市提示:如果圣锤教或异教徒与你敌对,他们无论在什么地方碰见你都将攻击你。 | City tip: If the Hammers or Pagans are Hostile towards you, they will attack you on sight anywhere. | |
19 | 城市提示:如果圣锤教或异教徒与你结盟,他们就会允许你进入他们的领地。 | City tip: If the Hammers or Pagans are Allied with you, they will allow you to enter their territory. | |
20 | 城市提示:有一些教派要求的事件你可以为圣锤教或异教徒完成,但不能做到两边都不得罪。 | City tip: There are some side quests that you can accomplish for either the Hammers or the Pagans, but not both. | |
21 | 穿过链轮的孔引起钢琴内部的琴槌敲击琴弦。 | The holes passed over sprockets that caused hammers inside the pianola to strike the piano wires. | |
22 | 但明年伦敦奥林匹克运动会结束后,铁锤帮希望能够击败热刺队,赢得奥林匹克体育馆的租用权。 | But the Hammers are hoping to pip Spurs in their tussle for the tenancy of the Olympic stadium after the games in London next year. | |
23 | 但是钉子枪永远不会取代锤子,我们却愚蠢地希望能完全取代。 | But nail guns will never replace hammers , and we’d be foolish to expect complete replacement. | |
24 | 但我仍然喜欢这张照片,因为在C罗将点球轰入雷纳的大门时,你可以透过球网看见他的脸。 | But I still like this picture as you see Cristiano Ronaldo’s face through the net while he hammers his penalty past the dive of Pepe Reina. | |
25 | 但选民与立法机构“对立”的加州模式,创制则是“铁榔头”,砸烂一切,应予避免。 | The "antagonistic" Californian model, where initiatives are "hammers " to smash things, is one to avoid, he says. | |
26 | 电站锅炉电除尘器振打锤的改进 | Improvement on Vibrating Strike Hammers of Electrostatic Precipitator in Power Plants | |
27 | 碟簧在锻锤基础隔振改造中的应用 | Application of Steel Dish-spring in Vibration-isolated Foundation for Forging Hammers | |
28 | 而剥夺选举权只会让他们远离正轨,并且会更加坚信:正常社会的规则并不适用于他们… | Withdrawing the vote from them only hammers home what they already believe: that normal social rules do not apply to them. | |
29 | 复合变质处理高铬铸铁破碎机锤头的研制 | Study on complex modifying high chromium cast iron crusher hammers | |
30 | 高硅耐磨铸钢锤头的研究 | Investigation and Application of High Silicon Abrasion Resistant Cast Steel Hammers |