属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿联酋商业 提升沙漠气候
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最强拍档 Friends united
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小本生意的旺市与淡市 繁文缛节让人忧郁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国电影产业 迷失于中国式好莱坞(下)
1 | 孤残儿童的机构照顾与社会融合 | Institutional Care and Socialization Problems for the Orphans and Children with Handicaps | |
2 | 国民中小学原住民与非原住民身心障碍学童多元智能与学习情形调查 | To Investigate Multiple Intelligence and Academic Performance between Aborigine Students and Non Aborigine with Handicaps Students | |
3 | 她的不利条件引起了她周围每一个人的极大同情。 | Her handicaps woke great feelings of sympathy in everyone around her. | |
4 | 缺损、弱能及障碍国际分类法〔世界生组织〕 | International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps [World Health Organization] | |
5 | 缺陷、残疾和障碍的国际分类 | International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps | |
6 | 我感到很高兴,因为杰出人才计划将给予这些年轻人荣誉,使他们一展风采。他们冷对嘲讽,不畏巨大的困难,并证明他们可以成为最佳的(卡尔·T·劳恩)。 | I feel great because Project Excellence is going to honor,to showcase,these youngsters who have risen above ridicule,hung in against myriad handicaps ,and shown that they can be the best(Carl T.Rowan. | |
7 | 忧伤会减少或者妨害一个人行动的力量。荷兰哲学家斯宾诺莎 | Handicaps a man’s pow Sadness diminishes or er of action.--Benedict de Spinoza, Dutch Philosopher | |
8 | ||1:当局在关于破产和外国所有权进一步的立法问题上给出了承诺。||2:但当事情顺利发展的时候,当局却失去了改革的兴趣。||3:总是如此,在商人们的心中,阿联酋的优点远远大于它给的障碍。||4:一位当地的快餐店经营者,ust Falafel的老板Fadi Malas说,阿联酋不仅是一个做生意的好地方,还是一个可以扩展到整个地区甚至地区以外的跳板:他计划的产业链条是,目前55家店成长到超过全球900家的数量。||5:像黎巴嫩籍英国人Malas先生一样,企业家们选择在众多邻国中选择阿联酋,至少是看中了其他国家和地区所缺乏的电力资源和稳定的环境。 | ||1:Further legislation on insolvency and foreign ownership is promised.||2:But when things go well in the Gulf, as they now are, the authorities tend to lose interest in reform.||3:Still, businessmen agree that the UAE’s advantages far outweigh its handicaps .||4:Fadi Malas, the boss of Just Falafel, a local fast-food operator, says it is ideal not just as a place to do business but as a springboard for expanding across the region and beyond:plans are in hand for the chain, currently 55 outlets, to grow to more than 900 worldwide.||5:Like the Lebanese-British Mr Malas, entrepreneurs choose the UAE over neighbouring countries not least because it has both electricity and stability—two things other places sorely lack. | |
9 | ||1:如果不巧妙处理,这样的题材可能会落入很多固定套数。||2:相反,影片在两个人的缺陷中触及到了喜剧元素:一个是身体上的;一个是社会上的。||3:抛开感情色彩,他们比他们周围任何人都更了解对方。||4:这种不太可能的化学反应发生在开场一幕:迪瑞斯将朋克音乐开到最大音量,驾驶着玛莎拉蒂轰鸣着穿过夜晚的巴黎街道时,他为他的雇主、坐在乘客位子上的菲利佩带来了这部他拥有的却没法开的豪车所带来的快感。 | ||1:Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.||2:Instead, the film’s light touch finds comedy in both men’s handicaps : the one physical, the other social.||3:Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them.||4:This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive. | |
10 | ||1:如果没有巧妙的处理的话,这类题材的电影可能会落入俗套。||2:然而,这部电影的喜剧亮点放在了两个男人各自的缺陷上,一个是身体残疾,另一个是社交障碍。||3:但彼此都没有感情冲动,都比周围其他人能更好的读懂对方。||4:这种独特的味道在影片开场就有所展现。菲利普坐在副驾驶上,让Driss激动的开着自己拥有却无法驾驶的玛莎拉蒂,在夜晚的巴黎街头驰骋的时,车里充斥着劲爆的音乐。 | ||1:Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.||2:Instead, the film’s light touch finds comedy in both men’s handicaps : the one physical, the other social.||3:Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them.||4:This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive. | |
11 | 企业为了许多不属于他们的东西四处游说:纳税人的救济金,给对手造成的障碍。然而,我们很难去指责他们想要简单条例、更迅速的官僚决策、普通人可以使用的政府网站以及可以接通电话的官员。 | Businesses lobby for lots of things they should not have: handouts from the taxpayer, handicaps imposed on their rivals. But it is hard to find fault in their plea for simpler rules, swifter bureaucratic decisions, government websites that a normal person can navigate and officials who actually answer the phone. | |
12 | 为了避开这些障碍,外国公司与当地合伙人投资拍“合拍片”。 | To avoid these handicaps , foreign firms are ploughing money into “co-productions” with local partners. | |
13 | 不过,尽管有种种不利条件,人们还是认为他有能耐把最兴旺的企业办得一败涂地。 | Even with such handicaps he could be relied on to run the most prosperous enterprise into the ground. | |
14 | 不论对方是不是名人,都不会因其患上晚期癌症或存在严重生理缺陷而放手不管,让他等死。 | eminent and less eminent people are not simply left to die because they suffer from advanced cancer or severe physical handicaps . | |
15 | 从学校管理视野看高职教师专业发展的障碍与对策 | The Handicaps and Countermeasures of Higher Vocational Teachers’Professional Development in the Perspective of the University’s Management | |
16 | 对美国人来说,与欧洲人做生意同样需要克服很多文化、习惯上的差异和障碍。 | Even for American, they still had to overcome many handicaps in culture and custom differences. | |
17 | 国会中还有九位黑人议员和十位妇女议员,但我是第一位同时克服两个不利因素的人。 | There are nine other blacks in Congress; there are ten other women. I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once. | |
18 | 国有企业伴随着太多的阻碍,从长期而言是一种威胁。 | State ownership comes with too many handicaps to pose a long-term threat. | |
19 | 加洛瓦称,空客的大部分成本是以欧元支出,而销售收入均为美元,这令空客与波音相比优势减少了20%。 | Most of its costs are in euros and its sales are in dollars, which handicaps Airbus by 20% compared with Boeing, says Mr Gallois. | |
20 | 加入WTO后实现边疆民族地方政府转型的深层障碍 | The Deep Handicaps for Local Government in the Frontier National Regions after Entry WTO | |
21 | 交易的时间越长,你就会发现自己的心理缺陷——焦急,贪婪,恐惧,愤怒,懒惰。 | Trade long enough, and you will face all your psychological handicaps - anxiety, greed, fear, anger, and sloth. | |
22 | 杰克韦尔奇,前通用电气的老板,在高尔夫比赛中能够给对手的非常恰当的让步尺度,这点被认为极具商业头脑。 | Jack Welch, a former boss of General Electric, considered handicaps a good measure of business acumen. | |
23 | 尽管这些不利因素,但她在民调的支持度已经快速回升。 | Despite all these handicaps , she has risen inexorably in the opinion polls. | |
24 | 克服着病痛的毛散发出强大的决心和意志力。 | Overcoming his handicaps , Mao exuded an extraordinary willpower and determination. | |
25 | 例如,很明显,黑人青少年的低学业成绩构成了严重的障碍。 | For example, it is clear that low academic achievement by black youngsters poses serious handicaps . | |
26 | 那么,那些国营公司又情况如何呢?国有控股企业众多的弊端必然造成长期的威胁。 | So where does this leave the public company? State ownership comes with too many handicaps to pose a long-term threat. | |
27 | 你们在讨论的是有残疾或行动不便的人,他们需要大量协助。 | GRETCHEN GREGORY: "You’re talking about people that have handicaps or limited mobility, that need much assistance. " | |
28 | 无可否认,东南亚有一些先天的缺陷。 | Admittedly, the region has some natural handicaps . | |
29 | 相反,电影的光触却在两个人的残疾中找到笑点:一个是生理残疾,另一个则是心理残疾。 | Instead, the film’s light touch finds comedy in both men’s handicaps : the one physical, the other social. | |
30 | 优势这么多,但是,RIM公司的这款新产品不大可能会畅销,因为它至少有两个缺陷。 | In spite of all this, RIM’s new baby is unlikely to become a bestseller because it suffers from at least two handicaps . |