属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太空太阳能 老兄传下来吧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太空太阳能 老兄传下来吧
1 | 防辐射的飞机库. | a radiation-proof hangar | |
2 | 飞机滑动开出飞机库 | Rolled the plane out of the hangar . | |
3 | 飞机缓缓地进入机库. | The plane nosed into the hangar . | |
4 | 飞机库设计防火规范 | Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar | |
5 | 飞机停在那个大机库里。 | The plane stopped in that big hangar | |
6 | 广州-飞机维修机库通风空调设计 | Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design for an Attendant Hangar in Guangzhou | |
7 | 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。 | The airport hangar was freshly painted | |
8 | 机库的顶篷是飞行甲板。 | The flying-off platform was to be provided on the roof of the hangar | |
9 | 汽水管道支吊架调整中几个值得注意的问题 | Problems in Adjustment of Support and Hangar for steam-water Pipes | |
10 | 让一架飞机停进机库 | berth a plane in the hangar | |
11 | 首都国际机场A380机库屋盖整体提升一体化建模分析 | Integrated Model Analyses of the Whole Lift of Steel Roof for A380 Air Craft Hangar in Beijing Capital International Airport | |
12 | 他们占据了机库空间,因而换取了对敌巡洋舰没多少把握的防御能力。 | They encroached on hangar space in return for a very dubious contribution to the ships’defense against hostile cruisers | |
13 | 我痴迷得忘乎所以,俨然自己就是一个飞行员,在自己的地上搭起了飞机棚,修了一条180米长的跑道。天气好的时候,我就练习飞行。 | Now hooked as an aviator, I erected a hangar on my property, put in a 180-metre airstrip and--when the weather was right--became airborne | |
14 | 我们在主机棚,宇宙飞船! | Uh, we’re in the main hangar across from the ship | |
15 | ||1:年轻人,如果想被人听到,请大声喊出来。||2:在以色列古老的港口城市雅法,30位企业家聚集在一座由石头砌成的棚里,他们各自有5分钟时间,向由当今数码时代名人组成的专家组来介绍自己的创业公司,听众中还包括了许多潜在投资者。||3:并不是在场的所有人都准备好闭上自己的嘴,认真听他们演说,因此这些满怀希望的企业家们必须努力应对喧闹的场面。||4:Feng-GUI展示了如何通过模拟人类视觉来帮助广告商和设计师了解网页中最能吸引人们注意的部分。||5:CopyV承诺可以快速而安全地发送大型文件。||6:Fooducate的产品“口袋营养师”可以安装在智能手机中,你可以通过扫描超市中食品的条形码来判断它们是否应该放入购物车。 | ||1:THE young must shout if they want to be heard.||2:In a stone hangar in the old port of Jaffa, 30 entrepreneurs have five minutes each to present their start-up companies to a panel of digital luminaries and an audience that includes potential investors.||3:Not everyone in the room is ready to shut up and listen, so the hopefuls must battle against the din.||4:Feng-GUI explains how, by simulating human vision, it can tell advertisers and designers which areas of a web page are most likely to grab people’s attention.||5:CopyV promises to send large files quickly and securely.||6:With Fooducate, “a dietician in your pocket”, on your smartphone, you can scan bar codes in the supermarket and find out what’s really going into your trolley. | |
16 | Astrium隶属于欧洲一航天集团欧洲宇航防务集团。斯维尼博士的团队将在德国一座大型飞机库测试该系统。 | a satellite-and-space company that is part of EADS, a European aerospace group, will test the system in a large aircraft hangar in Germany. | |
17 | 光束将瞄准飞机库另一侧的—而不是数公里之外的——收集器。 | The beam will be aimed at a collector on the other side of the hangar , rather than several kilometres away. | |
18 | 实验中激光束的目标能量接收器不是位于几千米以外,而是放置在了飞机库的另一端。 | The beam will be aimed at a collector on the other side of the hangar , rather than several kilometres away. | |
19 | 斯威尼(Sweeney)博士领导的研究小组与欧洲航空航天集团EADS下属的卫星与空间公司astrium合作研发,他们将在德国一座大型飞机库内对该系统进行测试。 | Dr Sweeney’s team, working in collaboration with Astrium, a satellite-and-space company that is part of EADS, a European aerospace group, will test the system in a large aircraft hangar in Germany. | |
20 | 10月7日,台北某飞机库大小的会展厅,伏特加、威士忌酒香四溢。 | The vodka and whiskey flowed freely in a Taipei exhibition hall the size of an airplane hangar on Oct. | |
21 | 38号坞棚(PIER38)是坐落在旧金山滨海的一幢巨大棚库状结构的建筑。 | PIER 38 is a vast, hangar -like structure, perched on San Francisco’s waterfront. | |
22 | 北京A380机库的抗风设计是结构设计中一项重要内容。 | Wind-resistant design of Beijing A380 hangar at Beijing Capital Airport is one of the important aspects in its structural design. | |
23 | 该公司计划斥资约5000万元人民币在北京和深圳各建一个飞机修理库。深圳航空在上述地点都拥有土地。 | It plans to spend about Rmb50m to build a hangar in Beijing and one in Shenzhen, where Shenzhen Airlines has land. | |
24 | 光束将瞄准飞机库另一侧的——而不是数公里之外的——收集器。 | The beam will be aimed at a collector on the other side of the hangar , rather than several kilometres away. | |
25 | 广州新白云国际机场机库风荷载体型系数研究 | The wind load shape factor study of GAMECO hangar at the New Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou | |
26 | 广州新白云国际机场维修机库的消防设计 | Fire System Design for Hangar in the New Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou | |
27 | 广州一飞机维修机库通风空调设计 | Ventilation and air conditioning design for an attendant hangar in Guangzhou | |
28 | 呼和浩特民航机库斜拉索屋面换索施工 | Replacing Cable Construction of the Stay Cable Roof of Huhehaote Civil Aviation Hangar | |
29 | 接下来的几周内,“白骑士二号”便可以出厂,到2008年年中将开始试飞。 | White Knight Two is due to begin test flights towards the middle of 2008, but may roll out of the hangar in the next few weeks. | |
30 | 日报《Morgunbladid》拍到了照片,照片上那架漆成黑色、外形圆滑得像隐形轰炸机一样的私人飞机,正从机库里滑行出来。 | Painted black and as sleek as a Stealth bomber, the aircraft was photographed taxiing from its hangar by Morgunbladid, a daily newspaper. |