属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C96-022-4-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 60749-4-2002
1 | "海丝特,"他说,"我不对你盘诘:出于什么原因或以何种方式,你堕入了深渊,或者宁可说,你登上了耻辱的刑台--我正是在那儿见到你的。 | "Hester,"" said he, ""I ask not wherefore, nor how, thou hast fallen into the pit, or say, rather, thou hast ascended to the pedestal of infamy, on which I found thee." | |
2 | "既然你曾经是我的妻子,我要求你必须做到一点,"那学者继续说。"你始终不肖泄露你的奸夫。 | "One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee,"" continued the scholar. ""Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour." | |
3 | "你干嘛要这样子冲我笑?"海丝特对着他的目光费解地问。"你打算象那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们吗?你是不是已经把我引进了一个圈套,证明我的灵魂给毁绰了呢?" | "Why dost thou smile so at me?"" inquired Hester, troubled at the expression of his eyes. ""Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?" | |
4 | "你应该认识一下珠儿!"她说。"我们的小珠儿!你已经见过她了,--是啊,我知道的!--但现在你要用另一副目光来见她。 | "Thou must know Pearl!"" said she. ""Our little Pearl! Thou hast seen her-yes, I know it!-but thou wilt see her now with other eyes." | |
5 | "我恳求你了,"牧师回答说,"如果你有什么办法能让这孩子安静下来,赶紧拿出来吧! | "I pray you,"" answered the minister, ""if thou hast any means of pacifying the child, do it forthwith! " | |
6 | "知道的,妈妈,"那孩子说。"那是一个大写的A宇。你已经在字帖上教过我了。" | "Yes, mother,"" said the child. ""It is the great letter A. Thou hast taught me in the horn-book." | |
7 | “你犯什么傻呀!”大公主说,“你老是担心这,担心那,难道你忘了那么多王子想窥探我们,结果都徒劳送命了吗?瞧这老兵,即使我不给他安眠药吃,他也会呼呼大睡的。” | Thou art a goose, who art always frightened, said the eldest.Hast thou forgotten how many Kings’ sons have already come here in vain? I had hardly any need to give the soldier a sleeping-draught, in any case the clown would not have awakened. | |
8 | “去卖掉你所有的财产,赠给穷人,把财富积存在天上,然后跟我来”。 | Sell all thou hast ,and give it to the poor,and follow me. | |
9 | 啊.春日的歌哪里去了?但不要想这些吧,你也有你的音乐--当波状的云把将逝的一天映照,以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野 | Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,---While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; | |
10 | 半导体器件.机械和气候试验方法.第4部分:湿热、稳态、高加速应力试验 | Semiconductor devices-Mechanical and climatic test methods-Part 4 : damp heat, steady state, highly accelerated stress test (HAST ). | |
11 | 半导体器件.机械和气候试验方法.稳态有毒热高度加速试验 | Semiconductor devices-Mechanical and climatic test methods-Damp heat, steady state, highly accelerated stress test (HAST ) | |
12 | 比利将带三明治来,艾利斯将带土豆片来,菲尔带的是柠檬汽水,那也不错嘛。 | Billy will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring potato chips, and last but not the hast Phil will bring the lemonade. | |
13 | 不过你已经放弃了那场日暮途穷的斗争。 | But thou hast now given up that falling cause. | |
14 | 不要过河拆桥。 | Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast sometime durnk. | |
15 | 从什么不可知的天空,您在您的沉默里带来了爱的痛苦的秘密? | From what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love? | |
16 | 但除非你已要跟神一道走,否则还是不要把你的一切都卖掉。 | But, sell not all thou hast , except thou come and follow me; that is, except thou have a vocation, wherein thou mayest do as much good, with little means as with great; for otherwise, infeeding the streams, thou driest the fountain | |
17 | 凡是经过考验的朋友,就应该把他们紧紧地团结在你的周围。--莎士比亚 | Those friends thou hast , and their adoptiontried. Grapples them to thy owl with hoops of steel.-- William Shakespeare | |
18 | 妇人呀,你用泪海包绕着世界的心,正如大海包绕着大地。 | Woman,thou hast encircled the world’s heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth. | |
19 | 该隐对天主说:“我受不了这个惩罚。今天你把我从这里赶走,不让我再出现在你面前,我将成为一个流浪汉,到处漂泊,遇见我的人都可能杀死我。” | cain said to the Lord, My punishment is heavier than I can bear;thou hast driven me today from the ground, and I must hide myself from thy presence. I shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth, and any one who meets me can kill me | |
20 | 歌--莎士比亚。不用再怕骄阳的炙烤,也不用怕严冬的凶残;人世的工作你已做好,领了工资把家还。功成名就的男女都得归于尘埃,就像那扫烟囱的小孩。 | Song--Shakespeare. Fear neither more the heat o’th’sun nor the furious winter’s rages; thou thy worldly task hast done, home art gone, and taken thy wages. Golden lads and girls all must as chimneysweepers, come to dust. | |
21 | 呵,宠儿,你有爱奥尼亚人的嘴唇。 | O Favourite, thou hast ionian lips | |
22 | 她不会老,虽然你不能如愿以偿,你将永远爱下去,她也永远秀丽! | She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss, For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair! | |
23 | 可是说实在的,我一进去就赶快逃出来,因为我朝地穴深处一看,只见里面一片漆黑 | But I must confess to you, I made more hast out than I did in, when looking farther into the place, and which was perfectly dark | |
24 | 可是在上帝的全宇宙里,总共才只;三个人听见了你那句话:除了 | But only three in all God’s universe;Have heard this word thou hast said,--Himself, beside | |
25 | 那你干什么从那灯光辉映的纱窗里;望向我?--我,一个凄凉、流浪的 | Of chief musician. What hast _thou_ to do;With looking from the lattice-lights at me | |
26 | 你那小小的婴儿都用她那天赐的声音,来附和并肯定你所听到的规劝了。把那人的姓名说出来吧!那样,再加上你的悔改,将有助于从你胸前取下那红字。 | That little babe hath been gifted with a voice, to second and confirm the counsel which thou hast heard. Speak out the name! That, and thy repentance, may avail to take the scarlet letter off thy breast. | |
27 | 你那样慷慨豪爽的施主呀,你把;你心坎里金碧辉煌的宝藏、 | What can I give thee back, O liberal;And Princely giver, who hast brought the gold | |
28 | 你已经使我永生,这样做是你的欢乐。 | Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. | |
29 | 你曾经受到邀请,进入了宫廷,;温雅的歌手!你唱着崇高的诗篇 | Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor, ;Most gracious singer of the high poems! where | |
30 | 你掌握了我生命的寸寸光阴。 | Thou hast taken every moment of my life in thine own hands. |