属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-美国前财长谈及中美贸易关系
1 | ||1:另一组展出名叫“无题(护照#II)”,展出了20幅关于地图和国籍的作品。||2:汉克威利斯托马斯的作品“一个名叫家的地方”将北美洲和非洲刻画成了两个由地峡连接起来的黑色大洲。||3:乔治马奇的《海景画》将北边的海洋剪掉,描绘了赤道以南的所有陆地形态。||4:卡特拉格奥特曼制作了一个视频,算是对马奇将整个半球浸在水里的做法的评论,卡特拉格是土耳其最后非议的一位艺术家,他在视频里刻画了一排排波光里里的海浪。 | ||1:Another of the group shows, “ ‘Untitled’ (Passport # II)”, displays 20 works about maps and national identity.||2:Hank Willis Thomas’s “A Place to Call Home” depicts North America and Africa as big black continents joined by an isthmus.||3:Jorge Macchi’s “Seascape” covers all the landmasses below the equator with cut-outs of the northern seas.||4:Displayed as a commentary to Mr Macchi’s drowned hemisphere is a video by Kutlug Ataman, one of Turkey’s most critically acclaimed artists, which depicts bands of choppy sunlit water. | |
2 | 哈德利:“中国GDP将近47.8%是投资,消费只占33%。汉克在这篇论文中呼吁的另一件事情是,中国经济增长需要从基于投资转移到基于消费上来。” | STEVE HADLEY: "Almost forty-seven point eight percent of the GDP is investment. Consumption is only thirty-three percent. And one of the things Hank calls for in this paper is they need to move from investment-based economic growth to consumption-based economic growth." | |
3 | “如果有人认为汉克·保尔森能够促使美联储救助雷曼,答案是‘不可能’,”他说。 | "If someone thinks Hank Paulson could have made the Fed save Lehman Brothers, the answer is, ’No way, ’ " he said. | |
4 | 1949年,唐赫尔姆斯再一次与汉克威廉姆斯签约,那时威廉姆斯已经是大奥普里的明星人物并且还是和著名的作曲家。 | In 1949, Don Helms signed on again with Hank Williams, who by then had become both a Grand Ole Opry star and a compulsive songwriter. | |
5 | 2006年夏,他击败了两名资深高管,接替偶尔会很粗暴的马金龙(HankMcKinnell)担任首席执行官。 | Then in summer 2006 he beat two veteran managers in the race to take over from Hank McKinnell, the sometimes abrasive chief executive. | |
6 | FDIC迅速采取行动,或许有助于敦促国会批准财政部长汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)的银行业救助方案。 | Quick action by the FDIC could help to press Congress into agreeing to Treasury secretary Hank Paulson’s bailout plan for the banks. | |
7 | HankPaulson作为2008年在任的财政部长,认为金融体系捱不到2009的拯救计划。 | Hank Paulson, treasury secretary in 2008, thinks the financial system cannot wait until 2009 for a rescue plan. | |
8 | HankWilliams在1952年发行的“我不会活着离开这个世界”(I’llNeverGetOutOfThisWorldAlive)是他生前的最后一张单曲。 | Released in 1952, "I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive" was the last single Hank Williams released in his lifetime. | |
9 | 巴塞尔新协议鼓励商业银行在内部评级法下对重要信用风险因素进行评估测算。 | New Basel Accord encourages the commercial hank to evaluate the important credit risk factor under the law of internal ratings. | |
10 | 鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。 | Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane. | |
11 | 不过,汉克·保尔森任财长时曾有意避免使用“操纵货币”的罪名指责中国,因为这是一个带有法律含义的术语。 | But Hank Paulson’s Treasury studiously avoided accusing Beijing of "currency manipulation" , a term that carries legal implications. | |
12 | 财政部长汉克保尔森表示,美国将接受一些批评。 | Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, indicated that the US would accept some criticism. | |
13 | 但是,被华尔街动荡搞得晕头转向的汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson),已经在行动了。 | But Hank Paulson, reeling from this week’s turmoil on Wall Street, is on board. | |
14 | 但是,当他2006年竞争美国财政部部长一职又败给汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)后,他跳槽去了高盛(GoldmanSachs)。 | But after he ran second to Hank Paulson for the job of US Treasury secretary in 2006, he jumped ship to Goldman Sachs. | |
15 | 但是,时过境迁,如今,我们看到美国财长汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)正试图组织一个在“超级特殊投资工具”中持有有毒证券化资产的投资者组织。 | Now we see Hank Paulson, US Treasury secretary, trying to organise a cartel of holders of toxic securitised assets in the "superSIV" . | |
16 | 但是美国财政部长保尔森却决定与此收购事件划清界限,拒绝提供帮助。 | But Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, decided to draw a line and refuse such help. | |
17 | 但是最受瞩目的人是汉克.阿隆,在1974年打破了贝比.鲁斯创造的本垒打记录的一位棒球明星。 | But the big draw was Hank Aaron, the baseball star who had broken Babe Ruth’s home-run record in 1974. | |
18 | 但他对于财政部长HankPaulson关于给美联储加上维护市场稳定的责任的提议泼了冷水。 | He pours cold water on a proposal by Hank Paulson, America’s treasury secretary, to give the Fed broad responsibility over market stability. | |
19 | 但这些银行从保尔森的“礼物”中获得了多少好处? | But how much did the banks benefit from Hank Paulson’s "gift" ? | |
20 | 而有谁比前高盛首席执行官汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)更适合担任东道主呢? | And who better to host than Hank Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs? | |
21 | 盖特纳的前任汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)曾经两次尝试处理有毒资产,但均以失败告终。 | Mr Geithner’s predecessor, Hank Paulson, twice tried and failed to deal with toxic assets. | |
22 | 公诉人控告邦兹之时,正是他打破打破汉克·阿伦所创造的755支本垒打的记录三个月之后。 | Prosecutors indicted Bonds three months after he broke Hank Aaron’s record of 755 career home runs. | |
23 | 汉克:你可以在门厅里吸烟。当然,你还可以在室外吸烟。 | HANK : You can smoke in the entrance hall. Or outside, of course. | |
24 | 汉克·保尔森(HankPaulson)7000亿美元的救援计划在国会遇到了麻烦。 | Hank Paulson’s $700bn rescue package has run into difficulty on Capitol Hill. | |
25 | 汉克•鲍尔森离开高盛集团成为美国财政部长时,收入就少了99. | Hank Paulson took a 99. 5% pay cut when he left Goldman Sachs to become America’s treasury secretary. | |
26 | 汉克保尔森,布兰克费恩的前任,有着银行业的背景;但他的前任JonCorzine,是商人。 | Hank Paulson, Blankfein’s immediate predecessor, came from a banking background; but his predecessor, Jon Corzine, was a trader. | |
27 | 汉克中意一辆有15年老的运动车。 | Hank fixed his sights on a 15-year-old sports car. | |
28 | 即使曾经执掌高盛(GoldmanSachs)的汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)也表示,“放任自流的资本主义是一条死胡同”。 | Even Hank Paulson, former Goldman Sachs boss, has said "raw capitalism is a dead end" . | |
29 | 鉴于他在共和党内也缺乏人气支持,布什总统让财政部长汉克·保尔森(HankPaulson)出面牵头。 | Unpopular even within his own party, he left Hank Paulson, the Treasury secretary, to take the lead. | |
30 | 她必须尽一切努力抢救汉克。 | She had to do everything she could to save Hank . |