1 | "找份工作"这句蠢话成了《哈利·波特》传奇的一部分。在一些历史更悠久的出版社拒绝出版该书后,坎宁安先生代表英国出版商布卢姆斯伯里买下该书的出版权,这也成为此传奇的一部分。 | The "find a day job" blunder has become part of the legend of Harry Potteras has Mr. Cunningham’s role in picking up the book on behalf of Bloomsburyits publisher in the UKafter otherlongerestablished companies had turned it down | |
2 | “这钱一定是哈里偷的。”“别胡说八道!” | ’The money must be stolen by Harry .’ ’Get out of it!’ | |
3 | 《哈里·波特》系列的第三部分发生了一点转变,变得更阴暗了,年轻的魔法师被一个从魔法师监狱中逃出来的凶恶的魔术师追逐。 | The third installment of the "Harry Potter" series takes a dark turn as the young sorcerer is sought by a murderous wizard who escapes from a prison for conjurers | |
4 | 1913年,一位名叫哈里·布里尔利的冶金家试图发现一种适合做枪管的金属。 | In 1913 Harry Brearley, a metallurgist, was trying to find a metal suitable for making gun barrels | |
5 | 1944年的选举,没有连选华莱士为副总统,而是按照民主党的代表大会,选了密苏里州的参议员杜鲁门。 | Instead of renominating Vice President Henry Wallace in the election of 1944, the Democratic convention chose the ’Senator from Missouri, Harry S. Truman | |
6 | 6杯威士忌下肚,哈里两腿站不住了。特德说:“你醉了,我还是为你叫一辆出租车吧。” | After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet"You’re as pissed as a newt"Ted said"I’d better get you to a taxi" | |
7 | 安:看,哈里!那个警察正在对你招手。他要你停下来。 | Ann: Look, Harry ! That policeman’s waving to you. He wants you to stop. | |
8 | 暗淡的阳光已开始射进屋子,把可怜的福克收罗的那些歌剧舞剧中的美女图片,照耀得闪闪烁烁,光彩夺目。 | dusky streams of sunbeams were playing into that room, and lighting up poor Harry ’s gallery of dancing girls and opera nymphs with flickering illuminations | |
9 | 把哈利?霍普金斯或多诺万上校和这类无名小卒列入一类是不准确的。 | To class Harry Hopkins or even Colonel Donovan with these anonymous small-bore persons is inaccurate | |
10 | 波士顿(路透社)-刚刚出版的这部哈里波特魅力无穷,带来了一种出人意料的副作用。 | boston (Reuters)-The spell cast by the latest Harry Potter book may have an unintended side effect | |
11 | 不论张三李四,这个醉汉逢人就诉苦。 | The drunk told his troubles to every tom, dick and harry who passed by. | |
12 | 不要再烦恼了,哈里。我们现在什么都不能做了。 | Don’t worry about it, Harry . There’s nothing we can do now. | |
13 | 裁缝量了哈里的尺寸给他做新上衣。 | The tailor measured Harry for a new jacket. | |
14 | 传统的一套当然有它的缺点,但我并不认为有选择一个总统提名人的更好的办法(哈利·S·杜鲁门)。 | The convention system has its faults,of course,but I do not know of a better method for choosing a presidential nominee(Harry S Truman. | |
15 | 从1970年开始,她用在博得哈里欢心上的工夫超过经营房地产。哈里与结缡33年的发妻离异,1972年当利昂娜应许减肥20磅后和她结婚。 | Beginning in1970, she spent more time sweeping Harry off his feet than she did in her real estate career. He divorced his wife of33 years and married Leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds. | |
16 | 从汤姆开始,他才十二岁,最后是哈里,他十七岁。 | I shall take you in order of your ages--starting with Tom who is only twelve, and finishing with Harry , who is seventeen | |
17 | 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫被数百名尖叫的影迷的热情欢迎惊呆了,影迷们排队等候在《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚犯》美国首映式的外面。 | Daniel Radcliffe appeared stunned by the enthusiastic reception he received from hundreds of shrieking fans who lined up outside the U.S. premiere of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." | |
18 | 但实际上民主党的杜鲁门赢得了连任 | In fact Democrat Harry Truman won re-election | |
19 | 当《哈里·波特》的少年影星们成长为英俊迷人的男子时,他们的表演也有了新的深度,克里斯·哥伦布说,他导演了前两部《哈里·波特》,在第三部中,他仍然是制片人。 | As they grow into their roles as heartthrobs, the teenage "Harry Potter" stars are also giving performances with new depth, said Chris Columbus, who directed the first two "Harry Potter" movies and remained a producer on the third | |
20 | 当他们向他冲击时,哈利用他的大手杖向四周挥打。 | When they rushed at him, harry laid about him with his big stick | |
21 | 当我告诉哈里让他腾出房间时,本想他一定会感到十分震惊,不料他却顺从地接受了。 | It must have been a terrible shock to Harry when I told him he would have to give up his room, but he took it like a lamb. | |
22 | 告诉托姆、狄克和哈利,我已从死里复活。 | And tell Tom, dick and Harry I rose from the dead | |
23 | 根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。 | Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one. | |
24 | 公司的一位发言人哈里·索伊斯特是一位退役陆军中将,曾任国防情报局局长。他说:"军事专业资源股份有限公司的人从来不带枪。 | "No one has ever carried a gun while at MPRI," says Harry Soyster, a company spokesman who is a retired lieutenant general and a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency | |
25 | 哈雷在舞台上表演了一个小舞蹈。 | Harry performed a little dance on the stage. | |
26 | 哈里,我认为你应该听一听这件事情的原委。 | I think you ought to hear the circumstances, Harry | |
27 | 哈里比赛一开始就跑在前面。 | Harry was in the lead from the beginning of the race. | |
28 | 哈里出去会见任何人前总是确保自己看上去整洁干净。 | Harry always makes sure he looks spick and span before he goes to meet anyone. | |
29 | 哈里从围墙上跳下来时扭伤了脚踝。 | Harry wrenched his ankle when he jumped down from the fence. | |
30 | 哈里得了6分,苏珊得了8分,但艾莉森得分最多 | Harry got 6 points, Susan got 8 points but alison got most |