属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN ISO 5778-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 83104-1985
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 "山竹"袭击香港 加州204
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新小说 胖子是个大问题
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与航海相关的短语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与航海相关的短语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与航海相关的短语
1 | 造船技术.防风雨的小型钢舱盖 | Ships and marine technology-Small weathertight steel hatches | |
2 | 重型船门和舱口盖的窗搭闩的搭扣 | Dogs for heavy hinged doors on ships and for hatches | |
3 | 自卫的本能警告他用木条把仓门钉好,把火头闷熄,不要闯出大祸来。 | The instinct of self-preservation warned him to batten down his hatches , to smother the fire with want of air | |
4 | 作业仓口数和装卸工班数目。当船方要对所提供的工力账单进行核查时,这是必须的。 | The numbers of the hatches working and the number of gangs of stevedores employed. This is necessary in case that the vessel may have a check when the bill for stevedoring is tendered. | |
5 | ||1:当飓风“佛罗伦萨”逼近美国东南海岸时,约170万人被命令撤离。||2:这次风暴可能是几十年来袭击卡罗来纳州最猛烈的一次。||3:在南卡罗来纳,高速公路被改为单向路线,远离海岸的危险。||4:在地球的另一端,香港在超级台风“山竹”(Mangkhut)来临前做好了准备,预计这将是袭击香港的最强风暴之一。 | ||1:Around 1.7m people were ordered to evacuate the south-eastern coast of the United States as Hurricane Florence bore down on the region.||2:The storm could be the strongest to hit the Carolinas in decades.||3:In South Carolina freeways were converted to one-way routes away from the danger on the coast.||4:On the other side of the world, Hong Kong battened down the hatches ahead of Super Typhoon Mangkhut, forecast to be one of the strongest storms to hit the territory. | |
6 | ||1:兄妹间多年少有联络,再见面时,妹妹被哥哥吓了一跳。||2:她原本相貌英俊、身形窈窕的哥哥如今成了一座瘫在加宽轮椅上的肉山,曾经弹奏爵士钢琴的手指如今鼓胀得像肠衣即将爆裂的德式香肠。||3:“瞪眼直视俨然成了无礼冒犯,泪流满面则更甚。”||4:爱迪生努力想同潘多拉一家人待一段时间。||5:但他身形庞大,到处添乱,胃口惊人,自吹自擂的故事里还捎带着忿恨爱迪生的胡吹乱侃让潘多拉的婚姻关系变得紧张,扰乱了她平静的生活。为了挽救哥哥,潘多拉想出了一个戏剧性的方案来帮他减肥,之后一切更是乱了套。 | ||1: After years of limited contact, however, the sight of him comes as a shock. ||2: Her once handsome and sylphlike brother has become a mountain of flesh in a double-wide wheelchair, his jazz-pianist fingers bulging like bratwurst just before the skin splits. ||3: “It was rude to stare, and even ruder to cry.” ||4: Struggling, Edison hopes to stay with Pandora and her family for a little while. ||5: But his presence is outsized and disruptive, his appetites epic, his boastful stories tinged with resentment (“Hey I’ve played with some heavy cats, dig?”). Edison’s bombast strains Pandora’s marriage and disturbs the balance of her life, especially after she hatches a dramatic plan to slim him down in order to save him. | |
7 | Battens是指薄木条。Hatches是指甲板上的舱门。在风暴来临前,水手使用防水材料盖好舱门,然后用薄木条把舱门覆盖物钉牢。这样可以防止雨水和海浪进入船舱。 | Battens are thin pieces of wood. Hatches are the openings in the deck. Before a storm, sailors cover the hatches with waterproof material. Then they nail on battens to hold the hatch coverings firmly in place. This keeps rain and waves out of the ship. | |
8 | 和航海相关的另一个短语是batten down the hatches(未雨绸缪)。这是水手们在海上为风暴所要做的准备。 | Another expression linked to sailing is batten down the hatches . That is what sailors do to prepare their ship for a storm at sea. | |
9 | 例如,一则新闻报道可以说,华盛顿的人们正准备迎战暴风雪。或者报纸可能报道称 “辩护律师正就目击证人证言进行辩护”。 | A news report, for example, might say that people in Washington were battening down the hatches for a big winter storm. Or a newspaper might report that "defense lawyers were ’battening down the hatches’ for testimony by someone who observed the crime." | |
10 | 保罗的儿子大卫,过去常常在冬天的时候把哈奇夫妇的车道犁平。 | Paul’s son Dave used to plow the Hatches ’ driveway in the winter. | |
11 | 而且,该公司的其他行动表明,六月初,它在为自己预测到的困难时期休整舱口。 | And the company’s other actions suggest that it is battening down the hatches for a much rougher time than it expected at the start of June. | |
12 | 哥斯达黎加政府称,这一企图失败后,他们服从了命令,没有开启将船只下沉的舱门盖。 | After that failed, they complied with orders not to open hatches designed to sink the craft, said the Coast Guard. | |
13 | 将开六个舱。请做好准备。 | There will be six hatches in operation. Please keep fit. | |
14 | 仅仅三四天的时间,蜂卵就能发育成幼虫。 | In only three to four days, the egg hatches into a larva. | |
15 | 紧固好所有吊杆及索具,然后封舱。 | Secured all derrick booms and other fittings, then battened down all hatches . | |
16 | 凯尔.万德.齐尔斯和他的一只鸡在哈奇夫妇的后院里。 | Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches . | |
17 | 另一个与航海相关的表达是“用半条封舱”。 | Another expression linked to sailing is " batten down the hatches " . | |
18 | 目视查看主舱门、服务门和客舱应急出口状态完好。 | Visually check the main door, service door and passenger cabin escape hatches are in good condition. | |
19 | 然而,通过更仔细地观察,我们可以清晰地发现,这场危机迫使整个保险业严正以待。 | On closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that the crisis forced the industry as a whole to batten down the hatches . | |
20 | 让我们重新看一眼那个从约翰·赫特胸前开膛出来的怪物。 | Take another look at the creature that hatches from John Hurt’s chest. | |
21 | 首末次开舱盖 | First opening & final closing of hatches | |
22 | 所以,如果我干成了件什么事,如给我自己建造的皮艇舱口刷环氧树脂,我就度过了伟大的一天。 | So if I get something done, like epoxy the hatches of the kayak I’m building, it’s a great day. | |
23 | 他们一起旅游,桑德拉还带哈奇夫妇看医生。 | They traveled together and she took the Hatches to doctors’ appointments. | |
24 | 团结舱有6个舱门,其中一个与曙光连接,其余的门与其他太空舱相连接。 | Unity has six hatches . One is connected to Zarya, and others serve as connectors for other modules. | |
25 | 我们已经装完(卸完)货了,请关舱 | We’ve finished loading (discharging), close the hatches , please. | |
26 | 泄露检查一旦完成,航天飞机和空间站之间的舱门预定在周三早晨4时41分开启,启动会合过程。 | Once leak checks are completed, the hatches between the vehicles are scheduled to open at 4: 41 a. m. Wednesday to begin joint operations. | |
27 | 亚特兰大太空梭和国际空间站的机组人员星期天下午激动地相互告别,然后关闭了对接舱口。 | The crews of Atlantis and the International Space Station had an emotional farewell Sunday before they closed the hatches . | |
28 | 在他们看来,市场仍在增长,因此,在暴风雨尚未来临时就急忙封舱,显然是不划算的。 | In their view, battening down the hatches at a time when their markets are still growing would be, quite simply, bad business. | |
29 | 这鸟孵出来就会飞。 | This bird can fly the day it hatches . | |
30 | 政权内乱时,独裁者咔嗒咔嗒走下楼梯,封闭洞口; | Dictators clatter down the stairs and batten down the hatches as their regimes implode; |