1 | 该事件是中国目前通胀高企的一个侧影。在中国,通胀上升过去是出现社会动荡的先兆。 | The incident is a reflection of the current surging inflation, which has in the past been a harbinger of social upheaval in the country. | |
2 | 更低的资本支出可能是更低的生产率增长的前兆,他们对此深表忧虑。 | Lower capital spending, they fear, could be a harbinger of slower productivity growth. | |
3 | 国家医疗服务系统的财务紧张已经开始显现了,寒冷的一月里流感疫苗的短缺就是先兆。 | Already the financial strain is showing. A shortage of flu vaccine in a cold January looked like a harbinger of shortages ahead. | |
4 | 过道两旁的观察者们正在紧盯此场比赛,因为该比赛可能预示着明年中期选举的动向。 | Observers on both sides of the aisle are looking at this race as a possible harbinger of next year’s mid-term election. | |
5 | 哈马斯还开始向以色列派出人弹。这可能是更大规模暴力来临的前兆。 | As a possible harbinger of more violence to come, Hamas has also taken again to sending suicide bombers into Israel. | |
6 | 加州所发生的这一切只是其他各州的一个先兆,也只是全国趋势的一个集中体现。 | What’s happening in California is both a harbinger of things to come in other states and an amplification of a national trend. | |
7 | 家庭和商户所持有的现金在缩水,这预示着通货紧缩和经济萧条。 | Money held by households and firms is contracting - a harbinger of disinflation and slump. | |
8 | 她的美发师(一个传统的泡沫破灭的先兆)投机房地产,和朋友联手,买进和“倒卖”公寓。 | Her hairdresser (a traditional harbinger of bursting bubbles) was speculating in property, teaming up with friends to buy and "flip" condos. | |
9 | 近日的突破是否预示着麻烦将至,这将成为短期内人们争论的热点。 | Whether the recent break is a harbinger of trouble will dominate debate in the short term. | |
10 | 看来,这只猫不仅仅是一个死亡预言家,对于病人及其家属而言,它还是一味安慰剂,帮助他们度过最难熬的时光。 | So this cat was not only a harbinger of death but also a comforter during tough times for both patients and family members. | |
11 | 例子本身只是说明这位不友善的巨人是如何展示他的肌肉的,但它也许可以被看作一个预兆。 | In itself, this was just an example of the Big Unfriendly Giant flexing its muscles, but it could be a harbinger of things to come. | |
12 | 美国传统字典这样解释harbinger(预兆):“能标志或者预兆将要到来的事物”,是“先行者”。 | The American Heritage Dictionary says that a harbinger is something "that indicates or foreshadows what is to come" it’s "a forerunner. " | |
13 | 穆斯林指责他是印度教统治的先驱;印度教民族主义者则指责他没有积极地投入到他们的事业中去。 | Muslims accused him of being the harbinger of Hindu "Raj" ; Hindu nationalists accused him of being insufficiently dedicated to their cause. | |
14 | 那么,奥巴马领导下的政府扩张只是暂时为了应对经济危机,还是某种恒久事物的先兆? | Is the expansion of the state under Mr Obama a temporary response to the economic crisis, or the harbinger of something permanent? | |
15 | 那则直率的短消息可能是未来事物的一个预兆。 | That blunt text message may be a harbinger of things to come. | |
16 | 平坦或反向的收益率曲线(短期利率高于长期利率),传统上被视为衰退的前兆。 | A flat or inverted yield curve (when short rates are above long rates) has traditionally been seen as a harbinger of recession. | |
17 | 然而在犹太人和波兰人眼中,那次起义不是英雄般的,反是死亡的先兆。 | Yet for many Jews and Poles, the uprising was not heroic, but the harbinger of death. | |
18 | 人们喜欢把危害事件看作是人类文明的终结的预兆,这种渴望也扎根于人类的另外一个特征:自负。 | The desire to treat terrible events as the harbinger of the end of civilization itself also has roots in another human trait: vanity. | |
19 | 认为美国不断飙升的财政赤字是未来通胀预兆的,不止是美国共和党人。 | Republicans are not alone in believing that the soaring US fiscal deficit is a harbinger of future inflation. | |
20 | 如果Harbinger未能在7月11日前获得批准,就必须在3个交易日内售出这4.27%的股份。 | If Harbinger fails to secure approval by July 11, it would have to sell the 4. 27 per cent stake within three trading days. | |
21 | 如果没有政策上的变化,这场信贷紧缩可能会成为未来中国金融危机的预兆。 | In the absence of policy change the credit squeeze could be regarded as a harbinger of a Chinese crash to come. | |
22 | 如果是这样,将会看到另一个恐怖的预兆:预期北大西洋传送带将停止。 | If so, it will be seen as a harbinger of a another horror: the prospect of a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyor. | |
23 | 如果一个长期延误的政党大会在今年举行的话,那会议的召开可能会是另一种改革的预兆。 | If a long-overdue party congress is held this year, that may be another harbinger of reform. | |
24 | 三一重工不是一家典型的中国企业,但它代表着未来的方向。 | Sany is not a typical Chinese company, but it is a harbinger of things to come. | |
25 | 事实上,国际金融市场将中国的复苏迹象当成为全球经济复苏的前哨。 | Indeed, international financial market is portraying China’s perceived recovery at the harbinger for global recovery. | |
26 | 事实上,目前通胀保值政府债券受到公众热捧,可能就是未来通胀预期上升的一个预兆。 | Indeed, the public’s rush into inflation-protected government bonds may be a harbinger of a future rise in inflation expectations. | |
27 | 是否越南的困境正预示着亚洲其他地区的麻烦呢? | Could Vietnam’s difficulties be a harbinger of trouble elsewhere in Asia? | |
28 | 是货币发行泛滥的后果吗?这是否预示着难以抑制的通货膨胀近在眼前? | Is it the result of excessive money creation, a harbinger of runaway inflation just around the corner? | |
29 | 他的出局预示着,近来CEO流动率有所下降的局面即将出现逆转。 | His exit is a harbinger of an impending reversal in the recent decline in CEO turnover rates. | |
30 | 王绩:盛唐山水田园诗的先声 | Wang Ji, Harbinger of Landscape and Pastoral Poetry in the Prosperous Period of Tang Dynasty |